Monday, February 13, 2023

Turkey tails aren't always where you think they'll be

I don't think they qualify as turkey tails when they're this big, I want to call this shelf fungus/aka bracket fungus. It was as hard as a rock.

These however are turkey tails! "Trametes versicolor; the top surface of the cap shows typical concentric zones of different colors, and the margin is always the lightest. It commonly grows in tiled layers in groups or rows on logs and stumps of deciduous trees, and is common in North America." (source)

These are all at Elk Rock Garden, I paid another visit recently.

Later that same afternoon I stopped to poke around at Metalwood Salvage.. I was rather shocked to see these turkey tails growing from a tape-wrapped wooden handle...

Crazy! I almost bought the shears just to be able to watch what happens on the handle.

All material © 2009-2023 by Loree L Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. When I find little turkey tails in my garden I jump with joy (on the inside). Any mushrooms, really, wherever they appear puts me in a very good mood.
    Growing out of the taped handle is indeed crazy, but if you didn't by the shears, you must have bought something else...

    1. Ha, yes, I did by a couple of things for an upcoming sale I'm participating in. More Upcycle & Plant creations in the future...

  2. Their appearance on the shears is odd to be sure. I've seen more turkey tails here this winter too but perhaps that's a byproduct of all the rain we've had this season.

  3. Those are gorgeous they way they just spill down. I wonder if there is something in the tape or what it does to the handle that makes a good growing medium.

    1. I've never seen them on anything but wood so I was quite surprised they didn't seem to mind the tape.


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