Tuesday, May 14, 2013

More from downtown Portland…

For lunch on my second day of jury duty I decided to visit the Portland Waterfront and see what the plantings look like in the springtime, since I only ever seem to visit them in the fall. However because this is plant happy Portland I was immediately distracted en-route and started snapping photos long before reaching my destination, sometimes I am just so darn happy to live here.

That substantial old 3-armed Cordyline is out front of this building...

Which has a planted up, secured, courtyard.

Way up top of this building vines are being encouraged along a metal framework.

The building doesn't appear to be new, I wonder if the plantings are?

This wall of plantings had me crossing the street to check it out.

Looks like an events space maybe?

Closer to the waterfront I spied this gorgeous hosta...

And the biggest acanthus leaves I'd ever seen!

I should have got my hand in there for scale.

Over in that bark mulched wasteland...

Is the saddest little loquat ever!

The waterfront...

And the first planting circle, still looking a little empty in places.

But not in others.

Heading towards the other planting.

With it's happy gunnera.

Does anyone know the name of this euphorbia?

This Melianthus major looks a little disheveled.

That euphorbia again.

Another plant I'd love to get i.d. on, if you know.

Okay lunch is over, time to head back to the court house...

All material © 2009-2013 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.


  1. Thanks for this great look at the waterfront park. I've been trying to decide if it is worth a look when we visit. We might end up taking more or less the same walk you did.

    1. I think walking down to waterfront park would be a lively thing to do while you're here...also make sure you walk south enough to see the Riverplace park plantings too.

  2. I want to rescue that loquat!!

  3. Obviously, jury duty has its up side. That Euphorbia is one that seeds around to migrate through a garden. Sorry, though: I acquired it before I started paying attention to anything more specific that "Euphorbia", and thought I was pretty hot s**t for knowing that much.

    1. It was nice to get out and feel like a fancy downtown'er again...but truth be told I'm glad to not have ended up on the 2-week trial I almost got on. Maybe in January but not in May!

      I remember those days (mine not yours) where the majority of the info was lost on me. Now I'm working on not just the name but where it's from (to make my husband happy).

  4. Another wonderful downtown walk! I have that euphorbia and I think it came from Plant Delights but their catalog doesn't list it. Forgot the name. I'm curious about your other mystery plant as well!

    1. Wow how rude of me, looks like I didn't reply to your comment yesterday! I do think M&G called the other mystery plant with their Billbergia i.d.

  5. What's the deal with those wires through the gunnera? Fencing? Drip-line? It's funky whatever it is (not in a good way).

    1. You know I completely ignored them as I was talking pictures...crazy! Looking through all the photos I think it might be a "stay out" sort of thing, also acting as a support for lazy leaves.

  6. Hi Loree, the plant you want ID'd is Billbergia nutans 'Variegata', its one of the hardier bromeliads around and used to sail through winters fine outside in our garden. I reckon it'll do well in your garden :)

    It's nice to see snippets of Portland and the public plantings which are not too far off from what you can see here. So looking forward to seeing them in the flesh....

    1. I think you called it with the Billbergia! I wanted to say it was a bromeliad but didn't want to get anyone thinking down that road if I was wrong. Now I'm on the hunt!!!

      (can't wait for you guys to actually be in Portland!!!)

  7. I'm pretty sure the Euphorbia is 'Chameleon.' I have it too and it seeds all over the place. I don't mind though. The variegated beauty I believe is Tradescantia variegata.

    I had to do a double take and wipe my eyes because I thought I saw a flower with shades of PINK. What? On Loree's blog? The queen of poky plants? :) This has to be a first, Loree. Now come on. You have to admit they are pretty.

    1. Yes judging by the photos on the google monster you're right about the Euphorbia...I think I could handle the seeding, maybe I'll be on the look out. The other one though, I think Mark & Gaz called it (above)...but I looked up the Tradescantia and it looks like a fabulous plant. As for the pink right now I'm having to deal with a HUGE pink flowering Echium in the middle of my orange accented back garden. It's killing me!!!

    2. What is the gorgeous lime green plant behind the Euphorbia, they look so good together!

  8. fifi la fontaineMay 14, 2013

    Love your landscaping tours as always.

    I've seen those Honda Civic-sized gunneras around town and wonder how old they have to be to get to that size. I look forward to mine getting that enormous...and same with my acanthus!

    1. I am soaking my gunnera right now...poor thing is so thirsty. I think that's a big part of having them grow HUGE. As for the acanthus a mild winter certainly helps.

  9. AnonymousMay 15, 2013

    The euphorbia is Euphorbia dulcis 'Chameleon' as someone has already noted. I was excited to grow this plant but my excitement soon waned. Not only does it seed around like crazy, in the end I personally found it had a very limited time where it looked "good" in the garden.

  10. Zonal DenialJune 12, 2013

    Ditto on E dulcis 'Chameleon' -- looks great for a month, then gets powdery mildew and goes to pieces.


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