Updated 3.28.24
A. Nuabtang
A. sennii
A. syriacus (3)
A. ‘Lily Pad’
A. pseudotabuliforme (? from Robert H)
A. 'Strybing Red'
A. albopilosa
A. americana
A. americana (Yucca Do)
A. americana ‘striata’ (Yucca Do)
A. americana var. protoamericana (Yucca Do)
A. americana 'Variegata' (2)
A. attenuata 'Ray of Light' (Robert H)
A. 'Baccarat' (3)
A. 'Blue Glow'
A. bracteosa (many)
A. bracteosa 'Daddy Longlegs' (Cotts/Bryon)
A. bracteosa 'Monterrey Frost' (Tim, Robert H)
A. bracteosa 'Stingray'
A. ‘Burnt Burgundy’
A. celsii var. albicans 'UCB' gave to GerhardA. chazaroi (I think this is actually 'Burnt Burgandy)
A. colorata
A. ‘Cornelius’
A. chrysantha
A. cupreata dwarf cowthorn
A. dasylirioides
A. desmettiana
A. desmettiana variegata
A. 'Felipe Otero'
A. ferdinandi-regisA. ovatifolia 'Giant Form' (seed grown, Maggie)
A. parrasana
A. parrasana 'Globe' (Nat)A. parrasana 'Meat Claw'A. parviflora (may be something else, Nat/Cotts)
A. parryi 'JC Raulston' (6)
A. parryi (Flagstaff)
A. parryi 'Lime Streak'
A. parryi 'Notorious RBG' (my name for a NOID purchased at the Ruth Bancroft garden)
A. parryi truncata (3)
A. parryi var. parryi
A. parryi var. couesii
A. parryi ‘ssp. huachucensis (from Bryon)A. schidigera 'Shira ito no Ohi'
A. schidigera 'Royal Flush'
A. Sharkskin'
A. Shawii ssp. goldmaniana
A. Shira ito no Ohi stolen!
A. 'Silver Surfer' (?)A. ‘Walmsley’s Bronze’
A. wickensii
A. 'Indian Summer'
A. isabellana
Arctostaphylos (Manzanita)
A. x ‘Austin Griffiths'
A. densiflora ‘Harmony’
A. densiflora ‘Sentinel’
A. 'Monica'
A. ringens UCBG formA. concinnum (cut off right after planting by a slug (?) hasn't returned)A. taiwanense
A.‘Silver Brocade’ (2)
A. versicolor 'Sea Foam' (several)
A. x latiloba 'Valerie Finnis'
Aspidistra -- dead? alive? winter '22/23 and '23/24 knocked them back to the ground
A. 'China Star' (2)A. 'Silver Shadow'
A. himalaica var. dolichophylla
A. japonica ‘Longifolia’ (5)
B. blechnifolia
B. canei
B. ericifolia
B. grandis dead
B. marginata
B. serrata dead
NOID (craigslist purchase)
Pleioblastus fortunei (variegated) went to live with a friend to has more space
Pleioblastus viridistriatus (variegated) went to live with a friend to has more space
Phyllostachys nigra 'Black'
Phyllostachys bissetii went to live with a friend to has more space
Pseudosasa japonica 'Japanese Arrow' (3)
Sasa palmata f. nebulosa
Sasa tsuboiana went to live with a friend to has more space
B. aff asperifolia (from Maggie, in Gillian planter)B. aff. palmata DJHM13008B. 'Curly Fireflush'
B. 'Jurassic Silver Swirl'
B. 'Little Brother Montgomery'B. caldasii B. cf. edulis
Bromeliads (Dyckia and Puya are broke out separately)
A. fasciata ‘Primera’
A. miniateN. eleutheropetala (2)
N. 'Fire Ball ' (2)V. saundersii (2)C. vulgaris 'Firefly' C. vulgaris Skyline Sydney (2)
C. vulgaris 'Stockholm' (3)C. vulgaris 'Zalina'
C. vulgaris 'Zoe'C. vulgaris 'Zeta'C. vulgaris (Wickwar Flame Heather)
C. vulgaris 'Multicolor'
C. ‘Australia’ (2)
C. 'Cleopatra'
C. 'Durban'
C. 'Red Velvet'
C. x generalis (3)
C. ‘Joyce Coulter' (removed October 2012)
C. gloriosa ‘Pt Reyes’
C. griseus horizontalis 'Diamond Heights'
C. impressus ‘Victoria’
C. thyrsiflorus 'Zanzibar'
C. 'Arctic Queen'
C. florida var. sieboldiana
C. 'Gipsy Queen'
C. 'Polish Spirit'D. leiophyllum
D. longissimum Dec 2013 freeze
D. quadrangulatum
D. wheeleri (4)
D. hybrid ‘DP401’ PP27348 (Clarity Blue Dianella) (2)D. prunina Rainbow Twist
D. revoluta ‘Allyn-Citation’ (Sunset's Coolvista™ Dianella)
D. Hybr. Dark Violet
D. pulcherrimum 'Merlin'
D. cantonese 'Green Giant'
D. cantoniense 'Moonlight' (4)
D. cantonese ‘Night Heron’ (2)E. arborea "Albert's Gold' (backyard, neighbor's garage)
E. x stuartii 'Irish Orange'
E. compositumE. alpinum
N. truncatus (Evan)
NephrolepisN. cordifolia (Raintree Tropical/Sword Fern) gave awayP. ridleyi (gave away)
P. aureum (Susan)
P. neolobatum (3)P. cretica 'Ping Wu' aka Ping Wu Dwarf Hardy Ribbon FernF. tikoua (Sean, high relevation plant Tony Rezineck)
G. aetnensis
G. lydia
G. maculatum 'Elizabeth Ann'
G. phaeum 'Samobor'
G. 'Austraflora Fanfare'
G. australis removed spring 2018
G. australis var. prostrata
G. 'Ivanhoe'
G. juniperina ‘Lava Cascade’ (3 dead,winter of 2013/14)
G. juniperina ‘Molonglo’ (lost 3 the winter of 2013/14, have planted a single "replacement")
G. lanigera Dec 2013 freeze
G. miqueliana didn't love it anymore (4/9/20)
G. 'Ned Kelly'
G. 'Neil Bell' dead for completely unknown reasons fall of 2015
G. 'Peaches and Cream'
G. ‘Poorinda Leane’ one day it was fine, the next day it was dead. Summer 2016
G. pteridifolia
G. rivularis seedlings
G. 'Superb'
G. victoriae
G. victoriae 'Murray Queen'
G. x gaudichaudii
G. manicata
G. perpensa
G. tinctoria
H. armstrongii
H. 'Bracken Hill'
H. 'Karo Golden Esk'
H. ochracea 'James Stirling'
H. pimeleoides 'Quicksilver'
H. 'Wingletye'
H. argutifolius
H. 'Black Diamond'H. angustifolia var. angustifoliaH. coriacea H. coriacea 'Cathedral Gem'
H. CameoH. ‘Dust Devil’
H. ‘June’
H. ‘Lakeside Cupcake’
H. ‘Little Sunspot’
H. 'Love Pat'
H. 'Samuel Blue'K. beharensis
K. orgyalis (Copper Spoons)
K. pumila
K. tomentosa 'Chocolate Soldier'
K. caulescens
K. hirstuta
K. NOID hybrid w/ green and yellow flowers
K. typhoides
L. ‘Dark Shadow’
L. lanigerum perfectly happy, maybe even too happy, I removed it May of 2018
L. namadgiensis (gave to a friend)
L. argenteum
L. 'Ebony'
L. 'Jester'
L. 'Jubilee Crown'
L. salignum 'Winter Red'
L. 'Silvan Red'
L. 'Wilson's Wonder'
L. cotyledon 'Sunset Series'
L. 'Little Raspberry'
L. 'Little Mango'
L. nitida 'Lemon Beauty' (hover dish planter, dead cuz winter)
L. x brownii 'Dropmore Scarlet'
L. chinense var. rubrum 'Hindwarf'L. 'Jazz Hands' mini
L. albifrons
L. arboreus
L. sericatusL. rivularis
M. figo 'Hagiwara Everblooming'
N. alata (many)N. platychila x veitchii (Dan)
N.‘La Siberica’ (2)
N. microcarpa gave to a friend
N. nelsonii Dec 2013 freeze
Nymphaea the damn raccoons have destroyed any hope I had of growing water lilies
N. 'Joey Tomocik'
N. 'Marliacea Chromatella' (water lily)
N. Perry’s Almost Black
O. aciculata
O. argentiniana
O. (Tephrocactus) articulata
O. 'Baby Rita'
O. basilaris 'Bugsy'
O. basilaris hybrid
O. basilaris ‘Sara’s Compact’
O. basilaris var. brachyclada
O. ‘Cristiani spineless’
O. cochenillifera variegata
O. cycloides
O. echinocarpa 'Portal Blonde'
O. ellisiana
O. engelmannii
O. erinacea 'Browse Cherry'
O. ficus-indica 'burbank spineless'
O. fulgida var. mammillata 'Monstrosa'
O. humifusa (3)
O. linguiformis
O. macrocentra (4)
O. mammillaris “Boxing Gloves”
O. microdasys
O. monacantha variegata
O. NOID, gifts from neighbor
O. NOID, dug in T or C, NM
O. polyacantha
O. polyacantha 'Peter Pan' (2, Kelly Grummons)
O. pusilla - gold spined form
O. x rutila
Bletilla ochracea 'Chinese Butterfly'
Rhapidophyllum hystrix (Needle Palm)
T. fortunei
R. orbiculare
R. sinogrande (4)
Senecio scaposus
Draba aizoides 'Napoleon' (used in an upcycle and plant creation)Myosotis pulvinaris (rotted before it got in the ground)
S. prostrataArabis ferdinandi-coburgi 'Old Gold' Arundo donax ‘Gold’ gave away
Astilbe x arendsii 'Chocolate Shogun'
Astilboides tabularis
Azara microphylla (2, if they come back from winter '23/24)Chondropetalum elephantinum Dec 2013 freeze
Cissus incisa 'Guadalupe' (? hmmm, don't remember seeing it last year...)
