Wednesday, September 14, 2022

More from my visit to Cistus

As mentioned on Monday I made a visit to Cistus Nursery last month, where there were many things vying for my attention, like this pair of palms along the drive. They had me thinking about how much negative talk I've heard recently about Trachycarpus fortunei. Everyone seems all hopped up on Trachycarpus wagnerianus. Whatever, I love my Trachycarpus fortunei.

How often do you see an upside-down artichoke/cynara? Not often enough!

From this vantage point I could see the nursery was very well stocked, that's always a good thing. Heck, you can't even see thru to the Big Top door!
Bamboo forest


This is a special agave, a pup from my friend Linda's plant. She bought it at Cistus, grew it into a monster, and then gifted it back when it got to big for her garden. Now it's pups are being sold at the nursery...

We will pay a visit to mama agave towards the end of this post.

Fragile spikes...

Bonus back-lit shot.

NO ID clematis.

Ditto for this colletia with a phormium backer.

Moving into the Big-Top now, which was full of lots of wonderful vignettes.

Did somebody say aspidistra?

Mangave 'Purple People Eater'

I'm starting to hear that mangaves are now considered agaves and thus the name mangave is obsolete. I can't quite wrap my head around it because they are so very different—at least as far as how they handle winter cold and wet.

I want this container on a pedestal so bad!

I meant to go back and buy one of these but I forgot. Damn.

Now I've ventured back to visit friends in the propagation area (Ann and Kris) and was surprised to see a late summer blooming scadoxus.

I then ventured over to inspect the desert island bed. It does not disappoint!

Steps up to the back graveled "patio" off Sean and Preston's house.

Which is where Linda's agave holds court.

It and it's setting is pretty magnificent.

Pseudopanax ferox (and maybe a crassifolius) stand tall at the side of the house.

A final shot of the desert island to wrap up this post...

All material © 2009-2022 by Loree L Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. Thank you for this post. It was exactly what I needed, without me knowing that I needed it. I really should plan a trip to Portland this fall...

    The genus Manfreda being merged into the genus Agave, I think this is just talk. In my book, it's similar to Sanseviera being merged into Dracaena, a bit silly.

    1. "a bit silly"... yes! Glad to provide what you needed when you didn't even know you needed it...

  2. The desert island was beautifully constructed. (Why my local botanic garden can't put together vignettes that look that good continues to bug me.) I love the graceful 'Cie a Linda' agave. When I saw the Dyckia choristaminea, I thought it looked like one I have named 'Frazzle Dazzle', only to discover they're one in the same plant ;)

    1. Sean is an accomplished designer, plantsman and worked at the Berkeley Botanical garden for years. Perhaps your botanic garden needs to hire him for a design project?

  3. I want that container too -- didn't see it at my last visit but obviously missed a lot judging by your photos. Linda's agave is a beaut -- montana x salmiana? If I ever dig and berm the front yard...I brought home Mangave 'Whales Tale' from Cistus, hoping it gets a lot of cold tolerance from ovatifolia -- we'll see.

    1. It's not the cold, it's the cold + wet that turns them to mush in my garden. Keep it dry!

  4. I see a creation of a "container on a pedestal" in your future.

  5. What on earth could be wrong with Trachycarpus fortunei? Obviously I've got some catching up to do.

    I need to learn the secrets of growing a good Aspidistra. I bought two last year and they don't like me. It's a horrible feeling when everyone else says that they're easy, but mine look so sad. They're cast iron plants!


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