Friday, January 17, 2025

The Bednarski and Pepper gardens, part of the '24 Garden Fling

The last time I visited Tanya Bednarksi's Seattle garden I ended the visit wondering about a neighboring garden across the street. This time (during the optional bonus day of the '24 Garden Fling) the neighbor's garden was part of the tour, and I spent a lot of time there, so I just made a quick zip around the Bednarksi garden. Afterall I had to wander in to gaze upon the playful clipped green balls and bright red glass spears. 

This tightly designed area is so fun to be in. I could never have a garden like this (so few plants), but it's a fantastic space.

At the opposite end of the long narrow front garden is this rectangular stone trough filled with water. There is also a sitting area I neglected to photograph.

From the back of the home there's an expansive view of Lake Washington and the tall buildings of downtown Bellevue, WA, in the distance.

On to the Pepper gardenmy last garden visit of the '24 Fling (I still have several gardens to write about though). I first saw this garden the same weekend (in June of '22) that I saw the Bednarski garden. 

You walk down this narrow breezeway...

And emerge in the back garden right on the shores of Lake Washington.

During my first visit (here) I was very focused on the water view. This visit I took my time getting there...

The fence that separates the garden from the rocky shore is new, put in place to keep marauding beavers out.

(I think this was the only time the rainbow chairs were empty during our visit)

The garden description in our Fling booklet says those bad beavers hauled off most of the garden's woody shrubs, roses and small trees—and I thought my raccoons were destructive!

The groundcover on the granite stairs was in full shocking pink bloom during my last visit, this time the stone itself was my focus.

The Pepper's were kind enough to let us eat lunch in their garden, so that's why we're all gathered up around the house.

The garden between the lawn and the water is designed as a pollinator meadow.
At last, that water!

The strip of plantings is small, but packs a colorful punch.

Finally two stone/cement planters that caught my eye. I really liked this one.

And I used to have one like this. I hauled it (and a much larger, much heavier one) with me on my moves from Spokane to Seattle, back to Spokane, then down to Portland, and finally gave it away to a friend here. I loved that thing, but it didn't really fit the style of my garden in Portland.

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All material © 2009-2025 by Loree L Bohl. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. I admit to bursting out a loud laugh at marauding beavers! But the destruction and pillaging you described is no laughing matter, I'd be ticked. Both these gardens are gorgeous, I love the granite stairs. I can't imagine having a view like that, I mean what an absolute dream.

    1. Seriously. That view might just keep me from being able to garden!

  2. Marauding beavers! I can't even imagine that. Our raccoons have been missing of late, just like the squirrels - it's weird, not that I actually miss them. Both of these gardens are beautiful. I love the splashes of color near the water's edge.

    1. Can you imagine walking out into your garden with a cup of coffee in hand to discover such destruction? A nightmare for sure.

  3. The rainbow chairs on the beach are my favorite part of this garden. Oh, and the breezeway too: pretty fantastic.

    1. Have you been? I can't remember if you attended the 2022 Study Weekend?

  4. These are both such pretty gardens, and so different in style and plant palette. I liked the beaver-proof fence too -- a creative solution that doesn't block views.

    1. They did a great job with the fence, but I was so enthralled with the barrier free version! I imagine the change was difficult.

  5. Whoa! Powering through the Fling! Wish I had the focus and time to commit, but my blogging may take a sideline for a while. Thanks for the distraction - loving all the color of the Pepper Garden.

    1. Well, I don't know if 3 posts is powering, but it was time to do a few. I still have so many to cover in the future. I hope everything is okay! ("my blogging may take a sideline for a while")


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