Plants I am Hunting For

A short list of plants I'm hunting for:

Plants I've hunted and found (and where)
  • Acacia cognata 'Cousin Itt' - Farwest Show, Youngblood Nursery booth
  • Adenanthos sericeus (Coastal Woollybush) - WeHoP
  • Adiantum hispidulum (dead?)
  • Agave celsii var. albicans - Gerhard Bock picked up for me at Ruth Bancroft
  • Agave 'Joe Hoak' - San Marcos Growers
  • Agave victoriae-reginae (mature) - B&B Cactus Farm
  • Akebia longeracemosa 'Victor's Secret' - Cistus Nursery
  • Aloe capitata var. quartziticola - from Denise at AGO
  • Asphodeline lutea - Dancing Oaks
  • Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Prostrata', aka Spreading Japanese Plum Yew - Swanson's Nursery
  • Clematis tibetana var. vernayi - Cistus Nursery
  • Coniogramme emeiensis - Keeping it Green Nursery
  • Dierama 'Merlin' - Portland Nursery, Division
  • Doodia media Little Prince of Oregon
  • Eryngium giganteum - Garden Fever (Xera) 40% off
  • Euphorbia lathyris - Dragonfly Farms & Nursery
  • Euphorbia stygiana - Garden Fever (Xera)
  • Ficus pumila 'Monier's Hardy' - Cistus Nursery
  • Grevillea x gaudichaudii - The Desert Northwest and Cistus Nursery
  • Lonicera crassifolia groundcover honeysuckle - Joy Creek Nursery
  • Lysimachia Paridiformis F. Stenophylla - Cistus Nursery
  • Mahonia fortunei - Cistus Nursery
  • Mahonia gracilipes - Lan Su plant sale (Dancing Oaks)
  • Mahonia 'Indianola Silver' - Dan Hinkley via Evan Bean
  • Maihuenia poeppigii - Cistus Nursery
  • Manihot grahamii - Cistus Nursery
  • Marrubium rotundifolium - Blooming Junction
  • Onoclea sensibilis - Little Prince of Oregon
  • Poncirus trifoliata 'Flying Dragon' - Cistus Nursery
  • Paris polyphylla - Cistus Nursery
  • Podophyllum pleianthum - Cistus Nursery
  • Orthophytum gurkenii - got Orthophytum magalhaesii at Ranch Cacto, close enough!
  • Quesnelia marmorata - The Dry Garden
  • Saxifraga x longifolia - Wild Ginger Farm (HPSO plant sale)
  • Schefflera taiwaniana - Cistus Nursery
  • Sophora prostrata 'Little Baby' - Cistus Nursery


  1. I see that your must have list mostly get's satisfied at Cistus. Talk around town also points me that way for some hard to finds. To bad I have to cross a border to get my hands on them.

    1. Even though there is a border involved you would still LOVE a visit to Cistus, no doubt about it. The border doesn't completely keep you from bringing plants back does it? With your professional ties couldn't you work it somehow?

    2. AnonymousJuly 18, 2012

      Cistus has been known to arrange for phyto certs for shipping, usually around "occations" like HPSO's study weekends, or some such.

  2. Le deux plantes recherchées et aux noms inconnus pourraient être
    Euphorbia mellifera and Elegia capensis. J'ai la première qui est assez facile à bouturer. La seconde se sème bien à condition de traiter les graines à la fumée.
    Bonne chance.

    1. Merci JP! I believe you are correct. And I think I can get these at Cistus.

  3. Check Plant Delights nursery for
    Agaves. Have been pleased with the plants I order from them.

    1. One issue with PD is their freight charges are way too high. near $50 for 6 plants. If i buy a $150 agave I still pay near 50 to get to Oregon. With agaves there is no need to ship 3 day air and in their pots. I have asked that they ship with out soil and slower but no way. I have purchased numerous agaves from them but at these rates I am questioning if I wil do so in the future. By the way I have more than 60 agaves here is the south Willamette valley in green house and summer grden.

    2. I couldn't agree more "unknown"...PD has outrageous shipping charges! I did recently do a combo order with friends, we each got 2 plants and paid a third of the shipping charge. It's still outrageous, but not as bad for anyone person. I want to see your garden and greenhouse!

  4. Ohh. I want Cousin Itt TOO!

  5. Need a Echinocactus texensis as well? I ask because I have a considerable number of them rescued from a West Texas ranch (the choice was to bulldoze them, as they were an immediate threat to children and animals) or dig them up, move them, and get them acclimated to pot life, and I suspect an old horsecrippler would fit right in. Feel free to let me know if you're interested, because it's on me.

  6. Not sure if you're still looking for Agave 'Joe Hoak', but I've seen 5-gal examples at big box within the past couple months, so they'll be everywhere soon.

