Monday, May 10, 2021

Pomarius, the May Marché, and a feeling of renewal...

Pomarius Nursery is the kind of place I love to wander for inspiration and just to soak up the joy of plants and design. Or rather I used to wander, since COVID hit I have not done so. They were closed for awhile and I once they reopened I think it might have been by appointment only for awhile. Planning ahead just wasn't the same thing as a spontaneous visit. Which is all to say that when I set up for the May Marché last Saturday I was THRILLED to be there again after such a longtime away.

I can't visit this nursery without feeling the ghosts (friendly ghosts) of all the Garden Bloggers who were there for opening night of the 2014 Portland Garden Blogger's Fling. The folks at Pomarius rolled out the red carpet and it was a night to remember.

It's amazing how much the plants in front of the nursery have grown.

My table was just inside the entrance, so I got to chat with most of the folks who came by, it was great (masked and outdoor) fun. After a year of very little social interaction I was ready for this.

My neighbor vendor was Polly’s Pottery. In addition to having fabulous things (which I managed to resist because Andrew claims I already have too many ceramics, and he may be right) she was also great company.

I snuck away to shop and photograph as much as possible. This skunk cabbage was huge! It was nice to know you can successfully grow them in a large boggy container.
Did you spot the "boneyard" next-door?
This table is very inspiring. I think I could make something similar.

Succulents! And a killer display table.
Lookie there! A huge daphniphyllum...

Another vendor, Madre...

Pomarius is carrying Dustin Gimbel's artwork. If that name sounds familiar it might be because I shared photos from my visit to his garden: here

JJ DeSousa (Digs) was also at the event and brought her four-legged friends.
Just a few more photos...

Look at what a small amount of soil that large plant is growing in!

I was thrilled to find a 1-gallon Mahonia x media 'Marvel' and quickly snapped it up.
And I was shocked to leave with both of my pickaxe plantings unsold.
You just never know what is going to catch someone's fancy and it wasn't these. Now can I resist the temptation to keep them for myself?...

Weather Diary, May 9: Hi 66, Low 52/ Precip 0 

All material © 2009-2021 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. I was hoping you'd show photos of your table, and you did. Like you, I'm surprised your pickaxe planters didn't sell. But they'll look great somewhere in your own garden.

    I have very fond memories of Pomarius!

    1. It is such a special place! And very different now from when the Fling party occurred.

  2. Must have been a glorious day -- and being able to keep your upcycled stuff isn't a bad option! Pomarius is such a great size, good flow, with excellent taste. Such good memories of our night there. And those tables are giving me ideas too!

    1. I bet you act on your table ideas before I manage to do it...

  3. Hanging out in a favorite nursery with other like-minded people and talking about your book sounds like a wonderful experience, Loree. And you got to shop too!

  4. I agree with Kris, to socialize (even masked) with plant folks is a day well spent!

    1. I even recognized a few old friends with their masks on!


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