Thursday, August 16, 2018

Crackedpots at McMenamins Edgefield, 2018

I think this was my third trip to Edgefield for the Crackedpots show. Wandering the gardens of Edgefield is always a good time, add in people watching, stuff for sale...and it's a fun outing. While most of the artist's creations are not my style (there's a lot of "whimsy") there are always a few things I'd like to bring home and the idea behind the the show is one I wholeheartedly support: "Crackedpots is a volunteer driven non-profit devoted to waste reduction in our community. Creative reuse - reclaiming and re-imagining - is at the heart of all we do."

I've talked up the planter I bought last year from Indio Metal Arts and was thrilled to see her  work in the same location this year...

Aren't these great?

I was really eyeing this one,  a square pot on a spike so it hovers above the ground. Pretty fabulous right? I stood there thinking over the purchase and managed to talk myself out of it. My garden is small, I've got a lot going on. I need to be careful I don't add so much visual clutter (cool clutter is still clutter) you are no longer able to see the plants for the containers. I passed. And I am happy I did. But I hope someone took this beauty home!

Moving on I was taken with this sconce/vase/thing. Pretty fabulous right?

As was the one on the right, the simple square container. I'm sure someone will be enjoying these, but that person is not me.

I was hesitant to snap a lot of photos of the items for sale, knowing these are people who've spent time dreaming up and creating things, I didn't want them to think I was snapping photos so I could attempt to replicate what they'd come up with. So — on that note — time for a little plant viewing.
I should have asked a passer-by to pose with the Gunnera, it's huge!

As are it's blooms.

One of the very first Magnolia macrophylla I ever saw (in the middle, up against, but taller than, the building). I like to visit it to remind myself just how tall Clifford can get.

A friend of mine used to live in an ivy-covered apartment building, he told stories of spiders. I wonder if they're a problem for the hotel guests?

I appreciated that someone was kind enough to buy this fellow a beer.

The grand hotel, which was built in 1911 as the county poor farm. Andrew and I have talked about staying here, a quick "weekend away" kind of thing for a summer concert on the lawn (it's just 12 miles from our home), but we never have.
More art for sale, flowers behind the flowers.

There were interesting, informative signs throughout the garden.

I especially appreciated this one — at a sale where you're potentially buying more stuff you probably don't need!

Oh, and there's a plant sale! Mostly plants that have been propagated by the McMenamins gardeners, but a few others too. We'll come back to this.

I photograph these huge troughs every time I visit.

They're just so fabulous.

As is the Agave americana var. medio-picta 'Alba'.
And the Puya...

Moon carrot! (Seseli gummiferum)

I do love a green wall...

I photographed these same Aeonium in this same spot last year.

Surely they didn't spend winter here.
Cuphea, I believe?

Look, space for your next outdoor event! Which will hopefully be held on a day with a clear sky and no smoke, this was another very bad day, air quality wise, here in the Portland area.


To the veggie garden...

Make that fruit and veggie...

On another side of the property I was excited to peruse the offerings from ReClaim It!, the retail arm of Crackedpots.

Here you can shop items that haven't yet been creatively up-cycled.

Barrel rings for $6...

I managed, once again, to just walk away. However I did walk back to the plant sale. Yes indeedy.

I keep meaning to add one of these to the garden.
And who can't use a couple more Echium russicum?

At only $3.50 each I bought three, and a Centaurea atropurpurea.
And then I ventured on, back towards the car, but stopped to admire the keg planters. Fitting when you've got an onsite brewery.

Striking variegation.

That flower is humongous!

My hand for scale.


The winery called, but I was strong and walked on by...

Weather Diary, Aug 15: Hi 89, Low 64/ Precip 0

All material © 2009-2018 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. Now I'm on the hunt for that Centaurea, had to Google it after reading "rich burgundy red" flowers. I had that Echium russicum once, but I think it lived its natural lifespan and just didn't come back one year (or maybe got swallowed by weeds). I'd love to grow that again too. I would have been tempted by those barrel hoops.

    1. The Echium is rumored to be biennial, but the ones I planted in my front garden are acting like perennials! I hope these do too. Hope you can find the Centaurea!

  2. Your restraint is admirable, especially passing up the winery! A gorgeous setting, wonderful art, and even a plant sale. Must make it down for this event next year. I loved the pieces you showed but, as you know, my garden is already so full of stuff and plants that it would be difficult to find appropriate space for anything more. (Although, the indio metal arts things could hold several already existing plants...) Those barrel rings and the metal pot next to them with the words cut out around the top would have been serious temptations! 80% of what we buy is thrown away within 6 months of purchase is a staggering statistic. I try to do my part by keeping everything forever:)

    1. You really should plan to come down next year, I am confident you'd enjoy yourself. And ha! You made me laugh, you hoarder you.

  3. I've seen that Centaurea at other McMenamins and have coveted it...I always think it's a thistle until I look closer.

    1. Maybe mine will set seed and I can share with you and Alison?

  4. Those waste stats are so stunning that they kind of blew all the beauty of the art and landscape right out of my mind.

    1. As I was photographing the Aeoniums one of the waitstaff walked by with huge, bulging, trash bags from the restaurant. It was shocking to see the food (mostly tater tots and french fries) being thrown away (left uneaten from diners plates).

  5. I have Seseli gummiterum 'Moon Carrot' in my yard! I love it and so far it loves me! I must time a trip down to Portland to be there for this sale. I love wandering the Edgefield gardens, too.

    1. So far my Seseli gummiterum hasn't bloomed, but I do love the foliage.

  6. That's a pretty fabulous way to spend an afternoon. I loved everything - from plants, to pots, and even the signs.

    1. If only breathing hadn't been painful from the smoke it would have been perfect!

  7. A good way to spend a day. I love those troughs. They are amazing, HUGE. I like the name of Seseli gummiterum..."Moon Carrot". It sounds out of this world.

    1. I never have learned where those troughs originated.

  8. Your temptation resistance was at "10" that day -- maybe because you'd been before? Seems like an all around wonderful place and event!

    1. Or because I'm not hip on adding a lot to the garden (other than plants).

  9. Oh yeah, I see what you mean about the scone/vase thing. I'm imagining that somewhere in the garden... It sounds like a worthwhile cause/event. I remember you posting about the planter before.

    1. Ha, thanks for the flash back Beth! I worked for a vintage lighting company for many years and every once and awhile someone would come in and ask about the scones, when they meant sconce. ;)


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