Clianthus puniceus Dec 2013 freeze
Colutea x media (I believe it's actually C. arborescens) never came back in spring
Comptonia peregrinaConvolvulus cneorum
Convallaria majalis 'Aureovariegata' (2)
Coprosma rugosa
Cornus sanguinea 'Compressa'
Correa backhouseana
Correa 'Ivory Bells'
Cotinus ‘Royal Purple'Cyperus albostriatus 'Variegatus'
Datura 'Purple Ballerina'
Delosperma 'Fire Spinner'
Dicliptera suberecta
Dioon edule
Dodonaea viscosa var. purpurea (2)
Dracaena draco
Drimys winteri
Drimys winteri var. chiloense 'Pewter Pillar' Dec 2013 freeze
Embothrium coccineum
Encephalartos horridus (dead)
Ephedra equisetina
Epipactis gigantea 'Serpentine Night'
Eriobotrya japonica (2)
Erythrina crista-galli (Cockspur Coral Tree) gave to a friend
Eulophia petersii (desert orchid, from Lance)Hymenanthera alpinaLomandra longifolia ‘Roma13’ PP25962 (Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra)
Ludisia discolor
Lysimachia paridiformis var. stenophylla
Macleaya cordata ( I think my garden is the only place this "thug" won't thrive)Pachystegia insignis
Panicum virgatum
Paulownia tomentosa
Parahebe perfoliata
Paeonia 'Smith Opus'
Pelargonium sidoides
Peltoboykinia watanabeiPeperomia kimnachii (Derick)
Phylica pubescens Dec 2013 freezePortulacaria afra ‘Lilliput’ (smart plants)
Prostanthera cuneata
Protea cynaroides
Raoulia australis (2)
Rhamnus frangula (Fine Line Buckthorn)Sarcostemma 'Green Twigs'
Sarcococca ruscifolia
Senna didymobotrya/Popcorn cassia (winter)
Senna artemisioides
Seseli gummiferum
Scadoxus puniceus
Schizachyrium scoparium 'The Blues' (2)
Scleranthus uniflorusSinningia tubiflora (aka Hardy White Gloxinia, Maggie)
Sinocrassula yunnanensisZingiber malaysianum 'Midnight'
T. asiaticum 'Ogon Nishiki' (several)
T. asiaticum 'Red Top' (2)
T. asiaticum 'Shirofu Chirimen'Y. filamentosa ‘Bronze Age’
Y. filamentosa ‘Color Guard’ (4)
Y. glauca
Y. gloriosa ‘Bright Star’
Y. gloriosa 'Variegata'
Y. harrimaniae x nana
Y. linearifolia
Y. linearifolia
Y. nana (Robert H)
Y. pallida
Y. recurvifolia
Y. recurvifolia ‘Margaritaville'
Y. recurvifolia ‘Variegata’
Y. rostrata (2)
Y. rostrata ‘Sapphire Skies’ (4)
Y. rupicola
Y. schottii ‘Chiricahua High’
Y. torreyi (Illahe, dead in SPGreenhouse)
A. dasylirioides
A. ferdinandi-regis (no markings, Cistus)
A. filifera
A. franzosinii
A. funkiana 'Blue Haze'
A. funkiana 'Fatal Attraction'
A. geminiflora
A. gentryi ‘Jaws’
A. gentryi 'Lime Streak' (made up name for pup from Linda Callahan)
A. gracilipes
A. gypsophila 'Blue Wave' overrun with Mealy Bugs
A. havardiana (2)
A. filifera
A. funkiana 'Blue Haze'
A. funkiana 'Fatal Attraction'
A. havardiana (2)
A. impressa (3)
A. isthmensis 'Rum Runner'
A. ‘Joe Hoak’ overrun with Mealy Bugs
A. 'Kissho Kan' oddly variegated
A. lechuguilla
A. lophantha 'Splendida'
A. lophantha 'Quadricolor'
A. macroacantha
A. 'Mateo' (4)
A. lophantha 'Splendida'
A. lophantha 'Quadricolor'
A. macroacantha
A. 'Mateo' (4)
A. marmorata (LPO, mass)
A. montana (2)
A. montanta (seed grown, Maggie)
A. 'Mr Ripple'
A. 'Little Shark' (aka 'Royal Spine)
A. neomexicana (3)
A. neomexicana (2) (Yucca Do)
A. ocahui
A. ocahui x attenuata blue
A. ocahui 'Wavy Gravy'
A. ornithobroma overrun with Mealy Bugs
A. ovatifolia (2)
A. ovatifolia 'Frosty Blue' (5)
A. neomexicana (3)
A. neomexicana (2) (Yucca Do)
A. ocahui
A. ovatifolia (2)
A. ovatifolia 'Frosty Blue' (5)
A. parryi 'JC Raulston' (6)
A. parryi 'Notorious RBG' (my name for a NOID purchased at the Ruth Bancroft garden)
A. parryi truncata (3)
A. parryi ‘ssp. huachucensis (from Bryon)
A. parryi ‘ssp. huachucensis 'Excelsior' (by drive)
A. parryi v. neomexicana x utahensis (deep blue form New Mexican agave, Kelly Grummons)
A. petrophila
A. potatorum
A. petrophila
A. protoamericana 'Lemon Lime' (Bryon, Windcliff)
A. pygmae ‘Dragon Toes’
A. salmiana var. ferox
A. salmiana var. ferox 'Mediopicta'
A. scabra
A. schidigera 'Black Widow'
A. salmiana var. ferox
A. schidigera 'Royal Flush'
A. 'Silver Surfer' (?)
A. splendida (3)
A. 'Streeker' (Sean)
A. striata
A. striata (Espadina form, Cistus)
A. striata ‘Nana’
A. striata
A. striata (Espadina form, Cistus)
A. striata ‘Nana’
A. stricta
A. stricta v. rubra
A. titanota
A. titanota 'Blue'
A. titanota dwarf
A. toumeyana var. bella
A. utahensis v. eborispina
A. utahensis v. utahensis
A. victoriae-reginae
A. victoriae-reginae dwarf variegate 'Golden Princess'
A. victoriae-reginae variegata
A. titanota 'Blue'
A. titanota dwarf
A. victoriae-reginae
A. victoriae-reginae dwarf variegate 'Golden Princess'
A. victoriae-reginae variegata
A. victoriae-reginae 'White Rhino'
A. weberi, 1 large, several small
A. x gracilis (2)
A. x leopoldii
A. xylonacantha (dry oasis)
A. xylonacantha (John Fairey Garden)
Aloe (yes I know many of these are no longer aloes but here, they still are...)
A. arborescens variegata
A. aristata (in the ground!) (7)
A. 'Blue Elf' gave away
A. barberae
A. brevifolia 'short-leaved aloe'
A. xylonacantha (John Fairey Garden)
Aloe (yes I know many of these are no longer aloes but here, they still are...)
