Upon entering the YGP Show the first place I usually head is the Bauman Farms booth. It seems they've always got some fabulous succulent selling at an incredible price.
This year they hauled in the planted table from their nursery (see it on site here)...
And did up a creative wavy succulent backdrop...
I was a little in love with this Larix kaempferi ‘Diana’ (Contorted Japanese Larch)...
The Dennis' Seven Dees booth was well done (yes I can say that even though there were FAKE plants)...
Because there were also lots of real ones.
And I really wanted the fabric they used throughout the booth. Sadly they bought it retail last year, probably not available any longer...
N&M Nursery had Salvia Clevelandii, however I discovered it's nothing like the 'Alpine' form for fragrance, accept no substitute!
They also had nice sized (although you can't tell from this picture) Aloe vera and small Begonia luxurians for only $6 (on the left). I meant to go back an buy one of those. Darn.
In the Cracked Pots/garden art area this huge dragon was keeping an eye on all that passed by.
For only $5,300 it could be yours...
Little Prince of Oregon always has a colorful and crisp little booth. Excellent placement too, right next to the parcel check station.
For some reason that I can't quite explain these pieces caught my eye...
No I didn't buy one, don't want one, but I guess they reminded me of a thrift shop version of the rondels often used in the doors of stately craftsmen homes.
Look familiar? The curtains from the ANLD garden at the Home & Garden Show were re-purposed here (thank you lady in matching shirt for walking by at just the right moment)...
No fabulous steel strapping tape pull-backs however.
So finally, we're in the plant sales section where local nurseries are able to fill up tables with plants without having to trick out full sized booth. The Dancing Oaks table had some gorgeous trillium...
Small ones were going for $14.00, so far I haven't caught the bug.
The Cistus table. I really wanted that dasylirion front and center top. No I didn't need it, but it was spiky perfection.
There were a handful of Pittosporum patulum available. I've got one in my garden (thanks to the generosity of Mr. Hogan) but since my plant didn't come with a tag I thought I'd read up on it. As I was doing so a lady picked up one of the plants (it's the tiny dark thin-leaved plant - out of focus, on the right, two images down), they couldn't be more than 5-7" tall. She read 10ft tall (out loud) made a pffft sound and sat it down. I said "but I think that's a long time coming," she looked at me, wagged her finger and said "but it will come, and that you must remember"...wow. I don't think I will ever have that kind of future-vision (and thank god).
I almost grabbed this Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Atropurpureum'...
Probably should have, thankfully I can make the trip out to Cistus anytime.
As I was trying to (unsuccessfully) focus on this abutilon bloom another shopper warned me that hers had died over the winter. We both agreed they were worth replacing...
So once again here I am at the Gossler Farms table with my object of adoration, the Rhododendron 'Ebony Pearl'...what a beauty, I am so glad I grabbed it!
My other purchases both came from the Bauman Farms booth. An Agave americana, cuz it was big and fabulous and only $12.99. And they had a special going (buy one get one) on echeveria so I bought two E. 'Perle Von Nürnberg' for only $6.99.
I didn't plan to be so thrifty with my purchases, I kind of thought I might go a little over the top. Uhm...I guess this means I've got some ground to make up in the coming weeks...
All material © 2009-2014 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.
What a great show - can't wait for next year when I'll spend a little more time there. You saw some things that I missed. Didn't see the booth with the cool windows or the Little Prince of Oregon booth, maybe because Tom kept schlepping my bags to the parcel check station for me.
ReplyDeleteAs I recall the booth with the glass windows was just down from the LPO booth, your minion must be the reason you missed it.
DeleteBeing partial to dragons, I'm so glad you got some good shots of that one. He was completely surrounded by admiring children when I was there.
ReplyDeleteI believe it, even on Friday when the crowds were lighter there were always a few people gathered around. You know he would look great out at your place...
DeleteTypical me to look at your photo of the Cistus stand with close scrutiny...so many gems I can see there! That wavy succulent backdrop looks like a collection of exotic garlands. Fab purchases, that Ebony Pearl I so want one, or two!!
ReplyDeleteYou guys are going to have so much fun when you visit! You're going to have to make a few trips to Cistus.
DeleteI could have spent a lot longer there, I wish I had. I also was tempted to get a Dasylirion, but passed it up like the Hesperaloe. Kicking myself now.
ReplyDeleteThere is always next time...
DeleteThis sure looks like the fabric! http://www.onlinefabricstore.net/premier-prints-dandelion-white-black-fabric-.htm?cvsfa=2700&cvsfe=2&cvsfhu=313136383932&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google+-+%28Product+Listing+Ads%29&utm_term=pla&utm_content=ATjK12PDd%7Bdevice%7D%7Cpcrid%7C38173918213%7Cpkw%7Cpla%7Cpmt%7Ce%7C
ReplyDeleteIt is! How did you do that? Plus there are a couple of complementary designs available too. Uhm....
DeleteAh, she beat me to it!
OK, I kinda love that succulent backdrop, though I doubt it would ever fit in a garden of my design. And I've been drooling over the various purple selections of Pittosporum in Cistus' catalog, including P. tenuifolium 'Atropurpurea', and the silver ones.
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't know how happy the plants would be in that metal slot, long term. But it certainly was the perfect screen for the corner of their booth. It will be interesting to see if they re-use it at the nursery.
DeleteI enjoyed seeing show highlights through your lens. After I attended the Fern discussion, I bee-lined it for the Green Market and promptly bought Cistus out of Himalayan Maidenhair ferns. They had a great selection of plants.
ReplyDeleteThey did, and tonight at Plant Nerd Night I bought that Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Atropurpureum' I should have bought at YGP.
DeleteI bet that dragon would look good perched on your roof overlooking the garden.
ReplyDeleteI loved reading this, it satisfied my desire to go browsing through plants and interesting bits and pieces, without going out and doing it (it's 9:30pm, plus we don't really have things like this that I'm aware of). I love the echeverias you left with - I bought one the same as these not too long ago, but it's toast. The beetles got to it and it disappeared before my eyes. So disappointing.
ReplyDeleteI know who made that dragon! Small world, he's the friend of a friend and he's done some fantastic metal sculpture.
ReplyDeleteThese are a couple of my favorites: