Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Wednesday Vignette; wildlife...

A walk in the park (Commonwealth Lake Park) yielded multiple "wildlife" vignettes. Sadly all I had with me was my phone, but at least I was able to capture some photos.

First this darling green dragonfly, I haven't seen a green one in our was gorgeous.

Second this Cedar Waxwing sighting. He was flying around to and fro and finally landed right in front of me. There were so many people were walking around the lake I'm sure he has been trained to anticipate some sort of treat. Sadly I didn't have anything for him

And finally we spotted this mama duck with her little ducklings. She kept trying to tuck them under and they kept sneaking out. 

When she did successfully tuck you'd never know they were there...

Weather Diary, July 7: Hi 68, Low 56/ Precip .05 

Wednesday Vignettes are hosted by Anna at Flutter & Hum. All material © 2009-2020 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. What a wonderful outing! I had never heard of this park before, so thank you for that heads-up.I saw a green dragonfly at Joy Creek the other day - not sure if it was the same, but the color was right. We have lots of wax wings out there too. They like the various berries ripening on the shrubs. No ducks though - the little ducklings are so darn cute!

  2. All great photos! I adore the photos of the mama duck and her little ones. I'm always excited when I see a dragonfly but they're not common here, probably because we're so dry. I usually see Cedar Waxings during their migration but they seem to have skipped us this year - perhaps they knew the Toyon was dying and that the berries had shriveled before I did.

  3. Great sightings! These must be used to humans– here, we could never get that close without a big telephoto lens.
    Many years ago, I rehabbed an injured cedar waxwing and named him Cedric. They love fresh fruit and that guy ate better than we did, as I bought him strictly organic. :) It was kind of bittersweet to release him back into the wild, but he couldn't live in my green space forever!

  4. I love wildlife in my garden (and everywhere). A pair of mallards build a nest under my "bird's nest" spruce, and a nuthatch is nesting in a bird house I put up years ago that never before had occupants. (I refrain from mentioning the rabbit that's eating my Gazania flowers).


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