Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wednesday Vignette: #santaclones2016

I can't claim to have found the #santaclones2016 on my own, a Facebook friend posted a night-time photo with an approximate location. The next day I realized I was driving near so I looped around the block and there they were.

300 of them! All similar, but not the same...of special note this guy at the corner, who seems to know more than he's letting on.

So 300, did I count? No. The hashtag seemed worth searching, and I found an article from last weekend's Oregonian (here).

Don't you just love an obsession gone a little crazy?

Wednesday Vignettes are hosted by Anna at Flutter & Hum. All material © 2009-2016 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. OMG - that is hilarious! Speaking of obsessions, if you had enough open land left, you could probably do the same with agaves... ;) Thank you for the laugh!

  2. A little creepy, for some reason. Sue

  3. An army of Santas ready to conquer the world with kindness. Ho, ho, ho! Hilarious!

  4. Thank you for the laugh! I love it. An American version of China's terra cotta soldiers.

  5. Too crazy. Does. It look better at nigjt?

    1. You don't see the cords, which is nice. And lit Santa's area always better...

  6. I always suspected there had to be more than one Santa to get the job done.

  7. Creepy Santa army. I can't help but imagine a Doctor Who Christmas special.

  8. That is just a little but scary.

  9. Huh. Me likey! Need a string of them hanging from the eaves, too. And in the tree. And looking out the window...

  10. Love it!!!!

  11. That's my collection. Thanks for the write up. Glad you found them! @chriswillis


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