Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Wednesday Vignette, Tropicalisimo! (in the basement — cause it's damn cold outside)

It was the overwhelming scent that alerted me, then glancing around I saw the flower. Like magic, once again a Brugmansia bloom opens in the basement.

Poor thing is slightly out of sync with our seasons. It starts blooming late in the summer and then just wants to keep going all winter. Which I guess is fine, since it doesn't mind the climatic whiplash of in and out with the cold...

Weather Diary, January 3: Hi 34, Low 27/ Precip 0 - chilling east winds (11F wind chill)

Wednesday Vignettes are hosted by Anna at Flutter & Hum. All material © 2009-2017 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. Chilling indeed... I used the fallen branches from the December ice storm + some blankets to build some shelter for plants I have yet to plant, but I honestly don't think that will be a match for this wind. Heading out there now, to do some - perhaps futile - plant rescuing. :(

    1. I used branches too, they're keeping sheets and frost cloth in place (along with a bunch of binder clips). This wind is insane!

  2. Sweet to have something in bloom. This cold weather could go away now. Do you remember the year that there was snow on the ground for the NWFG show in February? Let's hope that this is the last arctic event we get this winter.

    1. I remember two snowy NWFG Show years in recent times. The fist one (2010, 11?) I drove up to Seattle and it was terrifying. Spin outs all around me on I-5 near Kalama. The second (which is probably the one you're talking about) I cancelled and stayed home. NOT THIS YEAR!

  3. I keep hearing about the scent but never detected any on mine. I suppose it would be magnified indoors. Even without the scent, it's a winner.

    1. It's definitely magnified indoors, and especially at night.

  4. OOH, windchill 11F. That's nasty for your area. We just went from a high on Monday of 38 degrees to a high today of 9F. This weather is nuts. But how nice to have something fragrant blooming indoors. What are you using to gather your temperatures for your weather diary?

    1. It's damn cold. I am so over it. I was going to use my own thermometers but they've been acting up (I need to splurge on a real weather kit) so I'm using this:
      We're close enough to the airport that it's usually the same temps as we've got. The downside to this whole thing is that there will certainly be days I can't update the info to be current when the blog post goes live, but as long as I'm tracking it I can go back and update later.

    2. We live too far from the airport to use their stats, esp. snow. I tend to use what's in the newspaper except for rain which I track myself. I love tracking weather. I think it's something gardeners just get into.

  5. That first shot is beautiful! The cold can go away now. Please? Anyone?

    1. It could have gone away Monday as far as I'm concerned.

  6. That's a pretty wonderful discovery. The plant is showing its gratitude for your taking it out of harm's way. I hope you get a warm-up soon.

  7. This is how ours would bloom in Alabama. It started in August and bloomed up until frost.

    1. And you could leave it out, after frost? Or was it protected?

  8. Silly Brug! Isn't that scent wonderful when it's in an enclosed space? I am so over this cold weather.

    1. My brother's house in Phoenix is big. I wonder if he'd mind running an Air B&B for us PNW'ers who need a warmth and sunshine fix?

  9. It's gorgeous! I'm definitely impressed that it can bloom after being moved inside like that. And 11° wind chill... Ouch!!! Been there (Midwest), done that...

    1. This morning is only 19F, but no wind...


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