Gardening Events

I'm giving a talk for the Hardy Fern Foundation, and it's online, so everyone can attend!
Thursday, January 9 at 6:00pm to 8:00pm (PST)
More info and register on the HFF website, here

February 19-23, 2025 | Seattle Convention Center, 705 Pike Street, Seattle, WA
I'll be speaking at 11:15 AM in the Plant Academy... which is a FREE (no admission to the show required) seminar series held near the skybridge entrance.
My topic: #fernsarethenewsucculents

The Hardy Plant Society of Oregon's spring plant sale
April 4th and 5th, 2025
Wingspan Event Center at the Washington County Fairgrounds


  1. April 28-29th, 2012 is the Audubon Society Native Plant Sale!

  2. April 11, 2015, Gardenpalooza at Fir Point farms, Dancing Oaks and others will be there.

    April 11 & 12, 2015, Audubon Portland native plant sale.

  3. April 30, Multnomah County Master Gardeners' Incredible Edibles Plant Sale
    10 am - 4 pm, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1624 NE Hancock St., Portland

  4. Mark your calendars for the Central Arizona Cactus and Succulent Society 2018 Annual Show and Sale at the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix, Arizona. The Show and Sale is open to the public April 6-8, 2018. Many beautiful and judged cacti and succulents on display in Dorrence Hall with many plants, pottery and unique garden and plant items for sale in the garden courtyard.

  5. We met at the Botanical Garden in the Succulents area about a week ago. Will you be open this Sunday?

    1. I think you have me confused with someone else. I haven't been to any botanical garden with a succulents area in months.

  6. The House of Dreams Cat Shelter in Portland, OR, is having its annual plant and vegan bake sale on April 27th in Montavilla. Have any plants you could donate?

    1. Thanks for asking, but I've got a Little Free Greenhouse in my hellstrip and put "up for grabs" plants out there for the neighborhood.


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