Monday, July 14, 2014

An unexpected agave sighting...

Walking back with Lila from the "dog hotel" I pass this pair of in-fill homes. I can't even tell you what was there before, it was that unremarkable. I do know the current front plantings have changed, the builder installed things dying after last winter's cold.

On the left (the orange/pink/salmon/coral colored home)...

And on the right, the taupe one...

Wait what's that!!? Agaves! In what I (perhaps unfairly?) think of as a lost cause (the in-fill houses, which seem to be more about square feet inside the house than livable and gardening space outside). They actually planted agaves...

Oh and a Magnolia laevifolia! Bonus.

Looks like A. ovatifolia, happy happy.

All material © 2009-2014 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. I'd never heard of infill housing and had to look it up. I guess what developers don't understand is that the need for a connection with nature is basic to our beings.

    1. Oh Kris you should see the latest one going up nearby, it is so out of scale with the neighborhood (architects learn about context, why don't developers?) it just makes me wince every time I see it. The house next door from which the "new" lot was taken now has just the tiniest strip of weedy lawn, why do people want to live like that?

  2. Where there's an Agave, there's hope? And we all know there is always an Agave if we just look hard enough.

  3. They do 'InFill' houses here as well. There was a lovely meadow down the street that's now home to a few oversized 'green' homes, with miniscule front yards and no backyards to speak of.

    No lovely plantings such as these though, just a few daylilies and small ornamental trees to replace the lovely old Oaks they took out that lined the street.

  4. Someone has been reading Danger Garden!

  5. They must have walked by your house with their doggie!

    1. Someday maybe I'll get to meet them and I will ask about their inspiration.


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