A. arborescens variegata
A. aristata (in the ground!) (7)
A. barberae
A. brevifolia 'short-leaved aloe'
A. broomii
A. capitata var. quartziticola
A. 'Carmine' (hybrid)
A. conifera
A. 'Delta Lights' gave away
A. deltoideodonta
A. distans 'Jeweled Aloe'
A. divaricata
A. dorotheae
A. glauca
A. haworthioides
A. hemmingii
A. dorotheae
A. hemmingii
A. marlothii
A. microstigma
A. nobilis
A. plicatilis
A. polyphylla
A. reitzii gave away
A. striatula
A. striata
A. saponaria
A. suzannae
A. plicatilis
A. striatula
A. saponaria
A. vanbalenii
A. vaotsanda x divaricata ('Fire Ranch')
A. wickensii
A. isabellana
Arctostaphylos (Manzanita)
A. x ‘Austin Griffiths'
A. densiflora ‘Harmony’
A. 'Monica'
A. ringens (3)
A. consanguineum 'Silver Center' (from Mike Hicks)
A. sikokianum ‘Silver Leaf'
A. versicolor 'Sea Foam' (several)
A. x latiloba 'Valerie Finnis'
A. caudatum (several)
A. europaeum (2)
A. maximum 'Ling Ling' (6)
Aspidistra -- dead? alive? winter '22/23 and '23/24 knocked them back to the ground
A. 'China Star' (2)
A. elatior (4)
A. elatior 'Variegata' (2)
A. elatior 'Variegata' (2)
A. elatior 'Spek-tacular'
A. guangxiensis 'Stretch Marks' (Robert H)
A. minutiflora 'Leopard' (Robert H)
A. minutiflora 'Spangled Ribbons'
A. sichuanensis 'Ginga'
A. 'Spek-tacular'
A. tonkinensis 'Spotty' (2)
A. typica 'Old Glory' (Robert H)
A. zongbayi 'Old Glory'
A. banksii Dec 2013 freeze
Astelia chathamica 'Silver Spear' (Lance, in a container)
A. nervosa
A. nervosa 'Westland'
A. nivicola ‘Red Gem’
A. 'Red Devil' (4)
A. zongbayi 'Old Glory'
Astelia chathamica 'Silver Spear' (Lance, in a container)
A. 'Red Devil' (4)
A. himalaica var. dolichophylla
A. japonica ‘Longifolia’ (5)
NOID (craigslist purchase)
Phyllostachys nigra 'Black'
Pseudosasa japonica 'Japanese Arrow' (3)
Sasa palmata f. nebulosa
B. aff asperifolia (from Maggie, in Gillian planter)
B. bipinnatifida
B. chloroneura
B. midnight (green pot)
B. pedatifida (2)
B. sp UI64 Michael Wicledon Collection (from Maggie, in funnel)
B. 'Taconite' (Ann)
B. 'Yanonali' (Ann/Lotusland)
B. albiflora
B. decosteriana
B. septentrionalis gave away
Berries (container plants)
Rubus idaeus 'NR7' — Raspberry Shortcake® Raspberry
Rubus x 'APF-236T' — Baby Cakes™ Blackberry
Vaccinium x 'ORUS-61-1' — Perpetua Blueberry
Vaccinium corymbosum 'ZF06-079' — Pink Icing™ Blueberry
B. 'Yanonali' (Ann/Lotusland)
Berries (container plants)
B. sp. (Orange flowering)
Bromeliads (Dyckia and Puya are broke out separately)
A. fasciata ‘Primera’
A. miniate
A. pupurosea
A. recurvata 'Bronze Age' (3)
A. recurvata v. artichoke
A. recurvata 'Bronze Age' (3)
A. recurvata v. artichoke
A. recurvata v. benrathii (5)
A. recurvata v. kiwi (2)
A. recurvata v. recurvata (6)
A. recurvata v. recurvata (6)
A. recurvata 'Terrific'
A. pitcairnioides
A. imperialis, previously Vriesea imperialis
A. nanus 'Cathy'
B. 'Darth Vader' (Riz)
B. hallelujah
B. hallelujah
B. 'Mamie B'
B. nutans (dwarf) from Evan
B. nutans (2)
B. nutans (2)
B. nutans 'Blondie'
B. nutans 'Variegata'
B. nutans 'Variegata'
B. Poquito Blanco
B. x buchholz (2)
B. pinguin (from Gerhard, Cactus Mart)
C. bivittatus 'Crimson Star'
C. 'Black Mystic '
B. x buchholz (2)
B. pinguin (from Gerhard, Cactus Mart)
C. bivittatus 'Crimson Star'
C. 'Elaine'
C. lacerdae 'Menescal' (striped, from Evan)
C. lacerdae 'Menescal' (striped, from Evan)
C. 'McDreamy' (Evan)
C. ‘Opal’
C. ‘Opal’
C. 'Olive Garden' (3)
C. zebrinus
C. 'Zebra Star'
D. brevifolia (2)
D. brevifolia (2)
D. lorentziana
F. bicolor bicolor ssp. canaliculata 'Spinners Form'
F. pitcairnifolia (orig, divided)
F. pitcairnifolia (Cotswold)
F. pitcairnifolia 'Spinners Form'
G. musaica
H. epigyna (garbage can lid planters)
F. bicolor bicolor ssp. canaliculata 'Spinners Form'
F. pitcairnifolia (orig, divided)
F. pitcairnifolia (Cotswold)
F. pitcairnifolia 'Spinners Form'
G. musaica
H. epigyna (garbage can lid planters)
H. podantha
H. correia-araujoi
H. correia-araujoi
H. edmundoi
H. leopoldo-horstii
H. leopoldo-horstii
H. Purple Majesty
N. ampullacea 'Dark Star'
N. ampullacea 'Dark Star'
N. 'Fire Ball ' (2)
N. Golden Chalice
N. Grande
N. 'Hannibal Lecter' (3)
N. 'Hannibal Lecter Govenors Plea'
N. 'Hannibal Lecter x rubrifolia
N. pauciflora
N. 'Punctatissima Rubra'
N. pauciflora
N. 'Punctatissima Rubra'
N. 'Red Waif' (LPO, circle pot)
N. 'Tiger'
N. 'Tiger Cub' (Thicket, in wall hanging on side of garage)
NOID from Rare Plant Research (light green, large)
O. carnea (Windcliff)
NOID from Rare Plant Research (light green, large)
O. magalhaesii (3)
P. nana (2)
R. microglazioui
T. houston 'Red Princess'
T. houston 'Red Princess'
T. mima v. chilitensis
T. secunda v. major (vivipara) (several)
T. usneoides (several)
Q. arvensis
Q. marmorata 'Tim Plowman' (3)
V. gigantea 'Nova'
V. 'Gwydonia' (auction, bromeliad summit, from Lotusland)
V. imperialis
V. ospinae
V. ospinae var. gruberi (Goudaea ospinae var. gruberi)
Q. arvensis
Q. marmorata 'Tim Plowman' (3)
V. gigantea 'Nova'
V. 'Gwydonia' (auction, bromeliad summit, from Lotusland)
V. ospinae
V. ospinae var. gruberi (Goudaea ospinae var. gruberi)
V. sanguinolenta (Dick's greenhouse)
V. rubyae (auction, bromeliad summit)
× Cryptbergia 'Red Burst' (Aechmea x Billbergia) (3)
W. smithii (Dick's greenhouse)
A. Forelock
A. schubertii
C. chrysanthus ‘Orange Monarch’
T. acuminata
T. Little Beauty
T. Little Princess gave to Alan (4/2020)
T. Rococo
Cactus (some listed separately below)
Aporophyllum Shirley 'Sun Cactus'Cleistocactus winteri (Golden Rat-tail Cactus)
E. engelmannii
