It seems that Bloomday just keep coming around faster and faster doesn’t it? Things are crazy around here this month so I’ll admit to some cheating…I took a few of these pictures earlier in the week, but I promise they are all still blooming today. The Yucca’s are just getting started with their tall dramatic bloom spikes.

Echinops 'arctic glow' and Macleaya cordata (plume poppy) in the background.

Acanthus mollis, it's first bloom since being moved early in 2010.

Agapanthus, since today is supposed to be sunny it should go ahead and open later in the day...hopefully.

Alchemilla mollis, or Lady's Mantle...

Eryngium agavifolium

Eryngium agavifolium, with a flat-top! I thought last year was a fluke when this same plant bloomed with a flat-top, apparently not.

Salvia clevelandii 'alpine' obviously not quite to bloom status but so odd that I had share.

Hesperaloe parviflora

Eucomis 'oakhurst'...getting taller!

Ophiopogon planiscapus (Black Mondo Grass)

Astilboides tabularis

Astilboides tabularis again, so you can see where the flower is coming from (the round leaves).

Callistemon 'Woodlanders Hardy Red'

Crocosmia lucifer at my favorite stage, just about to bloom.

Echium pininana, after a little rain. Looks like it's time for this one to go away...unfortunately.

It still has flowers blooming though!

Eremurus (Fox-tail lily)

Eriophyllum lanatum, or Oregon Sunshine

Euphorbia Excalibur

Genista aetnensis...I have two of this plant, which will someday be a tree. One is starting to bloom, while the other is a couple of weeks away, those little flowers smell wonderful!

Hosta (unknown)

Hydrangea, late this year!

Ligularia ‘ rocket’



Which is a garbage and pollen producing nightmare right now!

Syneilesis (Shredded Umbrella Plant), I'm beginning to think this is not ever going to open. It's been weeks!

Chocolate Ball Sedum, every time I look at this plant I think of a velour shirt one of my brothers wore in the 70's, seriously.

Another Sedum...

Sempervivum arachnoideum

That's it for my July blooms! Visit
May Dreams Gardens for all the Bloomday links!
The blooms of your Eremurus are really eye-catching. And have always enjoyed the Euphorbs. Happy GBBD!
ReplyDeleteYou have so many unusual and spectacular blooms. A walk through your garden must be a wonderful experience.
ReplyDeleteA wonderful show!
ReplyDeleteHappy GBBD :)
Great photos, especially that last one. My Acanthus 'Whitewater' is blooming for the first time this year as is the aforementioned Yucca. I'm psyched. You've got some great blooms. I'm sure you're psyched too. Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteThat Eryngium looks like a cossack hat. Happy GBBD!
ReplyDeleteNow that I've finished shooting and posting the cloud cover comes along. Oh well, it would be churlish of me to complain about sunshine. You've got a luv-a-lee bunch of blossoms once again.
ReplyDeleteOh, to have a Eucomis ! Why don't I ?? Situation must be remedied asap.Your garden is looking splendid Loree !
ReplyDeleteYour poor Echium....that makes me so sad...then again,I'm also crazy jealous of those Eremurus!
ReplyDeleteI like your details of the little bits of weirdness mixed in with the flowers, especially the flat-top eryngium, and yes I think the salvia is pretty interesting in its current state.
ReplyDeleteOh those slacker echiums... My wildpretii towers all toppled. I suppose I should learn and stake them...
Anyway, happby bloom day (belated)...
I had NO IDEA Syneilesis bloomed! Now I'll hope for the same from mine. And I'm surprised to see the Oregon Sunshine in your garden...It seems a little wild and wooly for you.
ReplyDeleteI'm loving the gorgeous yucca blooms all over town, including those great ones in your garden (and mine) but you are especially lucky to have those gorgeous Eremurus in addition.
Lovely bloom day photos, as always, Loree!
RBell, Missy and Christine, thanks for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteGrace, yay for first time blooms!
Les, omg...most definitely.
ricki, no complaining about sunshine! Ever!
Thanks ks! And yes you do need and Eucomis (or three).
scott, have you planted any yet? (Eremurus)
James, I'm glad you enjoyed the weirdness...just pretty flowers is boring!
MulchMaid, but will it ever really bloom? That is the question! Still looks exactly like in the photo. As for the Oregon Sunshine...good call! It was a gift from Mr Hogan. While I wouldn't have picked it out for myself I love it's nick-name (we need all the sunshine we can get right?)...and the story that went with it.
ReplyDeleteDon't despair both Syneilesis species has been blooming. 1st was Aconitifolia now is Palmata. The flowers did take a long time to open. Yours look like they should open soon.
Ha, I realize this is years later, but I couldn't help but notice your flopped-over Echium pininana in Google image search - that's exactly what mine looked like earlier this summer, but I managed to tie it up to a small post so it could keep going. Cool plant. I also love spiky and thistly plants, especially ones which are loved by bees.