Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Wednesday Vignette, the garden is behind you silly

This WV comes from the Scripter garden, a stop on the 2019 GB Fling. While everyone else was admiring the Lauren Springer Ogden designed prairie meadow behind me, I was lost in the patina and geometry of this scene...

Don't worry, I'll share proper garden shots tomorrow.

Weather Diary, Aug 27: Hi 98 (a new record for the day), Low 58/ Precip 0

Wednesday Vignettes are hosted by Anna at Flutter & Hum. All material © 2009-2019 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. That is lovely. Looking forward to your full post on the garden.

    1. Unfortunately I didn't spend much time out in the meadow...but I still got some great (I think) shots of the garden I'm excited to share.

  2. A cooling place to sit and relax.......yes we want to see the rest of the garden !!! :)

    1. Ha, you know what. I should have actually sat down there. What was I thinking?

  3. That sea-green color is one of my favorites and, in fact, is an element in the quartz we plan to use for our kitchen counters. My husband has no complaint - he's red-green color blind so it looks like a shade of brown to him.

    1. I can't imagine what it is like to be color blind. I guess he probably can't imagine what it is like to see those colors.

  4. A great vignette. I can see why you found it attractive.

    1. Now I'm wondering why I didn't sit down and try it out.

  5. Rust and peeling paint and old metal bits catch my eye as much as any plant, so that's a perfect scene for me.

  6. Wasn't that the best. I kept looking for the bid box. Good stuff there--in addition to the garden and bug spray.

  7. Oh, I like that old door... And I do appreciate the order and the green color echo throughout - the cushions and the glass. Just like you to pick up on something like that! Like Alison, I'm looking forward to seeing that post, too. I have one of her books.

    1. We were supposed to meet Lauren Springer Ogden the first day of the Fling, at the The Gardens on Spring Creek, in Fort Collins. Sadly she wasn't able to make it an injury (knee I think) that required surgery.

  8. The great thing about Fling posts is that there are always things I didn't see. I was probably out there in that meadow along with everyone else !I need to upgrade my observation skills.

    1. Unless you were hiding from the mosquitoes?

  9. Looks like something staged for a home beautiful magazine. Very minimalistic.


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