E. fendleri var. rectispinus (T or C)
E. grusonii
E. hybrid
E. triglochidiatus (2)
Echinofossulocactus phyllacanthus v macracanthus (2)
V. rubyae (auction, bromeliad summit)
× Cryptbergia 'Red Burst' (Aechmea x Billbergia) (3)
W. smithii (Dick's greenhouse)
A. schubertii
Cactus (some listed separately below)
Aporophyllum Shirley 'Sun Cactus'Cleistocactus winteri (Golden Rat-tail Cactus)
E. engelmannii
E. grusonii
E. hybrid
E. triglochidiatus (2)
Echinofossulocactus phyllacanthus v macracanthus (2)
Echinopsis oxygona (several)
Eriosyce heinrichiana
G. baldianum
G. piricarpum
G. baldianum
G. piricarpum
Hylocereus megalanthus (dragon fruit)
Leuchtenbergia principis
Maihuenia poeppigii (4)
Maihueniopsis darwinii
Maihuenia poeppigii (4)
Maihueniopsis darwinii
M. gracilis var. fragilis
M. plumose
M. plumose
M. ‘Red-Headed Irishman’
Monvillea spegazzinii
Notocactus magnificus (Balloon Cactus) gave away
Obregonia denegrii
Pilosocereus leucocephalus subs. palmeri (Rancho Cacto)
Monvillea spegazzinii
Pilosocereus leucocephalus subs. palmeri (Rancho Cacto)
Pachypodium lamerei (3)
Stenocereus marginatus (Mexican Fencepost Cactus) (3)
Sulcorebutia rauschii (small cactus from Lotusland '23)
Tephrocactus articulatus var. inermis (Robert H)
Tim Hanis Wester Treasures: Echinomastus johnsonii, Echinocereus engelmannii (Cistus)
C. ‘Clemson’ (2) Dec 2013 freeze
C. NOID (Cistus tough love sale 2011, possibly C. sieberi)
C. pallidus 'Blue Foliage’ Dec 2013 freeze
C. pityoides 'Excellent'
C. sieberi
C. viridiflorus (2)
C. viridiflorus 'Xera Compact'
C. ‘Woodlander's Hardy Red’ (2)
Calluna (they were getting overgrown and ugly)
C. vulgaris 'Chocolate Winter'
Tephrocactus articulatus var. inermis (Robert H)
C. pityoides 'Excellent'
C. sieberi
C. viridiflorus (2)
C. ‘Woodlander's Hardy Red’ (2)
Calluna (they were getting overgrown and ugly)
C. vulgaris 'Stockholm' (3)
C. vulgaris 'Zoe'
C. vulgaris 'Multicolor'
C. 'Durban'
C. gloriosa ‘Pt Reyes’
C. lawsoniana 'Wissel's Saguaro'
C. obtusa Habari (2 aka Chirimen / from Jerry)
C. 'Polish Spirit'
C. 'Pixie'
C. recta 'Purpurea Select'
C. repens 'Bells of Emei Shan'
C. tibetana var. vernayi
C. x 'Danielle'
Cordyline (die back after a bad winter and regrow)
C. australis (3)
C. australis 'Renegade'
C. 'Cha Cha' (2)
C. 'Electric Flash'
C. Cotoneaster (2)
C. virgata 'Sunsplash' (2, does not deal well with cold)
C. paniculata
C. spicata
C. echinocarpa
C. imbricata
C. imbricata 'Guadalupe'
C. imbricata x davisii
C. repens 'Bells of Emei Shan'
Cordyline (die back after a bad winter and regrow)
C. australis (3)
C. 'Cha Cha' (2)
C. Cotoneaster (2)
C. virgata 'Sunsplash' (2, does not deal well with cold)
C. kleiniae (from Silverton Doug)
C. NoID (green flowering from Cotts)
C. whipplei
C. whipplei 'Snow Leopard'
D. x burkwoodii 'Briggs Moonlight'
D. x houtteana
D. macropodum
C. whipplei
D. macropodum
D. macropodum 'Ki Midori Nakafu'
D. macropodum v. humile
D. berlandieri (name assigned to NoID from Hillcrest, dead winter '24)
D. macropodum v. humile
D. wheeleri (4)
D. ferruginea (several)
D. parviflora (2)
D. cantonese 'Green Giant'
D. cantonese ‘Night Heron’ (2)
D. longistylum 'Monlift'
D. sessile 'Variegata'
D. collomae
D. cymosa
D. 'Burgundy Ice’
D. choristaminea 'Frazzle Dazzle'
D. 'Grape Jelly'
D. 'Pale Ryder'
D. platyphylla
D. 'Naked Lady'
D. ‘Nickel Silver’
E. agavoides 'Lipstick'
E. ‘Black Prince'
E. elegans
E. gibbiflora 'Metallica'
E. x imbricata
E. secunda MK3406
E. agavoides 'Lipstick'
E. setosa (Jerry)
E. amoenum
E. candicans 'Variegata'...basically a new one bought every year
E. candicans 'Death Star' (great green on green variegation)
E. fastuosum
E. russicum
E. tuberculatum
E. wildpretii
E. x wildpretii 'Rocket'
E. chrysantha ‘Akebono’
E. chrysantha 'Nanjing Gold'
E. 'Amber Queen'
E. russicum
E. chrysantha ‘Akebono’
E. chrysantha 'Nanjing Gold'
E. 'Amber Queen'
E. grandiflorum 'Purple Pixie'
E. 'Spine Tingler'
E. wushanense
E. wushanense 'Spiny Leaf Form'E. wushanense 'Sandy Claws'
E. x rubrum (6)
E. arborea var. alpina (2)
E. x rubrum (6)
E. arborea var. alpina (2)
E. 'Psdowns'
E. umbellatum
E. agavifolium
E. agavifolium
E. bourgatii (2)
E. ‘Sapphire Blue’
E. giganteum (3)
E. maritimum (2)
E. pandanifolium Dec 2013 freeze
E. pandanifolium var. lasseauxii (2)
E. paniculatum
E. planum 'Blue Glitter'
E. proteiflorum (2)
E. venustum
E. yuccafolium
E. pole-evansii
E. 'Sparkling Burgundy' or 'Oakhurst' (4)
E. ‘Zulu Flame’ (2)
E. ‘Despina’
E. atropurpurea
E. amygdaloides ‘Ruby Glow’
E. amygdaloides var. Robbiae (too many to count)
E. 'Ascot Rainbow'
E. 'Blackbird'
E. characias ssp. Wulfenii got too woody and ugly, dug it out
E. cyparissias (too many to count)
E. 'Excalibur'
E. flanaganii
E. griffithii ‘Fireglow’
E. mammillaris var. variegata
E. mellifera (passed on to another gardener)
E. platyclada (3)
E. polychroma
E. polychroma 'Bonfire'(2) died a quick death
E. polygona cv. 'Snowflake' (2)
E. rigida (so many)
E. stygiana winter
E. tirucalli
E. trigona v. Rubry (dead, never recovered from being shipped home from NM)
E. x martinii
F. japonica
F. japonica'Variegata' (Camouflage) 'Murakumo Nishiki'
F. polycarpa ‘Needhams Lace’
F. japonica 'Argenteum'
E. proteiflorum (2)
E. venustum
E. 'Sparkling Burgundy' or 'Oakhurst' (4)
E. amygdaloides var. Robbiae (too many to count)
E. 'Ascot Rainbow'
E. cyparissias (too many to count)
E. 'Excalibur'
E. flanaganii
E. platyclada (3)
E. rigida (so many)
E. tirucalli
F. japonica
F. japonica
F. polycarpa ‘Needhams Lace’
f. japonicum 'Gigantea'
