Thursday, October 26, 2017

Tammy's Garden — a stop on the 2017 Garden Bloggers Fling

As a former "Fling" planner I speak with experience when I say that both planning a Fling AND opening your own garden to the group during the event is pure madness. Only a crazy person would sign up for such a thing...

Naturally that meant Tammy, lead planner for the 2017 Capital Region Fling, did just that last June. She's a Wonder Woman.

If you follow Tammy's blog, Casa Mariposa, you already know her garden is all about the pollinators.

But it's also got style, Tammy's own individual stamp. We all loved it.

From our Fling materials: "Tammy’s garden is a study in improvisation and imperfection that has been dogscaped to meet the needs of her canine crew. Her cottage style garden is completely organic and packed with native plants and ornamentals that attract and support wildlife. All annuals that attract pollinators are grown from seed during the winter. The garden features a 67 foot river bed dug by hand that ends in a rain garden designed to prevent runoff from entering the storm drain and flowing to the Chesapeake. "

I think the back porch and steps were a favorite of just about all of us.

Or rather I should specify the pots and plants on (and in) the the steps. What a collection!

This is just so very Tammy. A happy plant just growing right up through the pavers.

No problem!

The river bed (or is this the rain garden portion?) was a thing of wonder and beauty.

And even though she swore we were seeing her garden "as time to primp!" it was photo-shoot ready.

Happy Garden Bloggers, snapping away...

Hmmm... love that fuzzy succulent. An Echeveria? (note, another something growing out of the pavers to the right)...

I really should know what these are...anyone?

Love the bud.

Love the flower.

Hosta perfection!

Thank you Tammy for including your wonderful garden on the Fling itinerary and putting together such a memorable event!

Weather Diary, Oct 25: Hi 62, Low 43/ Precip 0"

All material © 2009-2017 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. I do love the whimsy and abundance of a cottage style garden; It may look care free and easy, but in reality, it take an unbelievable amount of work and dedication. It is probably more suitable to describe the gardener as 'care free'.

    1. I can imagine it takes a lot of those hairstyles that look like they just fell into place, but rather they require a lot of work.

  2. I love the exuberance. Clearly drought is not an issue there!

    The echeveria looks like Echeveria setosa.

    My favorite thing: the "I Love Gardening" license plate!

  3. I love your blog, and those flowers are Stokesia.

  4. Stokesia? Tammy's garden is so wonderfully full of pollinator-friendly plants. I've enjoyed seeing everyone's pictures of it and following her blog. Must be even better in person!

    1. It was great to be there in person, so warm and welcoming. And thanks for the ID!

  5. A person as packed with personality as Tammy would have to have a garden to match. Thanks for the tour...and, ahem, I seem to remember another crazy person signing up for that kind of double duty a few years ago.

    1. Ha! Great point. The garden and Tammy are perfect reflections of each other. And yes...that was my point. I know just how CRAZY it is.

  6. I believe the plants you're asking about are Stokesia, an eastern native that's a butterfly magnet. The yellow is 'Mary Gregory' (the only yellow cultivar, a nice color break introduced by Niche Gardens in NC); there are several good blue cultivars, but I'm guessing that's 'Klaus Jelitto'

    1. Thank you for the ID Nell, you're so knowledgeable, I appreciate it.

  7. I remember this gorgeous garden in Kris' blog. It's really beautiful, so exuberant and densely planted. Her collection of planters is stunning too and I love those cute garden gnomes among the pots!

  8. It's great to see Tammy's garden again through someone else's eyes. It was fun to visit in person after reading her posts for years. It was all so very Tammy.

  9. Yes, it's madness all right, but she pulled it off beautifully.

  10. Tammy and her garden were both a bundle of fun. I don't know how she did and stayed sane.

  11. I love the plants growing from the steps and pavers! I'd never be able to get away with that in my current garden, even if we had pavers.

    1. the garden owners are not a fan of such exuberance?

  12. I loved Tammy's garden...and the river of rock was incredible. Oh to have her eye and energy!

  13. Oh I love this garden...just my style! And Tammy, so lovely. Thank you for sharing her garden with us!

  14. Tammy's garden is fabulous, fun and working it! Just like Tammy!!!

  15. Tammy is indeed a Wonder Woman - great summary of her garden. I hope to see her new garden in the not too distant future.


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