Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Wednesday Vignette, our chimney garden

It had been awhile since I'd thought to look up and check on the sedum that planted itself on our chimney some 6 or 7 years ago.

I was thrilled to see it's doing fine, despite never getting a bit of summer water and just generally being ignored. Go sedum!

Weather Diary, April 16: Hi 61, Low 46/ Precip .03"

Wednesday Vignettes are hosted by Anna at Flutter & Hum. All material © 2009-2019 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. Nice! Maybe THAT'S where I need to plant my sedum, to give it a chance to survive. Better yet - take out all that old, ratty composite tile, and install a sedum roof. A girl can dream, right?

  2. Fab! I love your chimney sedum. I keep thinking I should plant a couple of succulents into the nooks and crannies of the stone-like towers around my garden gate, but I worry they might not get enough water in the summer (as in none, cause I won't water them). Maybe I should just try it.

  3. The Sedum I plant in the ground generally don't do that well!

  4. Wow, I need to pay attention to that this weekend :-)

  5. It is like those Hens and Chicks you see growing on roofs in the U.K.

  6. That will be sure to keep the witches away from your door.

  7. I wonder how it got up there? Stray seed perhaps?

  8. That is awesome. Sedums are hardy little plants, aren't they?

  9. I love volunteer plants! Yours are delightful.


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