F. japonica 'Kaimon Dake'
A. aleuticum
A. aleuticum
A. aleuticum var. subpumilim (RSBG)
A. hispidulum (dead?)
A. microphyllum (2)
A. pedatum ‘Imbricatum’
A. raddianum
A. shastense (Gossler)
A. x tracyi (3)
A. venustum (so many...)
A. shastense (Gossler)
A. x tracyi (3)
A. venustum (so many...)
A. coronans (Rob)
A. simplicior 'Variegata' (several)
A. 'Crispy Wave'
A. simplicior 'Variegata' (several)
A. nidus 'Aves'
A. scolopendrium (2)
A. trichomanes (so many!)
A. x ebenoides
A. ‘Aubergine Lady’
A. scolopendrium (2)
A. trichomanes (so many!)
A. ‘Aubergine Lady’
A. filix-femina 'some something' (I didn't get a label)
A. 'Ghost'
A. niponicum 'Pictum-Applecourt' (5)
A. niponicum 'Pictum-Applecourt' (5)
A. niponicum ‘Silver Falls’
A. otophorum (3)
A. otophorum (3)
A. otophorum 'Okanum'
B. appendiculatum
B. appendiculatum
B. brasiliense
B. chilense (5)
B. penna-marina (5)
B. spicant
b. hispida
C. argentea
C. sinuata / Astrolepis sinuata (2)
C. lanosa
C. lindheimeri sadly the painters smashed this into the dead zone
C. tomentosa (2)
C. emeiensis 'Golden Zebra' (4)
C. intermedia 'Yoroi Musha' (2)
C. japonica var. gracilis (2)
B. spicant
b. hispida
C. argentea
C. sinuata / Astrolepis sinuata (2)
C. lanosa
C. tomentosa (2)
C. emeiensis 'Golden Zebra' (4)
C. intermedia 'Yoroi Musha' (2)
C. japonica var. gracilis (2)
C. japonica variegata (windcliff, Gillian planter, dead?)
C. falcatum (2)
C. falcatum (2)
C. fortunei (3)
C. macrophyllum
C. cooperii 'Brentwood'
D. Antarctica
C. cooperii 'Brentwood'
D. Antarctica
D. media (3)
D. affinis 'Crispa Gracilis'
D. erythrosora
D. filix-mas 'Linearis Polydactyla’
D. sieboldii (3)
D. erythrosora
D. filix-mas 'Linearis Polydactyla’
D. sieboldii (3)
D. wallichiana (2)
E. metallicum (from Michelle at the swap)
L. microphyllum (4)
L. bicolor/hardy ribbon fern (2) (Pat table planting on stock tank/Heronswood)
L. rostratus MD 15-09 (previously as cf. macrosphaerus)
Matteuccia M. struthiopteris (3)
M. steerei
M. brachylepis 'Datun' (changed to M. buergerianum 'Datun' and perhaps even Lepisorus buergerianus)
M. vaccinifolia (2)
Neolepisorus fortunei 'Green Ribbons' (Robert H)
O. sensibilis (3)
O. regalis
O. regalis
P. viridis (Sebright, fluted rusted planter)
P. bifurcatum (3)
P. bifurcatum 'Netherlands'
P grande
P. aureum (Susan)
P. aureum 'Mandaianum'
P. glycyrrhiza (2)
P. scouleri (5)
P. lepidopteris 'Morro dos Conventos' (Plant Delights, Brazilian Hairy Sword Fern)
PolystichumP. neolobatum (3)
P. polyblepharum
P. setiferum 'Congestum'
P. setiferum 'Dahlem'
P. setiferum ‘Plumosum Densum’
P. setiferum v. 'Divisilobum'
P. setiferum v. 'Divisilobum'
P. quadriaurita 'Tricolor'
P. vittata (Raintree Tropical)
P. wallichiana
P. davidii Far Reaches Farm (or Pyrrosia porosa var. porosa )
P. davidii Far Reaches Farm (or Pyrrosia porosa var. porosa )
P. drakeana MD 10-37 Far Reaches Farm (previously offered as cf. lingua)
P. hastata (3)
P. hastata 'Storm Watch'
P. lingua (7)
P. lingua (7)
P. lingua crested (Shari MacDonald, WeHop)
P. linqua 'Dragon's Tail'
P. lingua 'Eboshi' (3)
P. lingua 'Eboshi' (3)
P. lingua 'Hiryu' (2 stock tank edge, Plant Delights MO + SGG in container)
P. lingua 'Kei Kan' (fern crevice garden, Plant Delights MO)
P. lingua ‘Nokogiri Ba' (from Cistus, Ann grown)
P. lingua 'Ogon Nishiki' (fern table, Secret Garden Growers)
P. lingua 'Variegata' (4)
P. lingua var. lingua 'Cristata'
P. lingua 'Yabane Fu' (several, also fern table, LPO)
P. nummularifolia (on a stick, Andy's Orchids)
P. piloselloides (tropical, Andy's Orchids)
P. polydactyla (2)
P. polydactyla (2)
P. polydactyla 'Taipingshan' (stock tank, Secret Garden Growers + from Robert H)
P. porosa (Robert H)
P. porosa (Robert H)
P. aff sheareri (Windcliff via Cotts, hanging)
P. sheareri (4) (one from David Gibson garden, cutting from plant on HFF website / Robert H)
P. sp. SEH#12547 (long sword leaves 2, RSBG)
P. sp. SEH#1511 (short wide leaves 2, RSBG)
W. orientalis
W. unigemmata (3)
F. afghanistanica 'Silver Lyre'
F. carica 'Little Miss Figgy'
W. unigemmata (3)
F. pumila 'Monier's Hardy'
F. pumila 'Quercifolia'
F. 'Dying Embers'
F. procumbens
G. rivularis seedlings
G. x gaudichaudii
H. emelyae
H. limifolia var. ubomboensis (Ann, UofW)
H. NOID (Yaquina Nursery & Greenhouse)
H. splendens
H. tessellata
H. 'Karo Golden Esk'
H. ochracea 'James Stirling'
H. argutifolius
H. 'Black Diamond'
H. Cinnamon Snow
H. foetidus (3)
H. foetidus (3)
H. Frostkiss 'Cheryl's Shine' (?dead?)
H. 'Ice 'n Roses'
H. 'Ice 'n Roses'
H. ’Ice n Roses Merlot’
H. ’Ice n Roses Red’
H. 'Onyx Odyssey'
H. 'Rio Carnival' (2)
H. x ballardiae Pink Frost
H. 'Onyx Odyssey'
H. 'Rio Carnival' (2)
H. x ballardiae Pink Frost
H. x hybridus 'Frostkiss Winter Angels Charmer' (?dead?)
H. x 'Golden Sunrise'
H. Winter Jewels 'Jade Tiger'
H. Winter Jewels 'Jade Tiger'
H. Winter Jewels Peppermint Ice (from NWGN in 2023)
H. Winter Jewels 'Red Sapphire' (2)
Plus 3 NOID Hellebores, an apricot, back and white blooming
H. parviflora (red flower)
H. parviflora (yellow flower)
H. parviflora (red flower)
H. Cameo
H. ‘June’
H. 'Love Pat'
H. 'Samuel Blue'
H. 'Striptease'
H. ‘Whirlwind’
I. confusa Dec 2013 freeze
I. cristata (3)
I. PCH 'Wildberry Shortcake'
I. PCH 'Wildberry Shortcake'
I. (japonica x watti i) 'Nada' (Robert H)
I. tuberosus / Hermodactylus tuberosus (green and black flower)
Jungle Cactus
A. 'Shirley' Orchid Cactus
Disocactus ackermannii
A. 'Shirley' Orchid Cactus
Disocactus ackermannii
Disocactus macranthus
E. / Selenicereus chrysocardium
E. hybrid cuttings from Sunflower Farms
E. / Selenicereus chrysocardium
E. hybrid cuttings from Sunflower Farms
E. NOID (several)
E. oxypetalum (3 / Janet)
L. cruciforme (2, very different looking)
L. cruciforme (2, very different looking)
L. cruciforme spiralis (2)
L. sp.
R. baccifera
R. baccifera subsp horrida (2)
R. baccifera
R. baccifera subsp horrida (2)
R. cruciformis, aka Lepismium cruciformis
R. elliptica
R. elliptica
R. ewaldiana
R. houlletiana
R. paradoxa
R. houlletiana
R. paradoxa
R. paradoxa var. catenulata
R. pentaptera
R. ramulosa
R. ramulosa
Schlumbergera NOID
K. beauverdii
K. NOID hybrid w/ green and yellow flowers
L. 'Ebony'
L. cotyledon 'Sunset Series'
L. NOID hot pink blooming
L. rediviva
L. ixioides 'Taupo Sunset'
L. peregrinans 'Bronze Sword'
L. 'Britt-Marie Crawford'
L. dentata 'King Kong'
L. dentata Othello'
L. 'Osiris Cafe Noir' (sadly it just disappeared)
L. 'Rocket'
Lilium (I suck with bulbs)
L. ‘Kaveri’
L. 'Conca d'Or'
L. 'Forever Susan'
L. Landini
Lilium (I suck with bulbs)
L. muscari
L. muscari 'Silvery Sunproof'
L. ferruginea (2)
L. myricoides
L. tinctoria
L. ciliosa
L. crassifolia (3)
L. ferruginea (2)
