Friday, July 14, 2017

The pot knows where to point...

I finally found the Euphorbia tirucalli (sticks on fire) I needed to plant up my Point Pot, from Potted.

Since the pot was now going to hang outside I needed to fix it up right, with wire, not the twine I used indoors. I bought the wire cable and ferrules, made sure everything was lined up so the pot would hang "correctly" and connected them up. Surprise! The pot does not hang with the hole facing front and center (i.e. correctly)...

This is what I was hoping for — without the hand, obviously.

This is what I got.

But you know what, it's growing on me.

After all these aren't you typical lush hanging pot displays...

Why shouldn't the Point Pot, point whatever it wants?

It's a diamond with a triangle cut out, after all....

Weather Diary, July 13: Hi 76, Low 58/ Precip 0

All material © 2009-2017 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. It's as if 'Sticks of Fire' is trying to reach out to it's little agave friend below. Sweet.

    1. Or pointing the way into the back garden --->

  2. Compositionally, I think it works better as gravity intends.

  3. Expect the unexpected when it's made by Dustin. I love the two pots together. And that still looks like fresh paint!

    1. The charcoal pot was a Target find to replace the bright orange one that was stolen. I went dark hoping it wouldn't attract as much attention.

  4. I like it better pointing sideways as it is now, contrasting nicely with the flat side.

  5. We gardeners must all be control freaks! We have an idea and are shocked when the plants, pots, whatever, don't follow our perfect plan.

  6. It's facing visitors as they leave through your gate, leaving a wonderful last impression. I adore that gate - so perfect for your garden!

    1. Thanks Kris, me too. I still love it as much as the day it went up.

  7. In my world it's Murphy's Law... if it can be crooked, it will be no matter what I do! Love the angles on that pot & I'm crazy about the wire hangars.

    1. Ha! That same law applies to most of my plants.

  8. There are no wrong notes in jazz: only notes in the wrong places.” —Miles Davis

    Gardening is jazz. That pot is in the right place.

  9. Yes, it has a mind of its own. Looks good!

  10. I'm in need of something similar for hanging pots. And it maybe looks like the s-hook on the other pot has a ball that allows the pot to spin, which I'd love for hanging pots too. Can you share your sources?

    1. Good eye! The hanger on the charcoal pot is an all-in-one piece that I picked up at my local nursery, Garden Fever. The pot was hung from rope when I bought it, but I didn't care for the look and I knew it would rot eventually, so I replaced it with the metal. It does rotate as needed. The wire cable and ferrules just came from Home Depot.

    2. AnonymousJuly 17, 2017

      You can find those "spinner" parts where they sell fishing tackle. They come in varying sizes and they are usually made of metal that doesn't rust. ~SuePip

    3. Thanks, to both of you! Loree, would you mind linking the cable size and ferrules you got?

    4. Honestly I'm not sure, I just went for the smallest wire they had. Maybe 1/16"?


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