Wednesday, August 10, 2022

A November stroll through Seaside Gardens

As the title suggests, it was November—Nov 20th 2021 to be exact—and I was just north of Los Angeles, CA. I'd been set free with a rental car and a full day to myself to explore and get into trouble. Seaside Gardens in Carpinteria was my final stop of the day. The sun was low, and I was a little low too, after all, I was headed back to Portland and a wet winter very the next day. I savored every moment I had in their exquisite display gardens.

This was my second visit to Seaside Gardens, this time I was prepared, knowing just how amazing their gardens were since I walked them back in 2016.

Agave gypsophila 'Ivory Curls'

Most of these images will be sans (without) plant names, unless I happened to snap a shot of a label.

Aloe 'Hercules', a tree aloe

Abromeitiella Brevifolia/Deuterocohnia brevifolia, whatever you want to call this crazy terrestrial bromeliad I love it.

Cyphostemma juttae, at the front

Xanthorrhoea preissii, Western Australian grass tree

Pedilanthus bracteatus, tall slipper plant

I loved this next mash-up of exotic (to me, leucadendron) and not so exotic (kniphofia), not to mention orange and pink. A color combination I struggle with...


Kniphofia and leucadendron


And then of course, there is the ruler of them all, the protea. This one Protea 'Pink Ice'... 

Leucadendron 'Ebony'

Leucadendron argenteum (Silver Tree) with a yellow-flowered strelitzia, bird of paradise.

Banksia spinulosa

Banksia paludosa

Russelia equisetiformis

Rhopalostylis sapida

With just a few minutes left before they closed I quickly dashed around the sales area.

Adenanthos sericeus, commonly known as woolly bush.

Such a great plant that I wish I could grow.

Oh! A pyrrosia...

And a ginormous staghorn fern...

If you find yourself in Carpinteria, California, you'll definitely want to visit Seaside Gardens!

All material © 2009-2022 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. November is the perfect time to visit Seaside, no longer hot and (usually) refreshed by the first rainy days of the season. I probably won't get there again until sometime in October or November myself. If I don't visit at least 2x a year I suffer from withdrawal pains.

    1. I'd make that trip a couple times a year as well. It's a nursery and botanical garden all in one!

  2. Tee aloes and grass trees and plants that look like rocks. Oh my!

  3. What a stunning garden! I'm glad you had a chance to visit it again. A lot of amazing photos: the "crazy" terrestrial bromeliad (a living pet rock!), the Kniphofia and leucadendron combo is wild, and the Banksia paludosa... such great blooms, although the seed pods are even better!

  4. The plants look insanely happy in that wonderful climate. Strong ocean influence--the Leucadendrons in particular look soooooo happy!

    Nothing like a happy plant, eh?

    I wish I could grow Adenanthos sericeus, too. Killed it. Twice.

    Thanks! Always enjoy seeing photos of that place.

  5. The first time I saw strelitzia or protea was visiting family in South Africa. I don't know how but whenever I see them now I have a weird feeling of homesickness.


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