The patio was looking so empty, and lonely. Several sunny warm days in a row and I decided it was time to bring out the furniture, the container garden, and get summer underway!

But the bad thing about wooden patio furniture is eventually it needs to be re-stained. The sun and rain (even the very little rain we typically get in the summer months) combine to bleach the color away. This kind of maintenance sucks, I’ve never been any good at it. Right now there were so many other things I would rather be doing! But at least the before and after is dramatic enough that I feel like I actually accomplished something. And being outside working in the warm sun was nice.

Finally…the patio is open for summer entertaining! …(yes it looks wet, I hosed it down prior to moving he furniture out)…the agaves, aloes and other tender plants (does that include me?) are ready to celebrate the sun.

And wouldn’t you know comes the first patio weekend of the season, my friend Erin is visiting from Seattle and winter makes a reappearance. Rain rain rain...

Cold temperatures, strong winds and rain. So much rain that I’m wishing I hadn’t brought these guys out from under cover.

I was all ready for summer, where did it go?
Oh, it looks so inviting, especially with the red rhodie blooming and your new focal point in the background. Yes, weather, please cooperate! Visitors must be honored with warm sun, as must tender plants! I am worrying that many folks are losing tomatoes and other tender plants - it was down into the low 40s for us last night, or maybe even lower! Eek!
ReplyDeleteI think you have some of the most interesting plants on any of the blogs that I visit. Even though most would suffer a long painful death with me in my climate, I still enjoy viewing your beauties.
ReplyDeleteThat is one beautiful outdoor room! I love the modern slat wood table and chairs too.
ReplyDeleteI bet those agaves can handle a little rain now that your temps are warming up. Your patio looks like a picture out of a magazine. Wish I could join you for a drink out there--when it's not cold and rainy!
ReplyDeleteNo kidding! I luckily oiled my wooden furniture the day before it started up- it's now looking sad and drippy... like me.
ReplyDeleteI have to get out and restain our set. It's so great to be getting use out of the patio again. Now if only the rain would stay away.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you in needing the rain to stop. We were out in Eastern Oregon and the weather was beautiful. Came back to this unremitting repeated downpour. My salvia and the callas are all beaten down over the lawn. Summer (or at least warm, late-spring weather) can't come too soon for me!
ReplyDeleteThere are some benefits to being too busy to indulge my gardening whims. I fell for that siren song of a warm spell too, but couldn't find the time to move everything outdoors...and the rain keeps people at home, where I can find and count them. Some good in everything, don'tcha know.
ReplyDeleteOur weather is being so unseasonably cold. And windy. Totally sucks and I wish I was out basking in the sun!
ReplyDeleteKaren, it's just been miserable! We (my friend and I) did manage to visit 5 nurseries this weekend without being soaked. Excellent timing! But unfortunately there was no time spent relaxing on the patio.
ReplyDeleteSylvana, thank you! You just made my day.
Rainforest Gardener, thanks! IKEA...although I was sad to see they didn't bring it back this year.
Pam, (ha) thanks! I would love to have you join me for a beverage...come on up! As for our warming temps...not much. It has been unseasonably cool. Lows in the low 40's and highs barely reaching 60. Not at all what it should be!
linda, the sad and the drippy look to be continuing too...
Laura, when...oh when will it stop?
MulchMaid, I have an eye on the Peony's...leaving them on the plant until the just start to open, because once they do, like you describe, the rain will beat them down. I'll be out there with my clippers to cut them and bring them inside to enjoy.
ricki, well! I am glad to hear the rain is benefiting someone!
MT Julie, I am sorry to hear it's getting you too!
First we got an early spring, and then a late start to summer. Crazy year. I'm predicting it's just around the corner though, that part where it's suddenly 90 degrees every day without warning. It would be nice if we could get a little bit more gradual transition. The good news is the new plants are getting watered in without any extra effort.
ReplyDeleteMegan, the Plume poppies you gave me were (despite my best attempts to keep them hydrated) looking a little sad. This rain has perked them up. I suppose I will hold onto that silver lining.