Friday, July 22, 2011

Welcome to my Petunia nightmare…

Look its Petunia topiary! And a Petunia Christmas tree… There was even a pair of this fine Petunia “standard” (of sorts). And the “Pièce de résistance”…I think it’s a Petunia igloo! Look there are people inside! Have you ever smelled a Petunia? Can you imagine how fowl the air is in there?

All of this Petunia magic was spotted during a recent visit to the Woodburn Outlet Mall in Oregon. Hurry and plan a trip...before the flowers wilt in our upcoming August heat (fingers crossed).


  1. Eeew! Especially the first and last one.

  2. Um. I like the way Petunias smell.

  3. Haha, I think it's sweet! But not good for those prone to hay fever (me).

  4. Oh I'm in pain. That last tumor is a nightmare alright!

  5. No thanks.....I'll pass on the scent of Petunias in the air. I do not allow them in my own baskets or planters! Do not cross the line with bringing them in my yard. It is one plant on my list of would not grow if it was one of the last plants on Earth. The other are Marigolds. Can't stand them, never will.

  6. I love petunias, BUT a couple of these are nightmarish!

  7. please tell me you were on your way to some nurseries...

    I've been to that outlet mall several times and I don't remember the ESPIRIT store. It must be going downhill if ESPIRIT is the new store.

  8. LOL That top photo and igloo are just hilarious.

  9. Now everyone has their own idea of what's beautiful, and I know plenty of people who would love those creations. Not my favorite - right up there with little rows of marigolds set up like soldiers - but obviously someone put out a lot of effort ;-) I do like petunias in concert with plenty of other plants, but no so much on their own.

  10. Call me weird but I love the scent of petunias. These monstrosities are more than a bit kitschy though. [WWTT?]

  11. Aghaaaaah! I bet it smells good anyway.

  12. Greensparrow, I should have held my breath and went inside for a shot!

    mr s, can I call you a weirdo? That wouldn't hurt your feelings would it?

    Evelyn, good point. My mom would have been gasping for air.

    James, does look like one doesn't it?

    Beech Street, I'm right there with you. I thought about marigolds once for about 5 seconds, you know the slug repelling part is appealing, but just couldn't go there.

    Darla, I'm glad you could see the bad.

    Ryan, hey! Don't go knocking Esprit! When I was a teenage girl there was nothing cooler! I had a friend in town visiting and we did go to Hughes but our main objective was clothing.

    Nicole, glad you enjoyed.

    VW, thank you for sharing your dissenting voice and YES! You are so right...I'm sure plenty of people would look at my garden and come away with a similar feeling.

    Grace, you're weird! :)

    Chris, you too? Maybe Petunia are like Cilantro and some people are just wired to find them repulsive.

  13. I also LOVE the way petunias smell. However, the stickiness of the plants is a tactile experience to be avoided. Perhaps these are giant lint collectors to pull all animal hair from customers before entering the Esprit store. Maybe saves a lot of cleaning time inside:)

  14. Hopefully whatever is eating your Impatiens Omeiana will move to that mall.

  15. barf... I have recently decided petunias are on my most hated list. Working at a annual nursery, guess what our #1 crop seems to be, petunias... So much deadheading! Creative ideas, but what a nightmare!

  16. Love it or Hate it, Petunias (obviously you're on the latter side). A definite mainstay of summer beddings :)

  17. AnonymousJuly 25, 2011

    Aw...petunias remind me of my grandmother, who grew the old fashioned purple ones....I grow a few of them every summer in her memory. But I think the operative word here is "a few"....Kelly in Oregon

  18. What's next, a bad word about Portulacas (the "moss roses" of my youth). I would actually defend both marigolds and petunias, but the species versions sold by Annie's Annuals, such as Petunia exserta and Tagetes erecta 'Cempoalxochitl'.

  19. Peter, really you do? I am now convinced it is a Cilantro like personal genetic thing. And omg yes! The stickiness is just freaky.

    Hoover, if only I could export it! You know I saw the same bites taken out of the Impatiens at the Chinese Garden, made me feel a little less pathetic.

    Nat, I feel your pain.

    Mark and Gaz, which side are you guys on?

    Kelly, all opinions, rules, and snide comments are put aside when there is a sentimental attachment to a plant that "makes" you grow it. I totally get that. Hope yours are doing well this year.

    Count T, uhm...actually Portulacas are "in" simply because I LOVE their name, although I've never grown them. Also I do get your defending the species Marigolds and Petunias, after all look at the pathetic Primroses sold at every flipping store in March compared to the "real" ones that are out there for those that care to dig deeper. I get it...I should have tempered my rant to strictly the $2.99 supermarket variety (although I am sure those have their defenders too they are on their own!).

  20. Spotted those topiaries from the freeway and thought "what the #%*+" without even being aware of the additional monstrosities.

  21. oh i think i need some of those forms in my yard. rad.

  22. Add me to the list of those who adore the scent of purple petunias! My nose betrayeth my aesthetics! Also, root weevil adults adore Impatiens omeiana, for what it's worth. I'm currently using Tanglefoot to capture them!

  23. Witholding judgement and comment here.

  24. AnonymousJuly 29, 2011

    We have lots of this in our town and I call it floral vomit!


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