Friday, July 8, 2016

Oops! I stopped by Cistus again...

You're not surprised though, are you? After all I was already on the island (yesterday's post) so why wouldn't I? (right?)...

Blooming Beschorneria...

My most favorite and lusted after Daphne x houtteana (mine is almost (ALMOST) looking this good)

Maytenus boaria 'Green Showers'

I've pictured this one before but it's worth repeating.

Love it and can't wait for mine to be almost this tall.

Romneya coulteri (Matilija Poppy)

Another plant I adore, but don't have room for in my own garden.

Thus I appreciate it wherever I see it grown well.

Schefflera delavayi

I had the place all to myself, for a few minutes at least...

Loropetalum chinense 'Burgundy'

Melianthus major 'Purple Haze'

Erythrina crista-galli (Cockspur Coral Tree)

I had one of these, but gave it to a friend before it bloomed.


Naturally I scanned the Aeoniums.


I'll end with this group of Echium candicans 'Variegata' – all lined up on their stadium seating...

All material © 2009-2016 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. Why "oops" ?? It's a great day when one gets to visit Cistus Nursery. Makes life oh-so-sweet.

  2. How is one of my favorite nurseries! I have a few plant friends from there. I would love to visit it again and again...

  3. Does that Daphne have a fragrant bloom to go along with the stunning foliage? The plant shopping is definitely going through a mid-season lull. Kinda fun, though, to have the place to yourself.

    1. You know...I have no idea. I've never seen it in bloom.

  4. You are a lucky woman! A fabulous garden visit and a stop at a great nursery. I hope you had a cocktail and nice dinner to round out your perfect day. Beschorneria? So cool. B. septentrionalis is rumored to be almost hardy for me...... Romneya? Sigh. Love that 'poppy'.

  5. Summer planting isn't the calculated risk it is here in SoCal, is it? What'd you bring home with you?

    1. Normally yes, especially the last couple of years. This year is shaping up to be a little different though. Cool and rainy this weekend. I'm not sure I like it! Oh and all I bought were a couple of Aeoniums. You saw one in Monday's beer can vase.

  6. Not surprised! The highlight of Sauvie island :)

    1. Indeed. Although there isn't really any competition...

  7. Can't get over those Matilija Poppies.

  8. I still remember the first time I saw one of those poppies in Santa Barbara. Forgot how much they look like tree peony flowers.

  9. Of course you had to stop - who wouldn't? Must get back there soon! Did you bring anything home in your fancy new plant mobile? That Erythrina crista-galli is gorgeous in bloom. Unfortunately, your bad friend gave yours away after it kept getting attacked by various bugs and suffered from his neglect. Word on the street is that it's much happier now.

    1. Just a couple Aeoniums - this was when I needed plants for my last arrangement. Glad to know the Erythrina crista-galli is happy, no matter who's hands it's in.

  10. You just reminded me that I wanted to get another Melianthus major this year, darn it.

  11. We would have been disappointed if you hadn't stopped. That Daphne is something.

    You know you can take a cutting of the Erythrina and stick it in the ground and it will be a new plant in no time. Hummingbird battles will ensue.

    1. It's not hardy I doubt it would get to that stage before Old Man Winter had his way with it.


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