Thursday, April 23, 2009

Flax 101

In my ongoing attempt to bore you all to tears on the subject of New Zealand Flax I wanted to share a link to this article on the San Marcos Growers website, they talk about color stability, flowering, and identify the different cultivars. The article also has several links to other pages within their website with more info. Fun Stuff for a plant nerd like me.

The picture above is one of my ‘Yellow Wave’ Flax making a brave comeback after this winter’s killing arctic event. It was a beautiful plant that I hope will make a recovery. I am trying to remind myself that patience is a virtue…it is, right?


  1. I hope my Yellow Wave makes a comeback. It's still looking pretty gone. I didn't even know that New Zealand Flax flowered until I saw one on a business trip, in some Cupertino parking lot. I went up and tugged on it to make sure it was attached and real (you should know I'm a complete dork).

  2. HA! I wish I could have seen that! I read about them flowering in one of my garden books with a note about how it would basically never happen in the PNW, then last summer one of mine did! I was so amazed, it was yellow, the hummingbirds loved it. The pics are on the computer that's at the doctor, hopefully someday I'll get it back and can post them! I also saw the flax at Lloyd Center flowered last summer, they were beautiful, sort of a rust color.

  3. Oh LOREE!!!
    I am the BIGGEST San Marcos fan - I go there 3 times a year to stock up of all the plants we love. It is SUCH an amazing place to be!
    One Phormium that is a very consistent bloomer is 'Duet' - it's variegated, upright, and about 2 ft tall, but blooms every year, almost all summer. I wonder if it would bloom reliably up there for you guys. How thrilling that you experienced a Phormium blooming in your garden! The birds really do go crazy over them.
    Next time I go to San Marcos, I'll dedicate the post in your honor!

  4. Germi! I am so jealous! Are they open to the public? Maybe someday I can visit...I have not ever seen a 'Duet' I'll keep my eyes open...

    I look forward to your San Marcos visit...I live my California lifestyle vicariously through you and your friends...


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