Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Wednesday Vignette; it's Halloween...

A vignette from the Lowry Eckerdt garden (part of the Salem Study Weekend tours of 2016)...

Even though this photo was taken on a sunny June day it had a  spooky quality to it, the skull of course, but the quality of light too...then I noticed the winged statue (?) in the background...

Hope you have a thrilling Halloween!

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Weather Diary, Oct 30: Hi 55, Low 46/ Precip .08"

Wednesday Vignettes are hosted by Anna at Flutter & Hum. All material © 2009-2018 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. Love it! Hope you have a Spooky Halloween!

  2. Great photo. Hope you have a great Halloween!

  3. Didn't notice the winged figure until you pointed it out, and now I can't stop looking at it.

  4. That winged creature was a suitably spooky addition. Happy Halloween, Loree!

  5. Happy Halloween - woo-oo-ooo!

  6. Happy Halloween! I didn't even notice the winged statue until you mentioned it. That is creepy and wonderful!

  7. Cool pictue. Happy Halloween!

  8. Spooky is good but don't let any goblins getcha!

  9. Indeed there is an odd color quality to this picture. Additionally, the flowers seem menacing; like they are ready to pounce... (and I have not been drinking:-D)

  10. What an eerie statue... I didn't see it at first either, until you pointed it out. It looks like those lilies are blooming happily underneath the grape arbor - that in itself is a little spooky! Perfect Halloween picture - we had TONS of kids come through this year. So much fun!
    ~Anna K


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