Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Produce Row

It’s a bit of a theme with yesterdays Farmers Market post. Turns out I ended up meeting the husband for lunch later that afternoon after going to the Farmers Market in the morning. Where better than Produce Row?The Farmers Market is in downtown Portland, on the Westside of the river. Produce Row is on the Eastside. Way back when (1974) this location was the first McMenamins pub, before there were McMenamins pubs. This location was sold in 1978 to its current owner.The name, ‘Produce Row’ comes from the surrounding area, Portland’s original produce district, home to produce companies that shipped out tons of fresh produce (a rail line runs right through behind the restaurant). Sheridan Fruit Company is keeping the tradition alive.But back to Produce Row, the restaurant. They’ve always got great plantings out front in their brick window boxes. In previous years I’ve spied nasturtiums and tomatoes. This year it’s all about the ornamentals with the Coleus, Sweet Potato Vine and Colocasia. Great color combinations!The restaurant recently underwent a complete renovation. While I enjoyed the somewhat rundown former interior better than its new fancy setup, the revamped patio is definitely an improvement. Especially since they incorporated a planting area where previously there was none.I’m easy to please. A decent menu, red wine by the glass (from a recently opened bottle), and interesting plants.
Yep...I’ll spend some money there.


  1. At least they left a bit of graffiti on the back wall in that last shot...little reminder of the gritty past life of the neighborhood.

  2. I'm sad to say I've never actually been there...I don't know if I've ever heard of it before! I'll have to make a trip over there someday...those planters are nice...very lush and full...and I'm kinda crushing on that red-barked maple.

  3. ricki, exactly! That's why I was a little rude and took a picture of unsuspecting diners. I had to share the graffiti.

    scott, they (well at least they used to) have a lot of live music there too...it really is a good stop. The menu is good and so is the beer (according to the husband).


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