Monday, October 2, 2017

In a Vase on Monday: On the Road in Oregon

Andrew, Lila, and I spent most of last week traveling through Central and Eastern Oregon. Knowing our days would largely consist of car-time, with small bursts allotted to exploring, I thought it would be an interesting challenge to see what sort of material I could collect along the way to fill a vase.

Our first night was spent in Pendleton — home to the woolen mill and the round-up. The open fields behind our hotel provided the perfect place to forage...

I cut a little of this...

And a little of that...

I was surprised to find Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium) growing here, but suppose I shouldn't have been. Tempting as it was to cut some of this I left it alone, after all I would be playing with these weeds in the hotel room...with a curious dog who wants to eat everything.

Once my hands were full I returned to our room to see what I could come up with...

But had to wait until the next morning to get a good photo of the finished arrangement.

The vase was a birthday gift Andrew bought at the Hirshhorn Museum in D.C., when we were there for the Garden Bloggers Fling. It's basically a plastic pouch, that folds flat, but when filled with water sands upright as a vase, naturally Amazon has them too (here).

I do love me some thistle...

Our next two nights were spent in Burns, as a jumping off point for travel south around the Malheur Wildlife Refuge, Steens Mountain, and the Alvord Desert (I'll share a few photos from those travels later in the week). I collected cuttings on the outskirts of town...

The golden hour really is golden in this part of the state...

The Burns arrangement...

I couldn't resist a photo in front of the hotel artwork, thanks to Andrew for playing along...

Our final night was spent in Bend, which felt like a big city when compared to where we'd been. Gathering became a little more challenging since I didn't want to cut anywhere that might get me in trouble.

Luckily I found a few things to snip while walking Lila.

We were closely watched however.

The Bend arrangement definitely has more of an urban feel...

Less "weedy"...

I did sneak in a couple of purchased Gomphrena (G. haageana 'Strawberry Fields' perhaps?) that I spied in the floral case of a nursery I visited, while Andrew poked around a bookstore.

This was a fun experiment and a great excuse to get up close and personal with the local flora at each town we stayed in. Plus it put a nature focal point in our hotel rooms, always a good thing! For more "Blogger vases" visit our meme host Cathy at Rambling in the Garden.

Weather Diary, Oct 1: Hi 65, Low 50/ Precip .01"

All material © 2009-2017 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. What a great present from Andrew! I haven't seen anything like it. And nothing would make a hotel room more personal than a bouquet you put together yourself. Fabulous landscapes and you are certainly right about the golden light. But I would find it hard to pick one place to go if the choices were a nursery vs a bookstore. Tough decision.

    1. I have so many books I've yet to read! I'm trying to restrict new books coming into my collection until I've managed to knock down the pile a bit...

  2. What a great idea and a great vase!

  3. A packable vase! What a perfect gift for an IaVoM contributor on the road. You made great use of the materials on hand in each location. I like the Burns arrangement best but then I love lupine in all its incarnations. Do you know what the dark brown/burgundy element in that arrangement was?

    1. Yes, it's Rumex, aka "Dock"...I have a great book "Weeds of the West" that I was going to use to identify all the different contents of the vase...but didn't end up having time to do it.

  4. Love the pop-up vase and all three arrangements. Burns with the hoetl artwork is my fave. The landscape pictures are gorgeous!

  5. I have a vase like this but not such a pretty colour and it has still not made it to IAVOM. It was fascinating reading your post and seeing the difefrent landscapes and local flora - and DEFINITELY a good idea to have a bvase for evry hotel room! Thanks for sharing them

    1. It was great fun to do, I really enjoyed the excuse to explore.

  6. I also love the pop up vase....and wow you certainly can make a vase gathering material from anywhere around you...these were amazing. I won't pick a fav as each has elements from a different area and each is so unique.

    1. Not only was it fun to put them together, but then looking at all three side by side — when putting together this post — was interesting too.

  7. I couldn't be more impressed with the three incredible vases you made from snipping in the wild from plants that most people would walk straight past without seeing. Love the pop-up vase too!

    1. Thank you, there is such beauty in the weeds!

  8. What a brilliant idea, Loree and I love the collapsible vase. Often, when I've travelled I've itched to create from the local palette. Your Burns arrangement is my favorite, as I love the wild look. Your 'golden hour' photos are lovely, I esp. like the view of the plains and the sunlit grasses.

    1. Thanks Eliza, the open sky and setting sun were magical combination!

  9. What a cool idea, doing floral arrangement on the road!

    Your photos reminded me of how much I love sagebrush country!

  10. This might be my favorite vase post! Grabbing a bit of this and a bit of that--especially while travelling--and somehow using your magic to create beautiful, artful arrangements. Also, wow--I missed out by not attending the Fling for so many reasons, not the least of which is that awesome vase!

    1. Thanks Beth, and you can order your own on Amazon! (link above)

  11. Cool way to get a feel for the locals. :)

    1. Woke up with a sliver in my foot one night. That's what I get for collecting in flip-flops...

  12. Oh, I wouldn't call any of these weedy! I like the second one a lot, I'd describe it as wildflowers. That's a cool vase, what a great idea to do these while traveling with bits and pieces scrounged up from wherever you could find them.

  13. Nice exercise. Searching and collecting must have been fun. You have the most arrangements made on different days and presented in a single IAVOM.

    1. Technically cheating as none of them were done on a Monday...

  14. Love those wild shapes. While you've tamed them, I would tend to call them weeds. But I like weeds in arrangements and use them all the time. I should challenge myself to do the Monday thing! Yours are always interesting.

    1. Do it! I bet you'd come up with some lovely creations.


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