Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wednesday Vignette, Agave!

Below is my Agave franzosinii and friends. This Agave is super special to me because I purchased it at The Ruth Bancroft Garden, and A. franzosinii is (to me at least) the "Agave icon" of that beloved garden.

While working on my Rogerson Clematis Garden post I happened to Google the curator, Linda Beutler. Much to my surprise one of the first things that came up was a page on the Oregon Association of Nurseries website with lyrics to a song written by Linda called Agave! Seriously...

Agave! (Sung to the tune of "Maria!" from West Side Story)
Lyrics by Linda Beutler and the Goddess Flora Chorus

The most beautiful plant I've ever seen...
Agave, Agave, Agave, Agave, Agave!
And the cost of this plant is quite obscene...
Agave, Agave, Agave, Agave, Agave!

I just met a plant named Agave,
And suddenly I've found
There's gravel all around
My house.

I just keep on planting Agave,
We have a drought, you know,
And nothing else will grow
Out there!

Agave, with its thorns it keeps children from playing,
And those spines will stop small dogs from straying.

Agave, I'll never stop planting Agave!

The most beautiful plant I've ever seen...

Back in the day there was a group called "The Goddess Flora Chorus and Deadheading Society" which performed at an HPSO Study Weekend and then multiple Plant Nerd Night events. This song was one they performed. You can see a video of the performance here.

Wednesday Vignettes are hosted by Anna at Flutter & Hum. All material © 2009-2016 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. Oh, what a fun song! And that is a beautiful Agave. I can't help wondering how big it will get in the PNW climate. The ones at RBG are so huge and impressive.

    1. Since it has to spend it's life in a container (not hardy) It's doomed to staying small. Sadly.

  2. This is hilarious! The song, not your plant, which is very handsome and looks quite at home within his own ensemble group.

  3. A very handsome agave and funny song. Has your migration begun?

    1. Yep...that scene above is no longer. Yours?

  4. What a fantastic grouping, with the A. franzosinii as the star. So great!

  5. Plant nerds are the best!

  6. When I was 11 I took singing lessons followed by the expected recital. I had an awesome teacher that told me I could sing any song that moved me...1960 maybe? I chose 'Maria' and she told me to go for it! Needless to say, my singing sucks. But I just sang 'Agave' and I rocked!!! OK, if you haven't laughed yet... go for it! I have no pride.

    1. Oh how I wish I could have heard that! Last night a friend did just the beginning bit and it was wonderful!

  7. A very grand Agave, and a fun song, too.

    The grouping of black, orange, grey pots--very stylish.

  8. OMG, we have an official song now! Thank you for getting it stuck in my head :-).

  9. The Agaves are beautiful but that song is priceless.

  10. well that was just classic.

    1. I would love to see you and Gerhard walk into the RBG singing it. Pretty please?

  11. You had me singing the 'Maria' song. LOL. I'm always amazed at how organized and attractive your potted displays are. The gray/orange/green color scheme is one I normally wouldn't think to pull together, but you do it with great grace! And of course the Agave is wonderful.

    1. Thanks PP, one year I tried to mix up all the pots with no regard to color. I couldn't do it. Too much noise! Now they're segregated into color groups.

      Damn, that sounds bad!

  12. That song cracked me up!! Your vignette looks lovely against the wet concrete, and I love the textural contrast between the Agave and the Shefflera - so pretty!

    1. Would you believe the concrete isn't wet? Just aged...

  13. There should be a little dance to go with that song...and costumes, of course, of which you would naturally be in charge. Smashing Pumpkins, move over.


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