Monday, May 13, 2019

For your viewing pleasure...

I was emailing recently with Pamela Koide-Hyatt, owner of Bird Rock Tropicals, and she shared a link to a San Diego PBS program called A Growing Passion.

Nan Sterman hosts the (just under) 30 minute episodes and one called The Beautiful Bromeliad recently aired. The image below is a screenshot I took from the episode, it's Pamela's display garden at the World Bromeliad Conference which took place in San Diego in 2018...

Nan attended the conference and shares some drool-worth bromeliads. In addition to coverage of the conference there's a short a tour of Bird Rock Tropicals and a look at a San Diego area garden with lots of bromeliads. It's a fun show.

Oh and you know those Guzmania (aka the supermarket, or mall, bromeliad) that all seem to bloom at the same time? It's because they're gassed!!! Seriously. I had no idea. Watch the video here.

Weather Diary, May 12: Hi tbd, Low tbd/ Precip tbd

All material © 2009-2019 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. Wow! Thanks so much for the link to this show. I didn't even know it existed, and this episode about Bromeliads looks interesting, I took a quick look st the beginning. I met Nan Sterman briefly at the Seattle Fling (I don't think she's been to any others, has she?) and sometimes I see her videos on YouTube. I'm off to watch the rest of the show. Also I shouldn't be surprised that supermarket Broms are gassed to get them to bloom, given how many plants are treated with all kinds of other things like hormones to keep them small. Those tricky growers are almost worse than politicians.

    1. I knew I'd met Nan at a Fling, but I couldn't have told you which one. Must have been Seattle. Hope you enjoy the show, I've watched a few others that included garden tours and liked them.

  2. This was terrific and very educational show. I am in owe at the patience of the hybrider; I can hardly wait for my newly planted bulbs to bloom. The garden featured at the end of the show was astonishing and must give you a ton of ideas.

    1. If only I lived in a climate where I could leave these plants out year-round!

  3. It looks like a painting! I've saved the episode of A Growing Passion for review.

  4. Don’t you love learning something unexpected and quirky like the gassing info!


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