Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wednesday Vignette, from the Celeste Campbell Senior Center

My Wednesday Vignette posts tend to stick to a single photo, I like the simplicity and spontaneity that encourages. I'll deviate slightly from that format this week, simply because I have a bit of a back story on the image...

The photo above was taken adjacent to the Celeste Campbell Senior Center in Eugene, Oregon.

I was there last month to give a talk to the Willamette Valley Hardy Plant Group. Standing up in front of a group of people and talking is not something that comes naturally to me and I was a little nervous about the whole thing. After meeting up with David, the group's tech expert, to make sure my presentation was good to go, I had a couple hours to kill. Before leaving I wandered through this garden, and for a moment at least, my thoughts were simply on appreciating the space and the way the round planting circles broke up an otherwise open plaza. I liked the effect.

Back when we were designing our patio I lobbied for leaving out a few pavers, so I could plant in the voids. Andrew talked me out of it, and I'm glad he did. The effect wouldn't have worked in our small space (which is loaded with containers) but it certainly does here.

The talk went okay too. Everyone was very kind and I relaxed a few minutes into it and enjoyed myself. As always I'm linking up with Flutter & Hum for her Wednesday Vignette meme.

All material © 2009-2015 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. Like it! That could have been an imposing (and hot?) area of paving, but the plantings make it much more friendly. Scale is everything -- your circles would only work if they were silver dollar sized. ;)

    1. And they wouldn't be circles, but squares...

  2. Glad you got enjoyment out of your presentation. I would never, ever do something like that. Public speaking is one of my biggest phobias. When we lived in Massachusetts we had a back patio that I had left square holes in for planting, but then, being either lazy, uninspired, or having too much else to do, I never got around to planting them. These are fabulous!

    1. I didn't think I ever would either, Roger twisted my arm!

  3. Glad to hear your talk went well. I'd been thinking of you.

    That sure is a nice senior center!

  4. Congratulations on your successful presentation! When your book comes out and you do nationwide tours presenting at all the major shows, we'll be able to say we knew you when... The circles are neato! Heat loving plants would be in their glory surrounded by all that brick.

  5. Quite unique on how they've done this, lovely effect. And glad to hear the talk went well.

  6. Gardeners are a great (kind) group to practice on while you get ready for prime time.

    1. You too huh? I doubt I'll need to worry about that.

  7. Talking about plants, what could be more fun?

  8. Having more space for plants is always a good thing. (Oh no - does that make me sound like Martha Stewart?!)

    1. Yes, a little. But that's not a bad thing...

  9. Very cool! And I'm glad that you enjoyed your presentation. I bet that they loved it!

  10. Neat design, I can also see why it works well for the larger space. I honestly can't think of a way to make your garden better. It's smashing just as it is :)

  11. Nice! I bet those "crop circles" modify the heat emitted from all those pavers. Plus, they look good. I'm so happy your talk went well - and I'm not the least bit surprised. Wish I could have heard it!

    1. Good point, I bet they do - while making the plants happy with the heat from the bricks around them (as Peter pointed out).

  12. What a beautiful garden and patio! Glad the talk went well, and I'll echo what Jennifer D. said: your garden is smashing just as it is [nods].

  13. Oh! I bet the talk was very interesting! I would have been very nervous if I had to talk like that. The garden is pretty!

    1. Well if not interesting at least I shared lots of pretty pictures!

  14. Congrats on your talk! I would have liked to hear it. Yes, public speaking is soooo hard, but it does make you feel powerful when you do it despite the fear.

    1. That's a great description of the feeling Pam.


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