When am I going to learn? Stop at a nursery when you have just a couple minutes to kill and THAT is when you will find the fabulous things. It happens every time.

I was really excited a couple weeks ago to find Aeonium Schwarzkopf for $2.89…I thought that was a killer deal! Yet here I could have gotten 9 plants for $12.99, which is only $1.45 each! Bargain. But I have to wonder...why would anyone put these plants in a hanging basket? They never face down...

And why would anyone by this single plant setting nearby for $9.99?

On the Rare and Unusual table (my favorite place)…

… are 3 variegated Echium candicans for only 8.99 each! Another bargain. But I really don’t need another (or do I?, no…)

And while I'm talking about temptations. Look at these pots! I am really loving the yellow green glaze with a bit of turquoise mixed in. They however are not a bargain.

How many times have I mentioned how much I love Eryngium agavafolium? So spiky.

And wouldn’t you know it. I’d never seen Castor Bean plants for sale in a nursery. So last winter I bought seeds and have been nurturing the (still) little guys. Here are big healthy plants for only $8.99!

So all of these temptations and what did I leave with? Just an Ensete Maurelli…a girl can only withstand so much temptation.
Oooh, I love the ensete maurelli. I got one for my fiance's mom and its been somewhat slow growing... maybe I should stop by and fertilize it.
ReplyDeleteI wish my garden center had a "rare and unusual" section! I couldn't imagine...
Oh the hardships eh! I have had that visit to the plants store many times, and your right. It always happens when your in a rush! By the way I was talking about pots earlier today, I love love love! turquoise glazed pots. They are simply perfect!
ReplyDeleteYep, everytime I go to a plant store, my purse gets lighter on the way out. Have to steer very clear !! Nice post, Gina
ReplyDeleteYummy plants and yummy pots. So where is this tempting place? Garden Fever?
ReplyDeleteYou're getting me interested (in spite of myself) in echiums: What do I need with more tender darlings I'd have to coddle through winter? But when I see your echium flower spikes...
Oh, Loree...... Fry Road has Ensete maurelli...
ReplyDeleteBut they don't have the Aeonium Shwarzkopf or that way cool Echium. Or those awesome pots...sigh!
Rainforest, gosh that reminds me, I should fertilize my other one! The rain rain rain has it looking a little down in the dumps.
ReplyDeleteLaura, I am totally obsessing about turquoise pots right now!
Antique Art Garden, hello! I am surprised my husband hasn't planned an intervention yet.
MulchMaid, Portland Nursery! (on Stark)...go! The lovely Echiums that Nestmaker posted about at Garden Fever might be a better bet though. After they bloom they should self seed so you will have babies! These at Portland Nursery will just die. Unless you are a REALLY good overwinter-er or we have a really mellow winter.
Grace, another Ensete would make three...how many does a girl need? (uhmmm....don't answer that).
I wish we had a rare and unusual area in our nurseries...temptation is very strong around beautiful plants..
ReplyDeleteDang, that's some dirt cheap Aeonium! Strange that they put it in a basket.
ReplyDeleteFab purchase. Very nice.
ReplyDeleteOK Loree, i went to the Portland Nursery on Stark and i didn't see the "Rare and Unusual" area. Just exactly where is it?
ReplyDeleteOf course it was a zoo today. What with it being the first day, after the 40 day flood we've been through, that actually had sun. And i can stand very little of being run over by carts and pushed around. So i left rather quickly, and didn't get to all corners.
It has been quite some time since i've been there and was amazed at their expansion at that location.
Darla, and frequently that kind of temptation can be very expensive!
ReplyDeleteMegan, I am beginning to think I should have bought a basket! How cool it would have been to have 9 cheap plants to work around my garden? Never mind that they'll die come winter.
Evelyn, thank you!
gh1, we just got back from taking in-laws to Cistus...I thought it would be crazy busy but it really wasn't. Did drive by Garden Fever though and they looked to be hopping. So...the rare and unusual area is almost straight at the end of that wide main entrance path outside. They had some sort of tent thing up with rolling shelving under it last time I was there, the rare and unusual table was just to the right of that. Sort of at the end of the shelves with the succulent ground covers. Sorry you weren't able to locate it! But if you did would have have wanted to stand in line to pay?
You got that Eryngium agavafolium in my head. I got the bug one day a couple weekends ago and had to go seek one out. And now that it's finally sunny, I can find a spot where the sun shines enough to plant it. Which might be next door.
ReplyDeleteLOL, yeah...stopping by a nursery just to window shop never works. Matti