Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bloomday, September 2010

Summer blooms are still running the show in the garden this September. I love that they are just as obstinate as I am about summer not ending.

This is my one and only Eucomis bloom for 2010. I’m really sad that the E. Oakhurst haven’t bloomed this year, but I'm trying to focus on the positive and how beautiful this one is.
Kniphofia caulescens …two different plants, two slightly different blooms.
The front garden Canna’s, which I thought I had lost due to the cold winter temps.
They are considerably smaller than last year but they’ve come back…and that is all that matters.
A couple of other front garden plants have made a reblooming appearance this month. One of the Ceanothus decided to bloom again…
And the Opuntia has produced a second blossom.
I really thought (hoped) the Tillandsia would be blooming come this September bloomday. No such luck. It is escaping from it's cage though.
Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’
The bees love it…
Thus I love it.
Hibiscus syriacus 'Red Heart'
Eventual Height: 10-15' and Spread: 6-10'
This Canna bloom has been pulling in the hummingbirds. I don’t understand why this particular one is so much more attractive than the others but I am enjoying the show.
Chasmanthium latifolium, or Northern Sea Oats. I love this grass and have 4 plants. You would think I could have got a better photo than this one.
Sedum 'Vera Jameson'…I’ve heard the hummingbirds love this one too, but due to the large quantity of neighborhood cats I think they are too smart to go so close to the ground.
I’m so glad I bought this $3 'Cardinal Climber' Ipomoea multifida…it‘s been non-stop flowers…and I love the fabulous leaves.
A lonely Sempervivum bloom.
And yes…speaking on non-stop, here is the Kangaroo Paw, again. The best $11.99 I spent this spring.
Look…new blooms are still pushing out!
For more on what’s blooming today in gardens around the world click on over to May Dreams Gardens, our host for all the bloomday fun!


  1. Beautiful blooms! I don't understand why the Tillandsia would even consider escaping that lovely 'cage'!

  2. aloha

    i'm enjoying touring your garden with you today, i'm really enjoying my visit. the captured tillandsia in the birdcage is very witty and i love it :)

  3. Beautiful flowers! The red canna might be more attractive to the hummingbirds because supposedly birds see red better than other colors. I once read that that is one of the reasons why plants with red flowers are more common in parts of the world where birds are important as pollinators.

  4. I hope my Hibiscus, that looks an awful lot like your 'Red Heart, does not grow to 15'. The tag said 36". The variety is Luna's White. I thought most of them grew large, but this guy says it will stay between 24" and 36". I wonder if it even comes back next year. It is a new addition.

    You photos are beautiful as usual. The plants look very happy in the photos.Love the kangaroo's paw.

  5. Love the kangaroo paw, that's a plant i have been meaning to get. My cardinal climber is also now blooming, its such a charming little vine!

  6. Really enjoyed yr photos. Beautiful.

  7. I really enjoy your garden. You have such a talent and maybe someday Mike and I can come and visit to see all the beauty. Maryanne Daves

  8. I like that Tillandsia escaping from the cage.. how unique, the two together look like an Art piece.

    Are kangaroo paws easy to grow? I'd like to have a few in the future, they are so unique looking.

    Vera Jameson is one of my favorite sedums. I didn't know that Hummingbirds liked them.."hmmmmm" I like them even more!

    I have enjoyed visiting your lovely post.. Do come by and Vetsy's View for a chat sometime..

  9. And you claim to be not especially fond of flowers!

  10. It's nice to see Cannas that do not have holes in the leaves and without ratty edges.

  11. Loree, You've got a lot blooming in your yard. I love it all. Aren't those Northern Sea Oats fabulous? Mine are just starting to bloom.

  12. I like the Opuntia.

    I had a cactus once, and it died. I didn't know what I did, maybe overwatered. I always had hoped though, that it would bloom like your has, but never happened.

  13. I really reallly REALLY like your caged plant!!!

  14. The caged Tillandsia is looking awesome. Really like how that unique concept turned out.

  15. Wow, the Tillandsia in the waterdrop cage is stunning! And I love the red-flowered vine twining through the chain link fence. Chain link is actually a real cool material, I think.

  16. I adore the cage too ! lovely !

  17. Aerie-el, well you know sometimes this plants just have a mind of their own. Gotta do the opposite of what you want them to do.

    noel, aloha to you, and thank you!

    college gardener, could be! I also believe I read that there is a theory that hummingbirds are color blind!

    gardenwalkgardentalk, very interesting...I hope we didn't both end up with the opposite of what we wanted!

    Nicole, lucky you...your K. Paw will live on an on in your climate!

    Thanks for visiting Evelyn!

    "Aunt" Maryanne, thanks for stopping by, and the kind words. Andrew and I would love to have you visit!

    Vetsy, hello! K. Paws couldn't be easier, except for the fact that I think it would be an annual in your neck of the woods. Still it makes a wonderful annual! (maybe you could over-winder it indoors?)

    ricki, I don't know how it happens!

    Les, when my parents were hear in July the ones in the front were just getting started. Something had taken a big chomp out of the leaves (several of them) while they were still rolled up. They asked if it was supposed to be that way. It did kind of look "on purpose."

    Grace, I do, it surprised me!

    ZZ, I am mentally preparing for these to not make it through the winter. I hope they do...but I might be joining you with dead ones.

    Mary C, thank you!

    RBell, I can't wait to see what color the flowers are. I asked when I bought it (it was in bud then) but I can't remember!

    Les, I am warming to it. It gets a bad wrap because it used so often in trashy yards but done right it can be cool. And it goes well with my stock tank planters!

    Delphine, merci!


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