Sunday, January 8, 2012

the best (spikiest) green-roof yet…

You really need to go here and check this out, really. Thanks to David C, Desert Dweller, for the link.

Really I mean it. Click here.


  1. Truly spiky! Thanks for the link!

  2. yes, ma'am, I clicked. Great stuff. And have been catching up on your blog. Your review on the privacy book was really well done. Just gave my three Monterey cypresses for screening on the west side a long drink this morning. An opuntia green roof would love it here, sunny and dry (dammit!)

  3. Ha! Nice. I love the picture of them looking like shingles. I'd love a green roof someday but I think I will stick with something a little softer.

  4. Opuntias rock. I would be fun to have a patio chair up there to look over the domain. Nice find. Matti

  5. Thank you! This is hilarious.

    And I did not know Martino had a blog. Bonus!

  6. Those shingles are pretty unique. heheh. It’s actually a good way to go about with having a green roof. It doesn't doesn’t just look nice; it also provides good insulation for your house. And one more thing, it can also lessen the heat island effect that can cause air pollution.

  7. Pretty amazing to see a roof like that... 10 years in roofing replacement, never seen that before!


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