Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Digs Inside & Out expands and Yucca rostrata alert! Shopping tips for my fellow Portlanders…

Last week I did a little shopping foot-work so you could reap the benefits…

Have you heard that Digs Inside & Out on Alberta Street has expanded? It’s true! My friend JJ (yes, my travel partner for the recent trip to California) has taken over the space next door to her shop and now has basically twice the square footage…that means more fabulous things!

More marvelous garden things…

More colorful things…

More fun things…

And of course more plants…
And speaking of plants you all surely know how much I love a good Yucca rostrata (and think everyone should have multiples in their garden), so I have to share the deal I discovered at Portland Nursery on Stark. Huge double Yucca rostrata’s…
For $49.99! (I know it’s not $19.99 but these are big!)…
I didn’t dig deep enough to see if it’s actually two plants which you could separate, or if it’s one that is branched. I was afraid if I got too close I’d accidently pick one up and carry it to the cash register.
So what are you waiting for? Go shopping already!


  1. JJ's got lots of great pots there...must visit soon! I adore those baby head planters, too. And those Y. rostrata...ohhhhh I WANT one, but I must be good and plant what I have first or the Mulch Man will be convinced I need medication. But I have a gift card for PN when I'm done!!!!

  2. Digs looks like my kind of place. Love the creative and wonderful displays, those metal boxes especially nice.

    Not into the doll head thing, it's been popular around here for a while too.

    Great deal on the Rostrata too, about the same price as here.

    1. I always thought we probably pay more for largish Y. rostrata up here because of the shipping.

  3. Sweeeeet!!!! Time to start planning my next road trip... Smart, sharp design sense, playful colors - but I'm with Shirley - doll heads creep me out~

    1. Oh yes I think you could do a lot of damage at Digs Lorene, so much fun stuff...just don't look at the doll heads. Let me know when you're headed this way!

  4. My eye spies head planters: squee! Yes please. Creepy is good in my book. Yeah!

    1. Haha, I had no idea the heads would be so divisive! I guess you love 'em or you hate 'em.

  5. If your fellow Portlanders don't pick up those yuccas, they are crazy!!!

    1. Agreed, and I may have had an ulterior motive in posting about them, you see if everyone buys them before I go back there then I won't be tempted!

    2. Good call! I can understand that one. I find myself nursery hopping every weekend. It is an expensive hobby.

  6. What a great store! Even crumpy me, who doesn't like nick-knacky things too much, would find stuff there. And I'm not even talking about the plants, which are cool in their own right.

    Re: Yucca rostrata. I've never seen a branched specimen. I tend to think there are two separate plants in these pots. (Yucca thompsoniana branches, and it looks very similar.)

    1. Oh yes I think you definitely would end up with a few things at Digs!

      Really you've never seen a branched Y. rostrata for sale? I thought when they bloomed they then tended to branch? Of course these are a bit small to have bloomed but I thought maybe it may be the result of some sort of "manipulation" to get a double trunk going...

  7. I was so tempted to visit on that opening week. Drat it's tax month...

    1. First day was 20% off...can you believe I didn't buy anything? Me neither...

  8. So many empty storefronts around town, it is good to see Digs moving in the other direction. Of course that success is well-earned and you are doing your part to spread the word. Now it is up to us to do our part and GO There! BUY STUFF!

  9. Ok, here's a fun trick...
    move your cursor over this post as fast as you can for a magical (colorful!) mystery tour!! Hee, hee! All of that great color makes me a bit dizzy! Great post, Loree!! Thank you!

  10. O.K. Diggs looks amazing! I see many fun things I would like to have so on my next trip to Portland I'm there and I'll bring my girlfriend that's a gardener that lives close by! Diggs is reminding me of Flora Grubb in San Francisco a bit...did you visit Flora Grubb on your recent trip?

    On a different note, I am nominating you for the Versatile Blogger Award! Check out my blog to see the details of this award. I don't know if you are familiar with it already but yours is one of my favorite blogs so I wanted to nominate you! I look forward to seeing more form Danger Garden!

    1. I did visit Flora Grubb and I thought the same thing when I went to see the expanded shop. It's wonderful to be in a space that has so much color energy. And thank you so much for the honor!!!

  11. Looks like a great shop and I love the tillandsia's! The frame against the wood with tillandsia inside is so awesome!

  12. They have loads of cool looking stuff there, and I want a few of those doll heads, looks so quirky! The double headed Yucca rostratas seems good value and should romp away once planted out, I don't think they're as slow growing as they're reputed to be.

    1. Speaking of the Y. rostrata and their growth speed now that the Rhody is gone our big rostrata is looking super tall, I need to dig up a couple of pictures from when we first planted it. What I really should do is measure how tall it is now for future comparison. Have you guys done that?

  13. I so dig that store! Great items in there.

    1. So what you're saying is that you dig Digs? (hehe)

  14. Too bad you can't make a living touring great nurseries and gardens...been telling myself that all spring! I need to replace a once-8-9' tall, perfect Yucca rostrata that had it's roots severed by me due to some work nearby...am bummed.....it was the first plant that thrived there in that rocky ground, after the failure of a crape myrtle and a texas mountain laurel. At $49, that is not a bad deal! (wish what I needed was only 3x that)

    1. If you could I would be rich!

      Damn, I think I would have cried. Is it a crispy goner? I know I've heard of many people buying these unrooted, is there no chance it might reroot if given a little TLC?

  15. Love the brightly-colored pots...maybe I'll have to venture up to Alberta someday soon :-)

    1. I'm trying to think if I've ever seen a photo of a plant in a pot in your garden. Besides the stock tank I don't think I have.

  16. Oh man, why didn't you take me here when I visited Portland last summer? (Heh, I know why -- we were too busy visiting other cool places.) BTW, those look like my new lime-green circle chairs in one of the last photos.


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