L. tinctoria
L. crassifolia (3)
L. x brownii 'Dropmore Scarlet'
L. chinense 'Sizzling Pink'
M. figo 'Hagiwara Everblooming'
M. laevifolia
M. macrophylla
M. aquifolium (freebie at Nerd Night, kinda looks dead)
M. macrophylla
M. aquifolium (freebie at Nerd Night, kinda looks dead)
M. confusa 'Narihira'
M. eurybracteata 'Cistus Silvers' (2)
M. eurybracteata 'Indianola Silver'
M. eurybracteata 'Soft Caress' (5)
M. fortunei 'Curlyque' (2)
M. fortunei ‘Dan Hinkley’
M. fortunei 'Curlyque' (2)
M. fortunei ‘Dan Hinkley’
M. fremontii
M. gracilis
M. gracilis
M. gracilipes (2)
M. lomariifolia ssp. tenuifolia / aka Mahonia oiwakenses ssp lomariifolia v tenuifoliola (Sean)
M. lomariifolia ssp. tenuifolia / aka Mahonia oiwakenses ssp lomariifolia v tenuifoliola (Sean)
M. nervosa (2)
M. nitens x eurybracteata
M. x media 'Charity'
M. x media 'Marvel' (3)
M. x media 'Charity'
M. x media 'Marvel' (3)
M. x savilliana—hybrid between M. eurybracteata and M. gracilipes (2, Miller Garden)
M. ‘spot’
M. maculosa
M. undulata 'Chocolate Chips'
M. virginica
M. 'Bad Hair Day'
M. 'Blazing Saddles'
M. 'Carnival'
M. 'Catch a Wave' (2)
M. 'Falling Waters'
M. 'Femme Fatale'
M. 'Frosted Elegance'
M. 'Inkblot' (3)
M. Kaleidoscope
M. 'Lavender Lady'
M. ‘Macho Mocha’ Dec 2013 freeze
M. 'Man of Steel'
M. 'Moonglow'
M. 'My Dog Spot'
M. 'Navajo Princess'
M. 'Purple People Eater'
M. 'Bad Hair Day'
M. 'Falling Waters'
M. 'Femme Fatale'
M. 'Frosted Elegance'
M. 'Inkblot' (3)
M. 'Lavender Lady'
M. 'My Dog Spot'
M. 'Purple People Eater'
M. 'Pineapple Express'
M. 'Praying Hands'
M. 'Redwing'
M. 'Silver Fox'
M. 'Snow Leopard'
M. 'Tooth Fairy' gave away
M. 'Whale Tale'
M. major 'Antonow's Blue'
M. major 'Purple Haze'
M. villosus
M. astonii (2)
M. axillaris (in a container)
M. ephedroides
M. astonii (2)
M. acuminata 'Dwarf Cavendish'
M. basjoo
N. alata (many)
N. lowii x ventricosa (Christiansons, in planter with Miranda)
N. 'Miranda'
N. 'Miranda'
N.‘La Siberica’ (2)
Nymphaea the damn raccoons have destroyed any hope I had of growing water lilies
N. 'Marliacea Chromatella' (water lily)
N. Perry’s Almost Black
O. japonicus 'nanus'
O. planiscapus 'Nigrescens' (many)
O. aciculata
O. (Tephrocactus) articulata
O. 'Baby Rita'
O. basilaris 'Bugsy'
O. basilaris hybrid
O. basilaris ‘Sara’s Compact’
O. cochenillifera variegata
O. cycloides
O. echinocarpa 'Portal Blonde'
O. ellisiana
O. engelmannii
O. erinacea 'Browse Cherry'
O. fulgida var. mammillata 'Monstrosa'
O. humifusa (3)
O. linguiformis
O. macrocentra (4)
O. mammillaris “Boxing Gloves”
O. microdasys
O. monacantha variegata
O. NOID, gifts from neighbor
O. NOID, dug in T or C, NM
O. polyacantha
O. polyacantha 'Peter Pan' (2, Kelly Grummons)
O. pusilla - gold spined form
O. x rutila
Bletilla ochracea 'Chinese Butterfly'
Bulbophyllum saurocephalum (on a stick)
Bulbophyllum sp. mini rambling laxiflorum type (on a stick)
Dendrobium rosellum (on arctostaphylos stick)
Dendrochilum smithianum (pulcherimum) (on a stick)
Bulbophyllum sp. mini rambling laxiflorum type (on a stick)
Dendrochilum smithianum (pulcherimum) (on a stick)
Epipactis gigantea 'Serpentine Night'
Lockhartia hercodonta (on a stick)
Paphiopedilum supersuk 'Eureka'
Paphiopedilum supersuk 'Eureka'
Scaphyglottis-amethystinum (stellata) (on a stick)
Rhapidophyllum hystrix (Needle Palm)
T. fortunei
T. fortunei var Nainital (seed grown, Maggie)
T. wagnerianus (2)
P. polyphylla
P. Heronswood form
P. quadrifolia
P. 'Amethyst Jewel'
P. ‘Fata Confetto’
P. hybrid 'Aphrodite's Purple Nightie'
P. incarnata
P. Jamesonii 'Coral Seas'
P. 'Lady Margaret'
P. lutea
T. wagnerianus (2)
P. Heronswood form
P. quadrifolia
P. lutea
P. manicata x3 (Dan)
P. 'Purple Tiger'
P. rovirosae
P. 'Snow Queen'
P. 'Sunburst'
P. microcephala ‘Red Dragon’
P. runcinata 'Purple Majesty'
P. v. ‘Brushstrokes’
P. divaricatum white flowers have changed the ID on this one to P. anomalum
P. illicioides 'Strappy'
P. patulum
P. tenuifolium 'Atropurpureum' fell out of love, gave it away
P. tenuifolium 'County Park Dwarf'
P. tenuifolium 'Silver Ruffles' dead
Pleione (RSBG)P. x confusa P. formusana
P. alpinus 'Blue Gem'
P. alpinus ‘Orangeade’
P. gracilior 'Fern Clouds'
P. lawrencei 'Blue Gem'
P. macrophyllus ‘Maki’ (I think, need to find lost label)
P. macrophyllus 'Miu' / Roman Candle™ Podocarpus
P. matudae
P. delavayi
P. peltatum
P. pleianthum
P. 'Red Panda'
P. 'Spotty Dotty'
P. 'Snow Queen'
P. 'Sunburst'
P. microcephala ‘Red Dragon’
P. runcinata 'Purple Majesty'
P. illicioides 'Strappy'
P. patulum
P. alpinus ‘Orangeade’
P. matudae
P. delavayi
P. peltatum
P. pleianthum
P. 'Red Panda'
P. 'Spotty Dotty'
P. humile (dwarf, from Spokane nursery)
P. humile (dwarf, from Spokane nursery)
P. kingianum (Mary DeNoyer, also from Cistus ?)
P. mengtzense FMWJ13338
P. mengtzense FMWJ 13066 (never returned after winter)
P. passalong (the common one, I bought YEARS ago and it's spread a bit)
P. odoratum var pluriflorum 'Jinguji Form'
P. vietnamicum
P. trifoliata
P. trifoliata 'flying dragon'
P. crassifolius (Daniel Sparler)
P. discolor (Nelson, NZ)
P. ferox (2)
P. laetus
P. x 'Sabre'
P. chilensis (in a container)
P. coerulea var. coerulea (in a container)
P. mirabilis
xPuckia 'Sparkle' (from Gerhard an intergeneric hybrid between Puya and Dyckia)
Q. dentata 'C.F. Miller'
Q. dentata 'Pinnatifida’ (Cutleaf Emperor Oak)
R. 'Ebony Pearl' (2)
R. forrestii ssp. forrestii Tumescens
P. trifoliata
P. trifoliata 'flying dragon'
P. crassifolius (Daniel Sparler)
P. ferox (2)
P. laetus
P. x 'Sabre'
P. mirabilis
Q. dentata 'Pinnatifida’ (Cutleaf Emperor Oak)
R. 'Ebony Pearl' (2)
R. laramie
R. nakaharai ‘Mariko’ (3)
R. pachysanthum
R. pachysanthum
R. 'Petite Nancy Jean' (keep? ugly flowers)
R. pseudochrysanthum
R. sinogrande (4)
R. spinuliferum
R. 'Strawberry Sorbet'
R. stenopetalum linearifolium
R. stenopetalum linearifolium
R. williamsianum (3)
R. 'Wine and Roses'
R. 'Warlock'
R. aesculifolia (3)
R. 'Bronze Peacock' (3)
R. pinnata ‘Chocolate Wings”
R. podophylla ‘Rotlaub’
R. podophylla ‘Bronze Form’ (2)
S. africana-lutea
R. aesculifolia (3)
R. 'Bronze Peacock' (3)
R. pinnata ‘Chocolate Wings”
R. podophylla ‘Rotlaub’
R. podophylla ‘Bronze Form’ (2)
S. africana-lutea
S. apiana
S. clevelandii 'Alpine Form'
S. koyamae
Sarracenia and other carnivorous plants
Darlingtonia californica
Dionaea muscipula (venus flytrap)
Nepenthes alata
S. alata Red Hood
S. fuji
S. "hybrids' (multiple)
S. purpurea
S. purpurea montana
S. Redneck
S. rubra jonesii
S. x 'Judith Hindle'
S. x Mountain Splendor
S. cartilaginea
S. clevelandii 'Alpine Form'
Sarracenia and other carnivorous plants
Darlingtonia californica
Dionaea muscipula (venus flytrap)
Nepenthes alata
S. alata Red Hood
S. fuji
S. "hybrids' (multiple)
S. purpurea
S. purpurea montana
S. Redneck
S. rubra jonesii
S. x 'Judith Hindle'
S. x Mountain Splendor
S. cartilaginea
S. cotyledon 'Caterhamensis'
S. crustata
S. dentata, fuzzy leaf form from Chava
S. fortunei 'Rubiflora' (LPO gift, SW corner, dead)
S. hostii
S. hypnoides
S. k. 'Foster's Red'
S. 'Lantoscana Suberba'
S. longifolia (4)
S. longifolia (4)
S. macnabiana (4)
S. 'Moon Harvest' (LPO gift, SW corner, dead
S. paniculata f. rosea
S. paniculata paniculata 'Lagraveana'
S. 'Primuloides' (patches!)
S. urbium
S. urbium 'Aureopunctata' (many)
S. 'Primuloides' (patches!)
S. urbium
S. urbium 'Aureopunctata' (many)
S. stolonifera "Maroon Beauty'
S. taygetea 'Rotundifolia' (listed as Zone 10, so far okay to 26F)
S. taygetea 'Rotundifolia' (listed as Zone 10, so far okay to 26F)
S. x geum 'Dentata' (2)
S. x macnabiana
S. x longifolia (4)
S. x longifolia hybrid (2)
S. x urbium 'Primuloides'
S. 'Whitehill'
S. 'Winfred Bevington'
S. brevipedunculata
S. delavayi
S. taiwaniana
S. confusum
S. ochroleucum 'Crested Centaurus'
S. forsterianum 'Antique Grill'
S. 'Lime Zinger'
S. delavayi
S. taiwaniana
S. confusum
S. forsterianum 'Antique Grill'
S. obtusifolium (front garden, small aeonium-like)
S. palmeri
S. palmeri
S. palmeri (Robert H, Villa Glycine, Venice Air B&B)
S. spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco'
S. spathulifolium 'Carnea'
S. takesimense
S. ternatum 'Larinem Park’
S. tetractinum (spreader near lil'Sanford)
S. rupestre 'Angelina'
S. 'Braunii'
S. kraussiana 'Aurea'
S. spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco'
S. spathulifolium 'Carnea'
S. takesimense
S. ternatum 'Larinem Park’
S. tetractinum (spreader near lil'Sanford)
S. rupestre 'Angelina'
S. 'Braunii'
S. kraussiana 'Aurea'
So many that I've never bothered to track
S. Oddity
S. ficoides 'Mount Everest' PP22188 (Skyscraper® Senecio)
Senecio radicans 'String of Blimps'
S. biflorus (2)
S. uniflorus
Smalls from Illahe
Smalls from Illahe
Acantholimon halophylum
Androsace sempervivoides 'Susan Jones'
Arenaria ledebouriana
Draba novolympica (2)
S. prostrata
S. prostrata 'Little Baby' (1)
S. microphylla 'Sun King'
S. aconitifolia
S. Sp. (as intermedia) DJHT12101 ex Taiwan
Spiky/Dangerous/Barely Hardy Miscellaneous Cool Stuff
Acaena inermis ‘Purpurea’
S. aconitifolia
S. Sp. (as intermedia) DJHT12101 ex Taiwan
Spiky/Dangerous/Barely Hardy Miscellaneous Cool Stuff
Acantholimon laxipicatum (Kathy's Rock Garden)
Acca sellowiana (winter, tired of dealing with their defoliating)
Adenanthos sericeus (Coastal Woollybush)
Aeschynomene fluitans (water plant)
Aesculus hippocastanum 'Laciniata'
Acnistus australis Dec 2013 freeze
Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' (several)
Akebia longeracemosa 'Victor's Secret'
Albizia julibrissin ‘Summer Chocolate’
Alluaudia procera
Aloinopsis spathulata (DBG)
Alternanthera Little Ruby
Amsonia hubrichtii
Anemone 'Honorine Jobert'
Anigozanthos flavidus
Aquilegia viridiflora 'Chocolate Soldiers'
Aesculus hippocastanum 'Laciniata'
Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' (several)
Akebia longeracemosa 'Victor's Secret'
Albizia julibrissin ‘Summer Chocolate’
Alluaudia procera
Amsonia hubrichtii
Aquilegia viridiflora 'Chocolate Soldiers'
Aralia cordata 'Sun King'
Argyrocytisus battandieri
Arthropodium candidum 'Purpureum'
Arthropodium candidum 'Purpureum'
Aristolochia fimbriata (from Patty Freeman)
Arum italicum 'Jack Sprat'
Astilbe x arendsii 'Chocolate Shogun'
Azara microphylla (2, if they come back from winter '23/24)
Berberis triacanthophora 'Cally Rose'
Berkheya purpurea
Bocconia frutescens (Tree Poppy) (gave away)
Bougainvillea x buttiana 'Barbara Karst'
Brachyglottis greyi (Senecio greyi)
Brachyglottis greyi (Senecio greyi)
Brassaiopsis hispida RSBG
Brunnera macrophylla 'Hadspen Cream'
Buddleia globosa (orange) - might be dead, poor placement dead
Bukiniczia cabulica (3)
Bupleurum angulosum
Caesalpinia gilliesii
Calibanus hookeri
Callisia fragrans (several)
Calothamnus villosus (Silky Net Bush) gave away
Calocephalus brownii
Calycanthus floridus 'Athens'
Callisia fragrans (several)
Cassiope lycopodioides
Carex muskingumensis 'Oehme'
Carex siderosticha 'Banana Boat'
Carlina acaulis ssp. simplex Dec 2013 freeze
Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca' gave to a friend (5/21) it really needed to get out of a container
Centaurea atropurpurea
Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Prostrata' (4)
Cestrum nocturnum
Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Prostrata' (4)
Comptonia peregrina
Convallaria majalis 'Aureovariegata' (2)
Crassula ovata ‘Crosby’s Compact’ (smart plants)
Crinum x Purple Dream (2) Dec 2013 freeze
Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora
Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora
Cryptomeria japonica 'Globosa Nana'
Cryptomeria japonica 'Rasen' (decided it had to go... too big for the space)
Curculigo sp. JSM
Cyclamen hederifolium 'Xera's Sterling' (2)
Cyclamen hederifolium 'Xera's Sterling' (2)
Cynanchum marnierianum (bundle of sticks)
Delosperma 'Fire Spinner'
Dioon edule
Embothrium coccineum
Epipactis gigantea 'Serpentine Night'
Eriobotrya japonica (2)
Eulophia petersii (desert orchid, from Lance)
Euonymus nanus var. turkestanicus (2)
Eupatorium capillifolium
Equisetum hyemale
Fabiana imbricata v. violacea
Fabiana imbricata v. violacea
Fothergilla gardenii 'Blue Mist'
Fremontodendron x 'California Glory’
Freesia laxa (volunteer in the container with Coniogramme gracilis)
Furcraea gigantea 'Striata'
Furcraea variegata (off to plant heaven)
Gasteria glomerata
Gasteria glomerata
Gaultheria nummularioides var. minor (2, RSBG)
Ginkgo biloba 'Variegata'
Glumicalyx goseloides
Ginkgo biloba 'Variegata'
Goodyera oblongifolia (several)
Greenovia aurea 'Gran Canaria Form'
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Rochester'
Halimium halimifolium f. maculatum
Hakea epiglottis
Hesperantha coccinea 'Oregon Sunset'
Hedera helix 'Erecta' (2)
Hibiscus syriacus 'Red Heart'
Hymenanthera alpina, prostrate form
Imperata cylindrica 'Red Baron'
Indigofera amblyantha
Jasminum nudiflorum
Imperata cylindrica 'Red Baron'
Jovibarba allionii
Juniperus communis v saxatilis
Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific' (7)
Knautia macedonica
Lardizabala biternata
Lavender 'Phenomenal'
Lavandula allardii 'Meerlo'
Leonotis leonurus
Leucosceptrum japonicum 'Mountain Madness'
Leucothoe fontanesiana 'Rainbow' (2)
Lessertia montana
Juniperus communis v saxatilis
Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific' (7)
Lardizabala biternata
Lavender 'Phenomenal'
Leucothoe fontanesiana 'Rainbow' (2)
Leuzea conifera (died shortly after planting)
Linnaea borealis
Lobelia laxiflora
Lysimachia paridiformis var. stenophylla
Maianthemum tatsienense (false solomon seal)
Manihot grahamii (keep trying, keep failing)
Marrubium rotundifolium
Mathiasella bupleuroides
Maytenus boaria 'Green Showers'
Metapanax delavayi
Microcachrys tetragona (creeping strawberry pine) (2)
Monarda macrantha
Monvillea spegazzinii (2)
Morina longifolia
Musella lasiocarpa
Maytenus boaria 'Green Showers'
Metapanax delavayi
Microcachrys tetragona (creeping strawberry pine) (2)
Monvillea spegazzinii (2)
Murdannia loriformis 'Bright Star'
Nananthus transvaalensis
Oenothera macrocarpa ssp. incana
Olea europaea 'Frantoio' gave to a friend
Orostachys spinosa
Oscularia caulescens (cuttings from JKuzma)
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Purpureus'
Oscularia caulescens (cuttings from JKuzma)
Ozothamnus coralloides
Pachypodium succulentum
Pachysandra axillaris 'Windcliff Fragrant' (3)
Pachysandra axillaris 'Windcliff Fragrant' (3)
Paulownia tomentosa
Parahebe perfoliata
Paeonia 'Smith Opus'
Phlomis 'Sunningdale Gold' (maybe mislabeled, not very gold)
Phlox paniculata 'Jeana'
Piptanthus nepalensis var. tomentosus
Pinellia pedatisecta
Plantago major 'Rubrifolia'
Rhamnus frangula (Fine Line Buckthorn)
Rohdea pachynema (Evan)
Rosa sericea ssp. omeiensis f. pteracantha (Wingthorn rose)
Rosularia platyphylla (succulent in C&B strawberry pot)
Rosularia platyphylla (succulent in C&B strawberry pot)
Sansevieria kiri 'Coppertone'
Santolina chamaecyparissus 'Lemon Queen'
Sambucus Black Lace
Sambucus Black Lace
Seseli gummiferum
Shortia soldanelloides (gift from Gossler, red leaves, stock tank table planting)
Sinocrassula yunnanensis
Sinopanax formosanus
Solanum evolvulifolium (houseplant)
Soldanella alpina
Sonchus canariensis gave to a friend (5/21)
Stapelia grandiflora (Robert H)
Stachyurus salicifolius
