Monday, October 31, 2022

It's Halloween...

Wednesday and Addam—our favorite skeleton flamingos—arrived right on time, but this year they brought a friend.

He's a rather thin fellow, I was kind of worried about him—but it seems like he's up for a good time.

None of the trio seem to mind the cold or the rain that's descended upon us, at least not like I do...

A spooky Halloween to you!

All material © 2009-2022 by Loree L Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. Those flamingoes are great. I've never seen any like that before. FYI: Typepad is doing some kind of upgrade/changover and I have not been able to get on it since last Thursday. I am beyond frustrated. Hoping it didn't crash forever.

    1. Oh no! I've been on vacation (NYC) so not reading many blogs, but I hope you are back at it by the time I resume.

  2. I love those flamingos. Happy Halloween!

  3. Yes, Happy Halloween! Fun decorations!

  4. Ha ha, I love these. Do the flamingos glow in the dark? Happy Halloween 🎃

  5. Their annual appearance. Glad they brought their friend too. Perfect weather for spooky trick or treating. Happy Halloween.

  6. Scary...


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