Friday, September 18, 2020

Yucca Rostrata peekaboo

Yucca rostrata at a bank? Yep...

I spied these trunking specimens when Andrew and I were headed back from a late spring drive out along the Clackamas River. Coming back into town he made a swing through the drive-thru at Popeye's Fried Chicken—Andrew does love Popeye's—this Wells Fargo branch was across the street. 

I made note and planned to get back to document them, it took me awhile and then it's taken me even longer to finally share the photos, but here we are. Aren't they fabulous all lined up like that?

Of course, being me, I had to take a portrait shot of each one. Here's #1...



And #4

#5's symmetry is off a slight bit, and he's definitely the shortest of the bunch.

Oddly there's a pup at the base. Yucca rostrata don't throw out pups so perhaps a second seed germinated? Perhaps there was a mutation when he was young?


Personally I think it looks like they may be playing peekaboo, leaning out of their little nooks only to lean back in again as soon as I turn my back.

Try as I might I never could catch them in the act.

Well done Wells Fargo, well done.

Weather Diary, Sept 14: Hi 74, Low 55/Precip 0 

All material © 2009-2020 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. Love the look and the perfect plants for such narrow and probably very hot spots. Good thing Andrew likes Popeye's chicken or you might have missed them.

  2. Such symmetry with their matching rocks and book-ended with Thunbergia!

  3. The first thing that strikes me is the blue sky... sigh. I usually like the gray cloudy days, but not when its the result of smoke. The only thing this uninspiring bank building and parking lot have going for them are those lovely yucca. In fact, the less bank the better, and so my favorite photos are those peekaboo ones at the end.

    1. Ya that sky looks almost fake doesn't it? Personally I think the bank building is kind of cool...but it's placement in a strip mall parking lot isn't doing it any favors.

  4. Impressive! And possibly the best thing Wells Fargo Bank's ever done. I worked for that institution back in the day...

    1. They issued my first home loan, so there's that too. Just the other day was trying to remember why I went with Wells Fargo for my mortgage in Spokane. No clue...

  5. Again these plants are totally alien to where I live in my zone 5b ... so they fascinate me ! .. they look so perfect that they strike me as artificial !
    I love that little upright dark purple shrub peeking out .. amazing contrast to that green in form and colour. And yes ! the rocks make all the difference as well .. I am a rock fan .. as in rocks ! LOL

    1. They do have a few Yucca rostrata growing at the Denver Botanic Garden, which is Zone 5, so maybe you could get away with it?

  6. Rostrata make me swoon...almost as much as Popeyes!!! Seriously, 1 or more Rostrata are high on my list for additions to our landscape, as is an order from Popeyes including hush puppies and red beans and rice!

    1. Andrew has tried to convince me Popeyes biscuits are all that... I don't get it. I have given in and tried the chicken tenders, they're not horrible.

  7. All the minimalist repetition I so admire and can never aspire to.

    1. Paired with the severe architecture I can't imagine anything else.

  8. They do look like they are playing peekaboo - fun!

  9. They look good, and the clean-up crew hasn't sheared them into cubes. Yet. ;^)

    1. Evidently they've been there quite awhile (comments on my Facebook post) so perhaps there's hope for that not happening?

  10. The little one needs feeding ! :)

    1. But it's kind of fun to have a bit of variance in size, don't you think?

  11. Impressive row and specimens. Here where I can't go more than 3 houses without seeing a yucca (and 10 without seeing rostrata), most would have 1/4 to 1/2 the green "trimmed" off, then cubed after 5 years. Smart bank up there!

    1. Oh gosh that would make me so mad/sad! I've only seen that once here... and it was horrible.

  12. Definitely well done! But what do the red signs say?

  13. Drove by there today. All of these have been removed. :(

    1. I got that news via Instagram the other day. SO SAD! I wonder why? I pray they went to good homes.


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