Strobilanthes gossypinus
Stokesia laevis 'Omega Skyrocket'
Stomatium suaveolens
Symphytum × uplandicum 'Axminster Gold'
Tanacetum densum
Tetrapanax papyrifer (7 and multiplying)
Telopea truncata
Teucridium parvifolium
Thalictrum ichangense 'Evening Star'
Thuja plicata 'Whipcord'
Tradescantia spathacea 'Sitara's Gold'
Stapelia grandiflora (Robert H)
Stachyurus salicifolius
Strobilanthes gossypinus
Tetrapanax papyrifer (7 and multiplying)
Thalictrum ichangense 'Evening Star'
Thuja plicata 'Whipcord'
Tricyrtis formosana ‘Samurai’
Trillium albidum
Tropaeolum peregrinum “Canary Creeper”
Uncinia strictissima
Verbascum blattaria (3)
Verbena bonariensis
Weigela ‘Dark Horse’
Xerophyllum tenax (Bear grass) (2)
Xerophyta capensis
χ Fatshedera lizei ‘Annemieke’ (2)
Zamia furfuracea (Ann)
χ Fatshedera lizei ‘Annemieke’ (2)
T. asiaticum 'Ogon Nishiki' (several)
T. asiaticum 'Red Top' (2)
T. asiaticum 'Shirofu Chirimen'
T. asiaticum 'Theta'
T. asiaticum 'Variegatum'
T. jasminoides 'Variegatum'
V. Californicum
V. nigrum
Y. aliofolia
Y. aloifolia 'Purpurea' aka Y, desmetiana 'Blue Boy'
Y. aloifolia 'Variegata'
Y. angustissima 'South Side'
Y. baccata
Y. brevifolia
Y. elata
Y. faxoniana
V. Californicum
Y. aloifolia 'Purpurea' aka Y, desmetiana 'Blue Boy'
Y. aloifolia 'Variegata'
Y. angustissima 'South Side'
Y. filamentosa, dug in Spokane and moved with me
Y. filamentosa ‘Color Guard’ (4)
Y. gloriosa 'Variegata'
Y. harrimaniae x nana
Y. linearifolia
Y. nana (Robert H)
Y. recurvifolia
Y. recurvifolia ‘Margaritaville'
Y. rostrata (2)
Y. rostrata ‘Sapphire Skies’ (4)
Y. torreyi (Illahe, dead in SPGreenhouse)
Y. whipplei
I am blown away by your FOCUS. We just finished reading the Steve Jobs book by Walter Isaacson, and that was his (Jobs') main key to success in anything.
ReplyDeleteThis is great! And holy moly you have a lot of agaves!
ReplyDeleteI keep a plant list on an Excel doc. Along with the genus, species and cultivar, I keep other info I need to remember in the various columns, like where I acquired it and when, or any special care notes. It has been invaluable when my brain fails - as it does on a regular basis!
I would love to see/hear about your Sansevierias! I thought to check here for them based on your comment on this page: http://www.stupidgardenplants.com/archives/unidentified-cactus-still-plant-hoarding-even-in-the-winter#comments.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog, keep it up:)
I wish I new what they were and I would share the info! I only have three, none of which I have tags for. Two were bought as "houseplants" at the big box (the one in the comment you mention) and the third probably had a tag at some point but that was a long long time (and several moves) ago. Sorry!
DeleteI finally did a census of cacti and succulents and I am at 287! A species list is forthcoming this winter ...
I saw that on your blog last night...WAY IMPRESSIVE! I wanted to comment but can't figure out how to do so on your blog.
DeleteI really wish tumblr and blogger would "play nice" together ...
DeleteMe too, as well as Wordpress. So silly that we can't all just get along!
DeleteHi, New to your site - and also to pointy sharp daggery plants!! Which I now lOVE!!
ReplyDeleteIt would be SO awesome if you included links to their pics here! Ya know - in between your otherwise busy day.
Wouldn't that be fabulous? I'll get my assistant on that asap! (that will be a great project if we have a rainy spring)
DeleteYou really ought to get Rosa minutifolia--it's native to California (and Baja) and thorny as all get out. Can be persnickety too as it doesn't like too much water and will croak if kept too wet in summer. But it's so pretty with lovely mauvey pink flowers waving around on those bristley canes with fern like leaves. Plant likes to bloom after rain, so flowers can occur at almost any time of year. Try here for pics, http://www.helpmefind.com/rose/l.php?l=2.17261.1&tab=36
ReplyDeleteI thought I read on your blog sometime back that you were interested in Acanthogilia gloriosa. The Rancho Santa Botanic Garden in Claremont, CA has a big one growing on the grounds. Armed to the teeth! With beooootiful white flowers. If one is a member, one can buy a packet of seeds from RSABG....... I have a bunch of pics of this plant if you want to see it.
Thank you for the plant leads Tessie! I think one thorny rose is enough for me (I can't risk my reputation as a rose hater you know! And I've already got the Wingthorn rose)...but yes Acanthogilia gloriosa looks like something I'd fall for. I wonder how it would do up here in rainy Portland, Oregon?
DeleteThank you so much for sharing your passion. I'm a trainee garden designer creating a tropical garden for a sheltered UK plot. Your combination of plants are wonderful and have truly inspired me. Thank you so much. Nicky
ReplyDeleteTypo: Opunita --> Opuntia.
ReplyDeleteThanks Nell, I do that one far too often!
DeleteI need a recommendation for the Willamette Valley, a dark euphorbia and a variegated green/white one. What do you know of "blackie" and glacier blue"? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWell, I know nothing. I've not grown either one. E. 'Blackbird' has its moments of looking fabulous, and then some not so fabulous. E. 'Ascot Rainbow' is a nice variegated one. Good luck!
DeleteWhere did you find the plant Stachyurus salicifolius? Saw it in a Seattle nursery, but have not been able to find it here on the East Coast. Appreciate the help.
ReplyDeleteI purchased my plant at Cistus Nursery here in Portland, Oregon. They do mail order!
DeleteYou want an A. baileyana 'Purpurea'?!? I have one you can have. It needs a good home.
ReplyDeleteI might also have a Yucca 'Color Guard' or two.
Your blog is the best! Thanks for sharing your garden adventures.
Stacey Stewart, Beaverton
Eden's Gate Design
Find me on Facebook. :)
Hi Stacey...thanks for the kind words! You know I never say no to plants that need a home...
Deleteif you are ever interested in trading some plant material please email me ediblelandscaping.sc@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI think you should get a hylocereus
ReplyDeleteMe too!
DeleteGreat blog! Did your Melianthus major ‘Antonow’s Blue’ die or why did you cross it off your list? Any idea where I can buy one (I live in Seattle)?
ReplyDeleteIt did die. After many many years of being cut back to the ground every spring it just refused to play along. It might have been the severe winter too (20016/17). I’ve no idea where in Seattle might carry them. Good luck!
DeleteDo you ever sell or trade rooted cuttings. I used to have passiflora sunburst but lost it when I got really ill one year and could not care for my plants. I got mine from grassy knoll who no longer carries it. I really miss this plant and would love to have it again. Please let me know if we can work something out.
Hi sorry....I don't know how your comment got past me. I do on occasion, but not that plant. I just don't have enough of it to cut. IF it has a really good summer I might be able to in the fall. Check back. You'd need to be in the Portland area though.
DeleteI'm curious why Saxifraga x gum "Dentata is crossed off your list? I've been admiring it and hope to try it out. Wonderful blog! Thanks for sharing all this information.
I gave away a lot of pieces of it and when I wasn't paying attention my plants all got shaded out and died off. I di buy a couple of new ones last summer, I need to update my list!
DeleteI love this list! I see you have a Sophora microphylla Sun King - may I ask how large it is? I see conflicting reports of eventual size. I'm in Zone 8 in PNW in WA. Have you maintained yours as a shrub or tree? I have a spot I was going to use a Marvel Mahonia but I cut a big tree down and now that spot gets a lot of sun, including afternoon.
ReplyDeleteHi Lisa... I bought the Sophora microphylla 'Sun King' on accident, it was mislabeled at a plant sale, so I didn't have a great place to plant it once I found out what it was. I gave it a go but eventually realized it wasn't a good fit for my garden and got rid of it. Obviously I need to update my plant list! Sorry I can't be of more help.
DeleteYou should try some devils club if you have a spot where you have some shade, lots of organic matter and don't need to walk there
ReplyDeleteOh yes, I would love to! That part about having an area where I don't need to walk is a problem though. It's a small garden...
DeleteHello, where did you get Podo delavayi or starfish from? Thanks
ReplyDeleteI don't have starfish form, I got delavayi from cistus.com