Thursday, July 23, 2020

Torn between two loves; the cactus and the car

Another of the black and white photos Andrew has given me over the years. This one has always made me wonder at the almost perfect balance of car and cactus. Is there a story of the car? Or is the story the cactus? Is the fact the car is with the cactus the story?

Obviously the cactus are the reason you stop to take this particular photo. But then the NY plates on the car in combination with the cactus are also rather intriguing. Did this person drive their Triple A/Kiwanis club stickered car all the way to the desert SW? Is this their destination? Or are they turning around and driving back home? Inquiring minds wish they could know...

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Weather Diary, July 22: Hi 81, Low 62/ Precip 0 

All material © 2009-2020 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. I think it was a flat tire. While HE was fixing the flat, SHE was taking pictures. Hopefully he was as skilled in tire changing as she was in capturing a moment in film.

  2. I suspect the car was the focus and the desert landscape was a sign saying "look how far we've come!"

    1. Oh, and maybe they kept going west! The next photo in the series has the ocean next to the car.

  3. ... and your questions about what you saw in this photo are probably why Andrew gave you this photo. So many possibilities. Black and white photos are intimately expressive. Wow.

    1. Yes they are, and then there's the fact that you had one chance to get it right and you wouldn't know if you did until you got the whole roll developed.

  4. They were getting kicks on Route 66?

  5. "Take a picture of the saguaros to prove we were in the desert!"
    Intriguing, for sure. Those cars weighed a ton (or two) and got about 10-15 mph, but of course, gas was about 25 cents/gal. It would have cost roughly $40 in gas to go from NY to Phoenix ($400 in today's dollars). Can you imagine how long that took without the Interstate highway system? 'I get my kicks from Route 66' -ha!

    1. And no a/c, let's hope it wasn't summertime.


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