Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lotusland here I come!!!

I’m going to Lotusland, and I am so excited! Ever since I first learned of this magical place, maybe 5 years ago, I’ve wanted to visit. Then after reading the Lotusland post the Germinatrix did, well, let’s just say it hasn’t been far from my mind.

We took the plunge and became members (after learning about the benefits from the Germinatrix), and just got our membership materials in the mail.
Level 1 membership is $75 and includes 2 passes, plus you get a subscription to their newsletter and 10% off in the gift shop. Regular old tickets are $35 ea so membership is only $5 more! PLUS with a membership you are allowed to wander the grounds on your own. Other visitors can only gain entrance by going on a docent led tour.

When I made our reservation they were pushing for us to go on the tour, and while the prospect of learning more about the lady behind the garden, Madam Walska, is intriguing I’m wondering if my time might be better spent taking in the splendor of the garden at my own pace. What do you think? You might be saying “why not do both?” well it turns out even if you are a member you have to chose between the 10:00 or 1:30 openings and you only get a few hours in the garden. Seems they are located smack dab in the middle of a neighborhood and traffic is highly regulated. I would love to hear from any of you that have taken the tour, regarding how you feel about the time you were allowed to stare at the plants in awe vs. the information you learned.

Of course either way it’s going to be FABULOUS! From the Lotusland website:“…after divorcing Bernard, Madame Walska changed the name of her estate to "Lotusland" in honor of the sacred Indian lotus growing in one of the ponds on the property. She thus began what would be a gradual transformation from well-known socialite to garden designer. Most of her energy and resources were poured into creating a botanical garden of rare plants using her natural artistic talents to create a fantasy world of exquisite beauty”


  1. I will be looking forward for your pictures! :-) Enjoy your the tour!

  2. Oh, explore on your own, for sure. Tours never seem to go the right pace or talk about the stuff I really want to hear, but on top of that, it's so hard to get a picture - there's always some eager fellow tour-taker in your shot.
    I hadn't heard the tale of the divorce behind the garden name and the subsequent garden design. Madame Walska sounds like an inspiring lady.

  3. Hi DG~~ I, too look forward to the photos. With all the membership perks for an additional 5 bucks it sounds like you made the right decision.

  4. Thanks Stephanie...my visit is a ways off but I was just so excited when I received the membership materials that I had to post.

    Megan, I finally looked at the garden map that is on their website. Butterfly garden? Topiary? = zero time spent there! Thus the tour is totally scratched! Aloe garden and Succulent garden here I come!

    Grace, I am so glad I was "in the know"!


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