    1. I am still looking for Joe, and that's great news! I wonder how long it will take to see one up here in Oregon? A girl can dream.

  7. Loree, the Agave 'Joe Hoak' is typically available from San Marcos Growers in Santa Barbara, and I think Monterey Bay Wholesale in Watsonville may also grow this. Surely there are local retailers that buy in from both these California wholesalers at least once each year? Couldn't you request some local retail nursery order one for you? I've found it a bit sensitive to rotting out with too much winter rains, and also a bit cold sensitive and vulnerable to snail damage over winter, but otherwise easy to grow here in Berkeley. My plants tend to offset regularly, so once you have one grown to size, you'll soon have your own source for more babies. It is a very attractive Agave, but do you really need another that is as winter cold sensitive as Agave attenuata and must be brought inside for winter? :D I do understand the urge to grow what is hard to find, and wish some of those more interesting Mahonia species or Scheffleras you're growing were available down here. We have the same problem that most broker wholesale nurseries don't regularly get deliveries from Oregon/Washington growers but once a year, and I'm not as familiar with PNW growers with on-line catalogs similar to SMG or MBN to see what's available from up north. Good luck with your search, and if you're making a trip down to the Bay Area again at some point, I could hold some 1/5 gallon sized Agave 'Joe Hoak' for you, and maybe round up some 4" size pups as well. David in Berkeley

    1. San Marcos was the first place I ever saw "Joe" and have regretted ever since not begging to buy one. Of course you're right, I don't really NEED another tender agave but it's so beautiful! My oldest agave is a 'desmettiana' so I have some hope of being able to successfully overwinter it. Although in my experience anything with increased variegation is also a little less vigorous. Thank you for the offer of wrangling and holding a couple...while I'm tempted to say "yes please!" there is also the anticipation of someday coming face to face with one myself, and the ensuing excitement.

      You should check out the links to the wholesalers on the nurseries page of, we've got links to some of the larger wholesalers up here, or I should say at least the ones I'm familiar with. Of course there is also that little company called Monrovia. Or of course Cistus has all the good stuff too and they ship!

    2. Plant Delights carries Manihot grahamii

  8. Lori-
    I think I have a G x gaudichaudii knocking around in the back of the green house. If I can find it your welcome to it. In my old garden I had it for 10 years. It was 14'across and it had a (very low to the ground) 10" (circumference) on its trunk. It bloomed off an on all year and I loved the red new growth. It went away at 9ºF in Dec. 2009. Even better and hardier to cold is one of the parents of the hybrid G.laurifolia. It hardier than gaudichaudii)Reputedly. Unfortunately its next to impossible to root.
    I'll check the green house tomorrow. If its there its a torchered soul.

    1. Thank you!!! But who are you? I hope you find it who ever you are, and thank you again!

  9. Daniels in San Diego County has small S. Haworthii for $4 a pop:

    1. Thanks! Once things warm up I'll check it out.

  10. Have you looked into the Puya family? One has been referred to as the "sheep eating plant". The recurved spines are wicked sharp and handling one without heavy gloves is like washing a loose cat. The Berkley Arboretum has a giant Puya Raimondii blooming this year. The basic plant is over 6' tall and the flower stalk could go to 10 meters. Most types are 2 to 5 feet across before blooming.

  11. hi there,

    i was just at portland nursery on stark street today and i am 99% sure they have the japanese plum yew. worth calling at least! it was over by the rhododendrons

  12. If you have a reason to visit Seattle, Swansons had four one-gallon spreading Japanese plum yews when I stopped by this afternoon. Actually five, but I rehomed one.

    1. I'm jealous! I won't be up that way until the NWFGS in February.

  13. If you haven’t found Iris foetidissima yet, I’d be happy to give you a division from mine. Not sure when we will be up next. The pandemic has thrown a whole toolbox into my nursery visits. I love mine, but it does seed around. JW

    1. I located one a few years back, but it was weak and died off before it even had a chance to bloom. Do you have the one that blooms a sort of green/yellow? That's what I am specifically hunting for. I hear you about the pandemic and travel...

  14. Jerry WeilandMarch 11, 2021

    Whoa, totally lost track of this thread. Things got crazy last summer. I can send you a picture of the iris in bloom to see if you like it. I will look for a picture tonight.

    1. That makes two of us! Crazy times indeed. A very kind reader brought me some divisions of her plant last summer. So I am covered, unless you have the one that looks like this, I am still trying to find this one:

    2. So glad you found it. Sadly, I don’t have the citrina one. I see why you like it. I just started reading your blog from the beginning and enjoy it very much. Thanks for sticking with it!

  15. AnonymousMay 10, 2023

    This plant grows wild here, where I live in upereast TN, Southwest VA. How can I send you some?
    Asarum marmoratum Piper
    Marbled wild ginger, Marbled wildginger


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