Friday, June 23, 2023

Fourteen years later, we have a step

Back in 2007 when we had the wall surrounding the patio built (hired out) and put in the patio (oh so painstakingly done ourselves) we factored in steps down from the back lawn, inline with the paver walkway (project photo below, a bit of a patio recap post here).

What we didn't consider was that we'd also want to step up to the shade pavilion (which was completed later, in 2009). No steps meant stepping up over that wall that's 15" taller than the patio. Not an issue for my 6ft 2in husband, but 5ft 4 in me (usually carrying something heavy and plant related) found it a little tiring. It wasn't such a big deal for the first few years decade, but year 11, 12, 13....and I was asking begging Andrew to build a step (photo from last summer)...

Earlier this spring that dream came true! A nice, wide, stable (after a little fine-tuning) step...

And not just any step either, but one that fits in nicely with the garden aesthetic.

Shiny metal? ✔ Circles? ✔

Circles seem to be a theme, and you know I live a nice shiny metal stock tank, or trash can lid.

Circle planters, repurposed pizza screen circle, scrap metal with circle cut-outs ... you get the picture.

Stepping down onto the patio was sometimes a bit treacherous too, if it was wet or icy and slippery. No more! 

Of course I had to add plants, to make it look like it belonged.

I'm thinking maybe two or three more (plants) and I'll be done...

To receive danger garden posts by email, subscribe here. All material © 2009-2023 by Loree L Bohl. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude. 


  1. AnonymousJune 23, 2023

    I'm blown away at the transformation of your garden since 2007. The magnolia and palm trees were still babies... and the name Shade Shack, not as elegant as pavilion, but fun and sentimental.
    Hooray for Andrew for coming through, as one knew he eventually would, with flying (and stylish) colours.
    Happy wife, happy life.

    1. It's a whole different world out there now! 2007 was a long time ago. You need to come visit in person someday...

  2. Nicely done! I love that it picks up on your circle theme. Your patio looks ready to sit and enjoy - the only question is: how often do you actually sit?

    1. Actually I am pretty good at sitting in the garden. I love being out there and being surrounded by my plants.

  3. That is perfect. Nothing like a handy partner with similar taste.

    1. Or maybe a partner who knows my taste and wanted to work with it? I don't think he would have done something quite like this if it were completely up to him.

  4. Is there anything Andrew CANNOT do????!?!

  5. Great job - building steps is a pain and I never get it right when it comes to the tread. I plan to re-work some of my steps this year.

    1. Your steps are the real deal Phillip! This (as wonderful as it is) doesn't compare the complexity of what you've built.

  6. Your backyard keeps getting better. It is lush, comfortable and incredibly inviting. I am definitely having green envy.

    1. Ah, thanks Sheila. I do love it, wish you could visit!

  7. Sometimes these little projects take the longest. We are (hopefully) getting to a perimeter wall for our back patio after only waiting 20 years. The step is all the more important because of your ankle injury. As always you dress things up perfectly. Fits your aesthetic like a glove. Well done Andrew!

    1. The fact that it can be moved out of the way if need be really does fit with the ankle injury. I needed a clear open spot for my stupid knee scooter, if the step had been in place then it would have been even harder to get down to the patio level.

  8. AnonymousJune 25, 2023

    Eventually you will want a rail to hold. You have time to ponder that one.

    1. True words. I wonder if we'll still be here then?

  9. Oh, hell yes to the new step!

  10. Looking good. Now you can ascend and descend with ease and grace!


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