Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thinking thankful thoughts

Today is that day when folks here in the USA pause and give gratitude. Truth be told I'm having a hard time coming up with appropriate words this year, so I'll let a photo do the talking. Take care all...


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Loree! I hope next year presents many new opportunities.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to Andrew and yourself Loree :)

  3. Hope your day was a lovely one, Loree. We have so much to be grateful for, it is tough to know where to start!

  4. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Despite the many challenges this year there is always something to be thankful for: health, happiness and your garden for example.

  5. Perfect photo. I have four friends who've spent the last 18 months coping with cancer. I am thankful they are doing pretty well and that I can still spend time with them. Given their lives I can't complain about a thing. Cold here but had a lovely dinner with another couple.


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