Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Flower mulch at Joy Creek Nursery

I don’t know if I could tolerate the mess in my garden, but it’s beautifulI love these Rodgersia leaves; you can’t have too many big leaves!


  1. It's true, you really can never have too many big leaves. That's my motto.

  2. Megan, and this is why I love your garden!

  3. AnonymousJune 03, 2010

    Loree~~ I inherited two Rhodies when we moved to this house. You know what I did this year? I deadheaded them BEFORE the blooms were done. The bumblebees weren't exactly pleased but dammit I hate cleaning up all those slimy petals.

    That Rogersia is yummy. I hope mine looks that tasty someday.


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