Friday, June 12, 2009

Hungry Gunnera creature, found!

I did find a Weevil on the Gunnera tonight - on the very leaf that was so destroyed. Is he the culprit? Dunno...but I will continue to hunt. Luckily my husband is an insect "fan" and we were able to look it up (this is a great book for just this thing!) - it's a Black Vine Weevil and he is a "nocturnal pest of many plants", which doesn't really get to the point but is still fitting. The saga will continue...


  1. Oh, a weevil! Hm, sure looks chubby, I bet there's some gunnera in that belly... who got squishing duty?

  2. AnonymousJune 12, 2009

    Hi DG~~ Yay! I'm glad you found the culprit--the evil weevil. Call me cold and calloused but I've gotten to the point where I don't mind hearing the "crunch" when their little bodies are smashed to smithereens. Here's to fresh new weevil-free growth.

  3. A weevil is a real thing? I would have thought it was a made up name of a critter if you didn't identify it. I wonder what you do about weevils. They are apparently real jerks.

  4. Yes whodda thought? A weevil. Is this bad...we "dispose" of these pests (slugs too) by just burying them in the yard waste container. That way there is no death but they go away. Gosh now that I type it, it seems so wimpy and like passing the buck...

  5. Happy to hear you found your pest. Did that one little weevil do all that damage? I think I'd be looking for his friends, too!
    It's no fun, but I crush the baddies: I'd be nervous they'd find their way out of my yard debris can.

  6. Jane, exactly what I thought. I looked the leaves over good but couldn't find any more. No way that guy was traveling alone. I'll be keeping an eye on them.

  7. I know a lot of snails who've gone to the big yard debris container in the sky. Honestly, I tried to share, but they're such greedy bastards...

  8. Glad you found the pest, that gunnera doesn't deserve that kind of treatment.
    Love your header by the way.

  9. Patricia, oh thank god! I'm glad I'm not the only one.

    K & V, I've been looking for others but so far only the one. Thanks for the comment about the header. I saw the cutest 2 pugs tonight! One was pulling it's human on a skate board and the other was in a back pack. SO CUTE!


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