My friend—artist and garden designer—
Wes Younie, moved into the neighborhood a couple of years back. It's taken me much longer than it should have (I blame COVID) but I finally visited his garden last week...
It is a plant paradise, heavy on great design.
A flat of Acaena inermis ‘purpurea’ was in holding, bound for a client's garden. I love this stuff.
Peony and yucca... all the cool kids are doing it.
Yes of course we toured with wine. It was nice to relax the COVID protocol—being fully vaccinated—and move around outdoors unmasked. Here Wes was reading a label for me.
I don't think I've ever met a rodgersia that I don't love.
Wes plans a fountain focal point at the end of this pathway, eventually.
Eccremocarpus scaber
the same form as I saw at McMenamins in Eugene, Oregon. Turns out
Gossler Farms is the source for this beauty.
Looking back towards the house. As you may have noticed earlier—and will probably see in later photo's—painting is underway. The dark charcoal color is the future.
Mahonia! And a gnome with history, I can't remember exactly, but this gnome has followed Wes for a few years now, originating in a garden he visited as a youngster.
Pretty dreamy, right? Hard to believe Wes has only been gardening here for two years.
Mahonia gracilipes (the tall large leaved plant).
Saxifraga dentata
The plants in the crack were placed there—I had to ask.
Ditto here.
This lovely spot is hidden from all except those lucky enough to enter off the alleyway.
Now we've walked back around and are touring the wide hellstrip plantings.
You can see the painting in progress here, and how wonderful to be able to walk along the edge of the garden and see all the plants at waste level!
Blechnum penna-marina
I do wish I could be successful with allium plantings. I just can't stand their deteriorating foliage and forget where they are and put a shovel through the dormant bulb. Every damn time.
Moving to the west I was thrilled to spot a couple agaves.
Sempervivum 'Gold Nugget' (mine rotted...)
Agave parryi
A happy aeonium that overwintered in place.
Another section of hellstrip...
Agave parryi and echeveria.
I think this is a mangave, and the thin "foamy" plant is Artemisia versicolor 'Sea Foam'.
The always stunning Cerinthe major 'Purpurascens'.
Looking back towards the house.
And the hellstrip plantings on the other street—as the house sits on a corner.
I didn't get the name of this dark beauty...
Allium siculum (aka Nectaroscordum siculum)
Buddleja globosa
I really wish I had room in my garden for this one.
Just a few more shots...
I'm jealous of Wes' success with Acaena inermis ‘purpurea’.
And this sedum! Mine died out so quickly that I can't remember its name.
He also has had success with that little silver moundy plant that I've killed a few times.
We end back with one of the first Agaves, because why not? Thank you Wes for sharing your stunning garden with me. There are so many stars all hanging out together, happy in their place. Well done!
All material © 2009-2021 by Loree Bohl for
danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.