Thursday, December 26, 2019

A shrubby layered look...

Out on a walk in November I came across this colorful scene. I was impressed with how much texture and variation was achieved with shrubby evergreens, in a relatively narrow strip of land between the public sidewalk and fence...

The dark horizontal fence and low roof-line of the house added to, rather than detracted from, the scene. Well done!

All material © 2009-2019 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. Evergreen shrubbery is the first lesson I learn when I started playing in the garden. Evergreens are the reason I love my winter garden; they keep me sane. Horizontal fence is cool and less common. I tried to imaging the same scene with a vertical fence and I agree, it wouldn't look as good.

    1. The first lesson? I think that puts you way out ahead of most gardeners who start with pretty flowers or perennials.

  2. Love that pale bark and the red foliage.

  3. Thats a nice looking fence, too! Is that a blueberry on the far left?

  4. Wonderful color and textural contrasts. I need more of those in my own garden.

    1. Hmmm... I’m thinking your harden is pretty darn spectacular already.

  5. I love this style. Almost all woody plants, mostly evergreens, with a bit of deciduous fall color. It works very well and it should be very low maintenance.

    1. Very low maintenance! If I can find it again I hope to do a January walk-by.

  6. Nice look...very similar to what I am doing with Delusional Drive.

    1. You need to host another swap so we all can catch up on what you’ve been up to.

  7. Very well done, and could be habitat/cover for songbirds, too. Fences make a good contrast with shrubberies.

  8. Lovely! And, I agree. That fence makes a phenomenal backdrop. And I love how the shrubby forms seem to delineate a path toward it. Even if you yourself can't traverse it, it does lead the eye.


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