Friday, September 2, 2022

August Instagram goings-on

So many things get posted over on my Instagram page that never make it to the blog, so I thought perhaps a repost of a few Instagram goings-on might be fun. Starting from back on August 16th when I took this shot of the front garden.

And a close-up of Agave 'Baccarat' 

To the back garden where × Cryptbergia 'Red Burst' (Aechmea x Billbergia) fills my chartreuse Circle Pot.

Variegated Agave parryi, a gift from Alison (years ago)

My Echinocactus grusonii (aka golden barrel cactus), has a baby! Since it can't grow outwards and create a colony, it has decided to go up. Those berries on the left belong to a Scadoxus puniceus.

Curious color on the Fascicularia bicolor (or maybe Fascicularia pitcairniifolia, I get them confused). It's gotten even redder since I snapped and shared this shot. Usually the red means blooms, but new leaves at the center of the rosette seem to say no.

My latest bromeliad aquisition; Tillandsia secunda from Thicket.
August 21st I was overcome with happiness that I have three tall palms in my garden and shared photos of all three, here my oldest a Trachycarpus fortunei...

Second oldest, third tallest, Trachycarpus wagnerianus.

Third oldest, second tallest, another Trachycarpus wagnerianus. And yes the fronds are a little longer than you'd expect to see on a "waggy"... perhaps because it's in quite a bit of shade (or so I've been told).

Later that same day I got to work and trimmed the old growth on Sammy, our oldest (tallest) Yucca rostrata, further exposing his tall trunk. Naturally I didn't think to take a before photo.

But the "afters" are pretty good.

Cobea scandens blooms! I was confused at first. I mean, I thought I bought a purple bloomer.

It slowly worked towards that...

Orange crocosmia from a friend, no name, but it's pretty fabulous.
A spiky shot taken near the back door, I love the evening light.

My Dioon edule had been hanging onto the same lame leaves for years. I decided it was time to toss it. I cut them off, stuck the pot in the garage and then this happened.

I got to visit the studio and garden of one of my heroes, floral and botanical designer Francoise Weeks—it was just as wonderful as I'd imagined.

I could have spent hours exploring!

We sat and chatted and sipped wine and snacked on tasty things.

The next day it was off to Mt Rainer National Park where I spotted these amazing lichen on a bridge hand-rail.

Skyscraper senecio standing tall and glowing in the August sunshine…

And finally a garden visit to a new acquaintance who gardens in Clackamas, Oregon; @tropicalpdx. He has 100 palms in his garden (!!!) perhaps the most impressive (to me at least) is this ginormous Butia capitata by the front door.

There are also oleander...

Manihot grahamii

And a particularly stunning loquat, Eriobotrya japonica. I took a few more photos of this garden but the light was so strong that day that they didn't turn out very good.
Oh, and my first Berkheya purpurea bloom! Rabbits keep munching on the plant, I’m so happy a bloom stalk finally escaped their pruning...

As I publish this post I am still trying to come to terms with the fact it's now September. I want summer to last forever, but even I have to admit it's starting to wind down...

All material © 2009-2022 by Loree L Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. Thanks for sharing. Loved the bromeliad in the ferns. I got a notice from Instagram that I need to provide my birthday to protect children. They will not "share" this info but they will send me stuff. So I can't post or view Instagram. I am probably going to unsubscribe. It just annoys me that after posting for a number of weeks, they suddenly need my birthdate.

    1. That anonymous comment is from me. I forgot to fill in my name.

    2. Interesting, I have not gotten a warning like that from Instagram, I would not be happy with them if I had.

  2. There are all blog post-worthy photos, Loree. Even though I've seen most if not all on IG, it's so much better seeing them in larger photos. They deserved a closer look than one gets while rapidly scrolling through IG. I'm still left wondering if my Yucca rostrata will ever grow up to look anything like yours...

    1. Gotta start large with a Yucca rostrata or else you're waiting forever...

  3. Nice to see the photos, since I'm a non-instagram person. The lichen on the bridge is quite wonderful--what fascinating patterns it creates.

    There are several Eriobotrya delflexa, Bronze Loquat, in the neighborhood. They are more ornamental than japonica and without the drawback of the fruit, which draws rats. Japonica flowers have a wonderful scent, though.

    New Dioon leaves? They are pretty tough.

    1. I fell hard for Eriobotrya delflexa when I saw them in Berkeley back in the day. There is a major drawback here though as they are not hardy in Zone 8.

  4. I actually got to meet Ms. Weeks years ago at the SF Flower & Garden Show. Like meeting a Rock Star. ❤

  5. As I'm not on Instagram (yet), I'm glad you share those photo nuggets.
    "I was overcome with happiness that I have three tall palms" is a splendid sentiment; I wonder if the trunks of those beauties are adorn with bromeliads from your vast collection.
    I could live in Francoise Weeks' studio! Artistic creations in wood, moss and seeds are just the thing that gets me excited.

    1. Yes indeed, those trunks are covered with plants and vines.

  6. Wow, your front garden looks fab! Thank you for sharing (I don't go on instagram) :)

  7. If you were ever to write about the care/pruning etc of the yucca rostrata I would read the heck out of it ;)

    1. Care is minimal, they are very easy going! As for pruning I use Corona flower snips because I think the flat cutting edge makes them easier to use for this task than your more typical arched Felco type pruners.


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