Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday, not really.

I’ve noticed more and more garden bloggers participating in Wordless Wednesday. Some of them actually succeed in not adding any words. Many of them fail. My husband took this picture with his phone last summer. I thought I lost it, but then I found it! And so this was my attempt at a Wordless Wednesday post. I failed at the "wordless" thing. But just look at that bad-ass dragon-fly!


  1. I don't know..."wordless" is pretty harsh. Maybe we could institute Five-word Wednesday. Then you could write, "Dragonfly lost, then found. Badass!"

  2. It's wonderful. (two words)

  3. I guess it's okay to comment with words? I love this blue and blue image!

  4. That's probably just a little gnat to Texans. Here in Abq, if it doesn't have venom, it's a girly bug.

    But I digress...funny post and it would not work without words!!!

  5. Bad ass, all right. Those things scare me! Nice blue color echo.

  6. Haiku Wedneday - rise blogging to an artform of brevity.

  7. The dragonfly is BA, all right, but the photo would be only so so but for the almost equally irridescent faucet handle.
    I like words.

  8. Darla, thank you, I'll take that.

    Wendy, hello! I like it...a lot.

    ChrisU, that would be Tue word Tuesday then right?

    MulchMaid, imagine how much better the color would have been if he had a real camera and not just his phone!

    DD, a "girly bug"...god everything here must be a girly bug! My husband tells me stories of the bugs in Nebraska (where he is from). I think I'll stick with our girly bugs.

    Grace, it's something about how they always dive bomb your hair right?

    Carrie, brevity scares me.

    ricki, I see that on a t-shirt, or a business card..."I like words"


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