Monday, December 31, 2012

What the what?

No doubt there’s a good story here.

As we know, truth is often stranger than fiction, but since I don’t know the “truth” how about we make up some fiction? The winner gets…well…to be the winner. That should be good enough, right?

My theory is these are alien babies that need to incubate outside for the winter. Those multi-colored containers (modified satellite dishes) help them to communicate with the motherland.

Now it's your turn! (oh and iPhone pictures...they turned out a little blurry)


  1. 25 dogs had a tea party and used dirt as food?

  2. when a nieghbor complained about their yard or lack of it. the owners decided to use these since they had no flamingos.....

    1. Flamingos interspersed with the dishes would have been fun.

  3. Despite the fact I've not seen the movie, don't you recognize these as goblin tunnel covers?

    Web definition: "Goblins. A goblin is a small-size fairy creature, described as a grotesquely evil and somewhat related to the brownie and gnome."

    Watch out because these covers may soon show up in your garden, and the goblins could possibly steal your Yucca filmentosas to ferment their special holiday liquor.

    There is nothing worse than having 24 or so drunken goblins in your garden. Laura Munoz

  4. Oops! Forgot to mention what that movie would be.--Duh. It's "The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey". Laura

    1. I'm glad you added what movie you were talking about...and I think you're probably right! Twenty-four drunken goblins in the garden does sound like my worst nightmare!

  5. Congratulations to Portland on this brilliant installation by Christo! What a cutting edge city! Maybe they're keeping the rain out.

    1. I can see the insulating mats and even water hose..I just realized these are washtubs with handles and a cheap alternative to yes the plants are under there...a abit early I think you wil have to wait to see the plants

    2. Don't you think it's a little understated for Christo?

      And Sharon you know I'll be checking back come warmer weather to see if indeed there are plants under there.

  6. A modern art installation and there's a hidden camera secretly filming the reaction of people passing by...

    1. In that case I'm glad I didn't go over and lift one up like I wanted to! They are probably spring loaded anyway and I would have gotten a surprise in my face.

  7. The REAL secret of the Mayan calendar is hidden there.

  8. Be sure to let us know if you find out!

  9. sandy lawrenceDecember 31, 2012

    Just as puzzling as the 25 bowls, they each have a black plastic placemat ...

    1. Yep, they sit a tidy table, or er, garden.

  10. This is a timelapse photo of a prototype garden Roomba. Obviously it changes colors as it moves around (weeding? picking up debris?), which is a nice feature.

    1. Can you even imagine! (well I guess you can)...that would be fabulous!

  11. Here's my theory:
    They've been watching the owner of DANGER GARDEN walking the neighborhood taking snapshots of wonderful gardens. They've puzzled over this and thought about what it would take to get you to stop and take a photo of their garden. I think behind those windows are two chairs with happy people watching others stare in disbelief.
    Theory Two: Or it could be people growing lots of endive. The last phase of growing endive is to put it under dark tubs to make the leaflets tender. People from Belgium do this often.( BTW:so sorry I knew that...the plant nerd in me just couldn't it's true)
    Your blog is always so fun to visit. :0) David

    1. Oh but don't apologize, a plant nerd is a good thing to be! Endive huh? Very interesting...

  12. Last night at the party, the garden gnomes misunderstood BYOB as Bring Your Own Bucket and now they are sleeping it off under their buckets. So, whatever you do, don’t kick the bucket.

    1. I love it! Of course now I want to take a little garden gnome down there and stick it in the garden, maybe with another one half under the cover.

  13. Interesting. I think the aliens were playing a game of checkers!!!!

  14. Can I vote for Laura's version?! Laughing so hard right now! cheers, Jenni

  15. Obviously, there are agave hiding under each of those pots (being protected from the rain!) and your neighbors are about to install a desert garden that will make everyone green with envy!

    Or if not, there is some other plant under there, that needs more heat - hence the black plastic and insulating cover!

    1. Naturally that was my first thought (since I'm always thinking about agaves!) but with no light (I've walked past this installation a couple of times now) they aren't going to live long. And besides they are so short. Curiouser and borrow a phrase from Scott.

  16. Now this really bothers me.
    This is the third one of these I've seen, and they're all almost exactly alike. A friend of mine in New York sent me a photo of one, taken from a different angle, but I swear it's the same thing. Same colors and everything.
    I know there's one in Missouri because I sent the link to this page to her and she said she'd seen one there, too.
    I wonder if there are more. This must mean something.

    1. Oh no! We've discovered an alien plot to take over our what do we do?

  17. Ha ha! Sharon beat me to it. I thought it looked like a dogs party too.

    1. No doubt you ladies are on to something. It does look like a kids birthday party, only for the 4-legged types.

  18. This is a new and innovative way to add a little color to your front yard without all that messy gardening.

  19. Mayan calendar, Portland style?

    1. Careful, next thing you know Portlandia is going to be filming there. Wait...maybe they already have?

  20. I'm so totally stumped by this. We need you to get your Nancy Drew on!


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