For me the saying also fits for those times when you buy a plant you love, plant it where you think it will do, and look, its best. It thrives, but you find yourself liking it less and less. Then you see that same plant in a friend’s garden, or at the nursery, and you fall in love with it all over again.
That’s how I was feeling about my Euphorbia ‘Tasmanian Tiger’, I loved them when I saw them elsewhere, but mine, not so much. Last spring I finally tore mine out, gave a couple away, and replanted one in a different spot. Now, I love it! The white striped leaves brighten a very dark corner, that gets great morning light, but don’t hog the spotlight like they did when they were in a more exposed area.

Kinda like rearranging furniture, isn't it? Only your couch never complains. I am more apt to move things if they aren't doing very well or they need dividing. I'll put divisions in several locations to see where they are happiest. The most frustrating thing to me is a combination that works perfectly, then the next year one plant will be overpowering the others. My 'Percy's Pride' kniphofia fell victim to an Echinops takeover where last year they were totally in balance.
ReplyDeleteIf I like a plant enough I will move it around, see if I can find a better spot for it.
ReplyDeleteYour tasmanian looks very nice. I always worry about euphorbias. Does this one spread much? The white/green is very pretty.
I have an aspedistra that was not doing the job inside, so I decided to repot it, put it outside, and let it live on the patio for the summer. Well, the jury's still out, but it's not looking very happy and I don't know if it will survive winter in a pot. Mr. Mulchmaid is ready to give it the boot, but I am more tender-hearted. So currently I'm considering where in the garden I could plant it that wouldn't be an immediate death sentence. I hope I can come up with a place.
ReplyDeleteDG~~ Yes indeed! Heucheras. Most of the varieties I had planted in the ground looked pathetic. I didn't care for them anymore and I kept thinking about the excessive hype attributed to this genus. A few weeks ago while perusing the nearest nursery I couldn't help oohing and aahing the same heuchera varieties. Only these were in perfect condition--deep coloring and rounded form. I came home, dug up all of my ailing heucheras and planted them in containers. Some I partnered with other plants, some by themselves. I can already see a difference. My soil is, despite my diligence, still too dry.
ReplyDeleteI need to move my Euphorbia 'T. Tiger' too. I thought it would do fine in a xeric rock garden setting. Nope. Yours looks very healthy and happy. Great placement second time around.
I hate when I fall out of love with a plant, I wait way too long to take action. As a rule, I have almost never regretted ripping something out once I get around to it, but I've been trying to move plants around more this year if they're not right where they are, and it definitely seems to help. My one regret over a plant I ripped out was the ornamental rhubarb that overpowered an area last year. I was so envious when I saw them coming up in other gardens this spring.
ReplyDeletericki, I totally agree about the combo thing!
ReplyDeleteK & V, All in all I have had great experiences with Euphorbia. The Euphorbia characias ssp. wulfenii pops it's seeds everywhere, but they are very easy to pull out. I've never had the Euphorbia 'T. Tiger do that, it hasn't spread at all. The only 2 that can get out of control in my garden are Euphorbia amygdaloides var. Robbiae and E. cyparissias.
Jane, funny I just bought one of those! Mine went right in the ground in a dark part of the garden. Hopefully it (and I) will be happy there.
Grace, me too! Heucheras can look so enticing when they are fresh and happy...and in mass. Never quite the same at home. Hope your move will be a success.
Megan, I am surprised you didn't replace the ornamental rhubarb...are you thinking about it?