Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What’s this?

Oh ya, snow. It started about 3pm Tuesday afternoon and just kept going and going! This was at about 5:00…
These pictures were all taken looking out my windows, while I was cozy and warm inside. This is my neighbors Palm...
And these pictures were taken at about 7pm, when it was finally starting to slow down.
This was the wet heavy snow that has plant leaves and branches bending to touch the ground. Luckily Andrew arrived home safely (a 15 minute commute turned into over an hour) and diligently went around knocking the heavy snow off the bamboo, flax and other tender weak plants. Other than a few broken flax leaves I think everything will be alright.
I missed out on Lila’s first snowy walk of the season. Andrew reports she was running around the park frolicking like a kid, or a dog half her age (8).
Throughout the day the weathermen kept saying it was going to turn to rain, they were wrong. By Wednesday afternoon it’s slowly melting away as our temperatures are climbing to the upper 30’s. It will be just fine with me if this is the only snow we see the winter of '09-'10...


  1. Pretty much another winter for the books, don't you think? From here on out, we promise to be content with our good ole fashioned liquid sunshine. You hear that, weather gods?

    Your photos are really lovely. Despite its nuisance tendencies, snow is so pretty. Especially love how it surrounds your potted Agave.

  2. Wow, you're really getting buried! We had a few inches this AM but it's supposed to melt sometime tomorrow.

  3. What weird weather we're all having. Beautiful images though.

  4. Beautiful photos...hope everything pulls through.

  5. Loved seeing your shots, I agree with Grace that the agave one was particularly nice. I do love how everything looks under snow, and god knows my daughter has been wishing for some, but I don't know... after last year, I'm kind of just being a Grinch about it and hoping it doesn't amount to much this time. OK, maybe what you got, I could live with that - one day, and then over and out. Nice that your husband is up for plant-saving duties after a hairy commute! Hope all humans, pups and plants stay safe and don't even THINK about going out there on your crutches!!

  6. Snow does bring a wonderful texture to your spiky, tropical plants for sure! Of course, here in Zone 5, my town is buried, while 20 minutes away it is totally green! Gotta love Mother Nature's sense of humour. I too love the potted Agave covered in snow!

  7. To my subtropical eyes, that is positively frightening !

    Glad that I have been holding on to your furcaea , it starts to shrivel when it hits the mid to low 30's.

    Wish we had a photo of Lila playing in the snow though !

  8. Grace, you are right about another one for the books and the fact that it's pretty. And hopefully over.

    K and V, so has this been a fairly light snow winter in your part of Idaho? I know my parents in Spokane have had it pretty easy in the snow dept this year.

    How It Grows, yep...esp since I was safely home and not stuck in traffic!

    Pam and Susie, thanks!

    Karen, I will heed your warning! Maybe you could get a nice weekend morning dusting that's gone by evening?

    Teza, the spikes do look so sculptural don't they! Would have been a great photo op for next years Christmas card, had I been able to get out there.

    DD, isn't it?! Thank you for holding on to the Furcaea, I am so excited to see it but that excitement would be quickly dashed if it arrived all shriveled. If we have a "next time" I'm going to send the camera with Andrew so he can get a couple fun Lila pictures.

  9. Your yucca rostrata there (I think?) is quite the standout, great shape showing through the snow. I'm so happy you got some shots of the garden from inside the house. I always like to see what gardens look like in the snow. Hooray!


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