I am always up for looking at other peoples gardens, I love to see how they arrange their space and the plant materials they’ve chosen. Last weekend was the Association of NW Landscape Designers “Behind the Scenes Garden Tour” an opportunity to see how the professionals (those that actually get paid to do it!) designed 10 urban gardens around Portland. My in-laws from Tennessee were visiting us and this seemed like a great way to spend the day with them.
We started at the garden closest to our home. This metal fencing material held back the laurel and created an accessible pathway (top, and below). Even though you can’t clearly see it, it did run the entire length of the hedge. I wonder does it must make it easier to trim too? I should have asked. I know Laurel is a fast grower and keeping it in check is a constant battle. Also in this garden they had very carefully attached the stems of their Crocosmia to small bamboo stakes, with bit of wire, to keep them upright. Mine lean forward and can be a little floppy, I’d never considered tying them up, I never like the way it looks but in this case it was done very well. If I had the patience I would consider doing this.

At the next garden this little evergreen caught my eye. Not normally my type of plant and I’m embarrassed to admit I have no idea what it is, I am sure you all know. The colors and textures were fabulous.

And speaking of the colors and textures I love this old CMU wall. I hope you can see the diamond shapes. It was the back wall of a pergola covered setting area. Fun.

This same home/garden had this crazy little deck over the garage. Don’t understand its purpose! There was no way to get into the space! This would drive me crazy.

This driveway wasn’t actually part of the tour, it was the house next door but I had to sneak over and take a couple of pictures. How cool are these little niches and the monks head plaque?

The next garden was billed as a family garden with places for the kids to play. They integrated a sand box area along with a net to pull over it so that it doesn’t become a cat box. There were beautiful Nasturtiums all over this garden, one of those plants I have to enjoy in others space because I can never get them to grow in my garden.

Lunch break at the
Chapel Pub, another McMenamin’s restaurant. It used to be a funeral parlor until it was renovated a couple of years ago. Since we were in garden tour mode we walked around the grounds prior to lunching and I spotted this! I love it! I hope someone can identify it….

There was also this happy huge Callistemon which gives me hope for the pair I planted earlier this spring. I wish I had noticed them earlier so I could note how they grow and how last winter treated them.

This bright grass/garage wall combo caught my eye, from a block away as we got out of the car and headed to the next location, it just glows!

The next garden turned out to be my favorite of the tour. That one, and others, tomorrow!